No one is this nice right, do you think she has a motive?
2 years ago I met a guy in my class and we clicked and became good friends. We were both in serious relationships at the time and didn’t want to date each other. We’d hang out once a month and keep in touch after the quarter ended. I was friends with him about a year until he said he couldn’t be my friend because his gf didn’t like it.
Since then, I never heard from him. Then I get a Facebook request from his gf on Facebook in November. I thought she hated me but she said that she never hated me and that her bf lied about our friendship together. Since then, she’s always trying to start conversation chats with me and trying to give me advice. She’s taken a big interest in my new boyfriend and always commenting on our pictures saying overly nice things like “Oh my gosh you guys are so cute together, I love it!!!” I’m not sure if anyone is THIS nice or if she is being fake.
One time my status was “I feel sick” and she put up a long paragraph on “Oh sweety you just work too hard and push yourself because you’re very dedicated. Just get some rest and you’ll feel all better!”
I’m just wondering why she comments on all of my pics with my new boyfriend saying how cute and wonderful we look. How beautiful I am and all that. It’s kind of creepy that she’s being super nice.
Do you think she has a motive? A part of me thinks that she wants to make sure I keep away from her boyfriend still after all this time. She claims she is sorry to have ruined our friendship and wants us to be friends but I still don’t talk to her boyfriend as a friend lol.
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12 Answers
It sounds fishy.
At first blush I thought maybe it was him lurking as her and trying to stay connected.
As I think about it more however, I am unsure on that approach.
It is certainly odd for a person you really do not know to make comments like that.
One approach would be unfriend her as there really is no value in it.
Another approach would be to be very wary and see how it goes.
Be careful to not get sucked into anything as it already seems to have caused you some concern.
Working this through in real life versus social networks would be my best recommendation.
I haven’t even talked to my old friend ( her bf) in 2 years LOL but it’s been 10 months since she has friended me and nothing bad has happened. I think maybe she just wants to keep track of my life because she may be secretly jealous?
Edit: I really need to fully read the details lol. But that is suspicious.
@chelle21689 you can only control you. Don’t burden yourself with the thought that someone else may be jealous or whatever of you. Focus on your life and all you can do with the people IN your life now.
trust your gut. I don’t understand why you accepted her friend request. That would make me feel creepy right there.
The other day she put a <3 :) on my wall lol. I didn’t delete her because it’s been 10 months and nothing bad has happened.
Are you waitng for something bad to happen?
You don’t really know her. Why not defriend her? Then she can’t see your wall posts and pictures and comment.
So you don’t know this woman who is the girlfriend of your now ex-friend, and she is inserting herself into your Facebook life which you find creepy. Yes, she has a motive. I have no idea what it is, and there is no point in speculating.
Either let her know that her interaction on FB is making you uncomfortable and plan on un-friending her, or just de-friend and block her so that she cannot stalk you. And one question: are you FB friends. One question though…are you FB friends with the guy?
It sounds to me like she’s playing the “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” card. She might not have a motive and could really be sorry, but why couldn’t she just apologize for her behavior and move on?
Give it time. See where it goes.
If you haven’t even spoken to her boyfriend in two years, I don’t see why she would be trying anything weird now. Maybe she’s complimenting your new relationship to make you more confident in it because she thinks you’re still interested in her boyfriend? Or maybe she just is nice and thinks you seem cool and wants to be friends. I mean if you hadn’t spoken to her previously, you don’t know what she’s like except for how she’s presenting herself now.
It probably won’t hurt to be friendly to her, but if you’re feeling a bit apprehensive, make sure you don’t tell her anything (or post anything she can see) that you wouldn’t want her knowing assuming that the worst is true.
It’s sad that we’ve gotten to the point where we’re automatically suspicious of people being nice and friendly. :\
Keep up your end; if she’s faking, she’ll break eventually.
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