How much lurve do you bag on a good day?
I think the day I’m active on fluther I can get around 50 lurve points give or take.
what about you?
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45 Answers
On a good day, huh? About negative 6, around 1–4, I am not very good at brownnosing, butt kissing, and sucking up, so I don’t get many.
I have no idea. I have never attempted to keep track… I don’t really pay attention to my lurve.
The lurve score becomes more difficult to see grow as you accumulate more. Each individual jelly can only give 100 lurve points to another jelly. Once I’ve given you 100 lurve points, then I can still continue to give you GAs and GQs, but they will not add to your overall lurve score.
Having said that, it’s a fun, silly little thing to watch grow. I think it’s healthy to hope it grows, because that means I’m interacting with new jellies whom I might otherwise miss.
To answer your question directly, I don’t know. I’ve never counted.
I got about 900 lurve, on the day I transferred a truckload of it from snowberry’s account to mine. ;-)
@ANef_is_Enuf said it. I do not keep track either but if one wants to check he can do it.
I have no idea, but I earn very little these days. Getting to 40k is agonizingly slow!
All I know is if we had a BQ or BA algorithm in place I would be at minus 29K! ;)
I rack up very little points these days. That’s mostly due to my lack of participation lately, but a lot of jellies have run out of lurve for me so even if I get a GA it most likely won’t count on my score. I’ve been stuck on 16,374 for about 71 years now.
Yesterday, I managed to get close to 100 points in one day. Not normal. It’s from anywhere around 10 to 90 points most of the time.
Most people are maxed on me, which means my lurve score increases very slowly. If I get 25 GA’s in one day, my score might only increase 20 pts.
@Hypocrisy_Central I am not very good at brownnosing, butt kissing, and sucking up, so I don’t get many.
Hypo_, I don’t brown nose/kiss ANYONE’S ass, and I get plenty of GA’s. You really need to accept the fact that some members don’t like what you have to say – therefore they don’t GA you.
By sheer coincidence I did actually check my lurve yesterday and I remembered how many it was, because it was close to the 15000. I’ve gained about 50 in just under 24 hours.
I don’t pay a lot of attention to it, but I did notice how long it took to get the last 1000 on the way to 30K. I was getting about 25 to 50 a day. Some days just the 1 for visiting the site.
Never counted but I am getting pretty close to the 10K mark.
I do pay lot of attention to it cos I’m a whore :-) but my memory is non-existent, so I can’t tell you how much I gain.
@ANef_is_Enuf Summed up my stance precisely, which saves me the bother ;¬}
Usually my lurve score only goes up by about 10 points a day but I am much more interested in what people have GA’d/GQ’d me for rather than how much my overall number has gone up.
I am generally too preoccupied in being the present-day Balzac…searching for the perfect sentence (and the shortest one to make my point).
Many here are annoyed by or disagree with my responses, but they rarely complain that they can’t understand me.
@Hypocrisy_Central: I am not very good at brownnosing, butt kissing, and sucking up, so I don’t get many.
These three clichéd examples of ingratiation are synonymous. Why not use just one?
OVER 9000!!!!
it needed to be said…
On a very good day I might get 100 points. This doesn’t happen very often these days because it’s getting harder and harder to raise my score as the score rises.
What I’ve noticed is that I am getting a lot more lurve at the moment than I have for a long time.
and it feels goooooood
@FutureMemory @gailcalled They do not like what I have to say, because I am not brownnosing and sucking up. I am not going to compromise sound logic and reason for a point. Did you get that point! LOL
@Hypocrisy_Central Plenty of people don’t brown-nose and compromise their logic or points of view and accumulate points regularly. You flatter yourself, really. What you say you don’t do on here doesn’t have much to do with your score.
@Vunessuh What I am, E.F. Hutton now, I say whatever and people come from the woodwork to listen what they don’t believe? My point is well proven. I don’t need to flatter myself, and I don’t need to be flattered by anyone else either. If that were the case, I would not say what I believe the way I believe said. Everything that goes on here point wise reflects on what you said and how you said it, not solely on the power of the argument, comment, or logic. Even if the debate point was so weak it could not fight its way out of a wet paper bag with an ice pick in each hand, if the author is well-liked, it will get lurved to high heaven. I have the evidence but going back and gathering it all together for free, is unproductive. Believe as you will, it is vastly unproven and that is as much time I will give to this conversation. Fire away the rest of the comments are open for the rest. ;-o
Do debate points ever fight their way out of a wet or dry paper bag?
And bloviating is still bloviating, no matter how one defends it. Too much verbiage will always obfuscate any good ideas buried inside.
If I have to read either a question or an answer more than two times in order to get the point (no matter WHO the author). I never consider clicking either GQ or GA.
@Hypocrisy_Central What you fail to understand is that much of your logic is an opinion, therefore your opinion is subjective. People may or may not share your view on things, but if they don’t, it doesn’t mean they’re blinded by emotion or fail to see the logic like you claim everyone to do all the time. People think much of your “sound logic” contains fallacies because they’re going to have a subjective view just like you are on what they have to say. It doesn’t mean they’re necessarily wrong or right and it doesn’t mean you are either. You act as if you possess the end all be all way to life through what and how you think and you don’t. It really has very little to do with the fact that you stick to your guns and don’t brown-nose. Many people are like that on here. Your blatant arrogance and rudeness rub people the wrong way. People aren’t bent out of shape over how you view certain issues, they’re irritated because you don’t respect how other people think EVERY TIME they don’t agree with your personal point of view, by consistently telling them they’re illogical and emotional and fail to understand where you’re coming from. Talk about projecting, my God. Maybe that’s why you feel people don’t point you enough, rather than your “logic” being so incredibly amazing and hard to understand. Something to think about..
In between 10 to 50, give or take. It doesn’t go up much these days. But it’s all fine, yo.
Reminds me of the PlayStation Network. You need one hundred points to go up a level. You get points by obtaining trophies that you earn for achieving shit in games. But already, at my level, a gold trophy isn’t even worth 10 points.
Anyways lol. All hail the larvae, counted or not!
On a good day, 10 to 20. It’s been an arduous process getting to 10k.
I’ve received +1 each day for the past three days, but I did have a good day. I accomplished quite a bit around the house instead of spending time fluthering. :P
@augustlan I know, now getting lurve seems to be going slower than ever.
@XOIIO want us to help you with it? ^^
Nah, I’m good
No idea, I’ve never tracked it.
There was a period in which I got two or three hundred a day for several days. That was probably the most I’ve gotten at once. I was bored, which meant both more Fluthering and actually taking the time to do math.
@Hypocrisy_Central If that were the case, I would not say what I believe the way I believe said
@Vunessuh Hey. Guess what.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction.
I don’t earn much these days, due to the fact that I’m not really on that much, and when I am, I rarely answer anything. I’ve been more active lately than I have in a long time, but my lurve rises very slowly due to my lack of participation on a regular basis.
I have no idea. That’s due to either not paying much attention to lurve or to my poor Math skills.
It appears I get about 200 lurve per week. The only reason I know that is due in part to all the lurve talk we had last month. I began watching mine to see how/when it went up.
Amen @Vunessuh
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