Girlie, just for your sweet self, we’ve rigged up a giant 20 gallon colostomy bag filled with Margaritas! So get out your specimen jar and have a little drinky poo.
We’ve also scoured the countryside to find a few of the hottest (looking) and most talented doctors that specialize in conditions of the bowel and we’ve brought them here to give you a “private and fun filled” examination before you settle in.
We’ve got your room all set up with every conceivable medical device that you might need while you’re here, but we tried to make it look all gorgeous and spectacular kind of like this. See, you can’t even see any of the monitors or alarm systems because we’ve discreetly hidden them into the design work.
We knew your mom would want to come along too, but both of you need your own space and mom needs a little bit of pampering and TLC, so we’ve set her up in an adjoining room, but we gave her room a little bit more traditional style. We’ve also set her up with a gourmet “cooking for patients with bowel disease” class, and a pedicure and a hot rock massage and bunch of other activities that she can choose from.
We’ve also installed a personalized college lecture-style classroom complete with stadium style seating, computer monitors built into the desks, headphones and a full wall sized instruction “tablet” for the teachers, and special areas for hospital-style beds to be able to be moved in an out when needed, and we’ve invited all of your classmates to attend school, here at the mansion. We’ve got fantastic dorm rooms set up for any and all of them that want to come. And we’ve wooed some of the best college professors across the country to come to the mansion to give you and your friends your four year’s worth of schooling and the professors will get credit for taking a sabbatical and then writing about it.
All of us including @incediarydan, @josie, @Jleslie, @yarnlady, @adirondackwannabe, @sarahhh, @crisw, @earthgirl, @marinelife, @hawaiijake, @wundyatta, and @Coloma and many more have gotten together to throw you and your mom and introductory potluck luncheon. I unfortunatley, have absolutely no concept of math or calculus and so I ended up making 10,000 gallons of potato salad instead of 10lbs. My bad.
After we all wait a half an hour after we eat, we will take you to the indoor pool (that is heated above 88 degrees) and you will get a series of swimming lessons from the yummy American Olympic gold medalist Cullen Jones
Then we’ll have a jaunty singalong (with strange lyrics that we never quite understand) and stories by the campfire and you will come to know that the moral of this story is: when you’re a fantastic person like @Mariah, people will flock to you and love you! You are loved, dearie!