Anyone have a teacher that they absolutely knew was out to get them?
So being the bored and lazy creature I am, I decided to flip through my yearbooks, when I came across my eighth grade English teacher. This old lady HATED me. There were several times that I recieved a 0 on an assignment for not turning it in which I did and I found several of these assignments in her waste bin. So anyone else have a story about an evil teacher they’re willing to share?
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Yes. But after a few months I noticed they just wanted the best from me. I mean I was a really lazy kid. I did not do my homework that often. I was always talking in the class. etc etc.
A few teachers did a coalition against me and I had to prove to them I was better than this. We end up with an agreement. I would not ruin the class for the rest of my colleagues and they won’t “bother” me. I was a good kid and I did not need to learn at home because even if I was a loud mouth I remembered more than 60% from the lesson [when I was not paying attention in class].
I can’t really say they were evil teachers because I was a brat. But it was nice to have some sort of “special treatment” from them. I always had different homeworks and when we were getting grades I had to respond more than the rest. Even so I had mostly 8 and 9 [that’s B minus and B ^^ ].
My middle school vice principle was a total bitch and went out of her way to get me in trouble. It was pretty funny though because the principle absolutely loved me so he’d supersede punishments she gave me :P
I was placed in a dark closet in primary school for three months because I had behavioral problems… and the assignments I did I got 0’s on because I had a cast on my arm and she couldn’t read my handwriting…She even wrote a book about the school year and portrayed me poorly as a main character. She also gave me a negative 65% score for doing a weaving project late…she didn’t care about my broken wrist.
Yes, I can think of a few that took it on personally to push me to what they saw as my potential. In hindsight, I wish I had had a few more of them. There were a few in college that I would have benefited from if they had said, “Drop this class now. It is not for you.” Instead, they didn’t say a word and gave me the grade I deserved. Of course, at that point, it was my responsibility to seek out help.
I know that isn’t the answer you are looking for, but it’s the truth. In your situation, I have to wonder why you didn’t speak up. That type of teacher behavior is unacceptable and needed to be brought to light.
Not me, but my daughter was constantly harrassed and bullied by one particular teacher, to the point that I raised an official complaint with the headmaster. I later found out that there were other complaints too, and that the year after my daughter left the school, this particular teacher was dismissed.
You’re talking about me again and….O god! @Chocolate! What are you doing??!!
Yes, one of my math teachers named Mrs. Severn. And her name fit her- severe/stern. She was an evil, conniving bitch and she constantly made up bogus reasons for me to go sit in the hall or go to the principal’s office. I still despise that woman for how horrible she made that year for me, and it’s been 20 years.
Too late for excuses Chocolate!
No….I’ve had teachers take a lot of interest in me….in HS my Sr. year I started my first job at Sonic. I started being late for school. My first hour teacher would call me to get me up on time in the morning….I don’t remember any bad experiences in school, really.
@WillWorkForChocolate Getting tiresome??
Yes, very briefly. When leaving private school I was advanced a few grades into public school. The teacher I had for some reason was annoyed I should be in her class and liked to humiliate me whenever possible if there was something she could catch me not correct with or familiar with. Her favorite thing to point out to the other kids was, “see, money and private schools can’t teach you everything…” no matter what it was about.
This went on until I told my parents and they made an appt. with the school superintendent’s office about a possible lawsuit of harassment. When the school learned my parents were responsible for getting a teacher in a old school fired and policy changed (leading children in prayer) then they placed me with another teacher and suddenly my grades improved.
Oh, I had a terrible, awful, horrible third grade teacher, Mrs. Shaffer, who had a wart on her tongue, screamed at everyone to the point that we would hide under our desks, and had everyone convinced she was a witch. Now I just think she was a witch with a B. (On the upside, I don’t think it was personal.)
I had 3 teachers who definitly had it in for me.
Sorry, phone. One teacher hated me, due to a joke I made when she had been previously fired for coming to elementary school to teach while drunk. Another was a music teacher who did everything she could to get me suspended.
Anyway, they upset me a lot at the time, but it gave me a good experience to reflect on when I went to war with my ex-boss from hell.
You mean like the one who used to say I could not come to her classes because I was too tall, and that the only way I could be so tall was if I was possesed by satan?
I wish I was joking
This isn’t my personal story, but my cousin had a teacher who totally lost her shit. She taught a cooking class, which my cousin took because it would be an easy A, show up, cook, eat, done, right? Well, she started taking points off for the most ridiculous things. “Used plastic measuring cup instead of glass measuring cup, minus five points,” those sorts of things. A lot of parents complained about this teacher, but she’d been there long enough that she had tenure. However, one day, the day she lost her shit, a student asked her about their grade and she assaulted her or him. She threw a chair amongst other things, grabbed the student and apparently tried to burn them with a range, but the other teachers rushed in from the screaming. She left in handcuffs and was admitted to a psychiatric ward after having been deemed insane.
My mother had a similar story from her Catholic schoolgirl days about a nun who loved to hit the kids with a ruler and verbally abuse them using Biblical references who got dragged out, too, after she hit a boy across the face with her ruler and caused him to bleed. She didn’t completely lose her shit, though, she was just sadistic.
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