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blueiiznh's avatar

What is something you forgot once that you will more than likely never forget again?

Asked by blueiiznh (16703points) August 31st, 2011

We all have things that we try to remember and somehow forget.
Then something or some event forever ingrains it into our memory.

What is that something you forgot once that you will more than likely never forget again?
What event created that to be “frozen in carbonite” for you?

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25 Answers

Blackberry's avatar

To pay a bill.

Keep_on_running's avatar

A not so grand example, but I was baking a cake once for a friend and realized when it came out of the oven I’d forgotten the baking powder. Let’s just say the texture was equivalent to that of a rubber bouncy ball. Never again.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Where I put the keys. Six months later, they were discovered in a rain coat pocket. They are now always put in the same spot.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Watching out for ice on the steps of the office and watching the temperature outside. A shattered collarbone and a concussion help remind you.

Judi's avatar

My husband forgot to put the landing gear down once. You can bet I never forget to look for those three green lights anymore.

marinelife's avatar

I forgot that my friend’s children were not adopted, but were done by artifiical insemination. And I kept talking to her about adoption.

It was so embarrassing.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh, and the other thing is to call your doctor first to see what they reccommend. Don’t drive 25 miles and show up at their office. The Dr they referred me to was in the same village as our office.

ucme's avatar

To check & maintain the brakes on my bicycle.
“Owww, my feet aren’t slowing me down much!! Oh dear, this is going to hurt, hello hedge!” THUD!!

mazingerz88's avatar

Use of condoms, seriously.

tinyfaery's avatar

Let’s just say, I will never run out of gas again. Never.

Blackberry's avatar

@tinyfaery Oh man….ouch, what happened?

nebule's avatar

I forgot to take my son’s diapers/nappies out with me on a day trip once…:-/

Blueroses's avatar

Canned foods, good beer and wine are great things to bring on a camping trip… but only if you remember to bring a can/bottle opener and corkscrew.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blueroses Or if not a can opener, James Bond’s nemesis, Richard Kiel?

AmWiser's avatar

I can’t remember…so if it’s not attached to my physical body it is subject to being forgotten. Sad, I know:=(

KateTheGreat's avatar

My wig, in the morning. ~

My cell phone. I once went on a road trip, forgot my cell phone, and had to hitchhike to a gas station. Not the best thing ever.

rebbel's avatar

My age.
Two years ago my ex-girlfriend came to visit me, with her two children.
When the visit ended the kids wanted me to come down with them, to the playground, to play a bit with them.
I did this.
Only on a bar that was six feet high, so I had to jump-pull myself on it first.
I was twenty five kilos heavier then (115) so when I landed on the bar I bruised a rib.
Of course I ‘didn’t feel nothing’ and continued my summer saulting as if all was okay…
That ff-ing hurts like hell, by the way…, for weeks.

stardust's avatar

I can choose to have exactly the kind of life I want.
I forgot that once.

GladysMensch's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Lemme get this straight… After a hard day of tireless labor, you were exiting your office, and found yourself, without warning, and through no fault of your own, slipping and eventually falling onto hard and unforgiving steps that had been covered with a frozen viscous fluid. Tragically, the gross negligence of your employer allowed for the perilous sheet to remain an unsalted deathtrap for innocent passerby. Certainly, the pain is excruciating, but that’s nothing compared to your dashed dreams of one day completing a marathon in honor of your dearest “gram gram”. I’m sure that the only way you could possible carry-on is with a meager compensation of no less than 2.3 million dollars.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

To “Trust but verify”.

tinyfaery's avatar

@Blackberry I ran out of gas in the summer, in central CA (I5). It was about 105F and it took 3 hours to get service. I had to pee on the side of the freeway because I couldn’t hold it any longer. Never again.

Berserker's avatar

My keys. Last time I forgot them, I had to break into my own place through the bedroom window. I got snow all over my bed.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@GladysMensch There’s only one problem with your plan. The asshole employer was me. I was working for myself.

Nullo's avatar

I used to not floss my teeth with anything approaching regularity. I ended up needing a root canal, and about halfway through the ordeal was informed that, had I flossed properly, I could have avoided the whole business if I had been more diligent in my flossing.
Guess what I do every night before bed.


Getting into a physical scuffle a second time.

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