Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How many close friends do you need?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37809points) September 1st, 2011

Friendship is something that makes us whole in my mind, but I have few close friends. I can count them on one hand. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.

What is a close friend?

How many would you say you have?

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42 Answers

AshLeigh's avatar

I have six five…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@AshLeigh : Oh honey, I’m still so very sorry for your loss.

pezz's avatar

This is one question that I have trouble with. I must follow it with my question of what makes a REAL true friend (one for later) Who can I really trust? One person (me).

Jeruba's avatar

Not more than six. One or two really good ones are enough for me. I can’t maintain many significant relationships at a time anyway, and I already have three in my husband and sons.

raven860's avatar

A close friend is a friend who knows too much about you…not necessarily a good friend. Maybe 10 is a good number for amount of good friends?...a variety of different interests and personalities would make things fun…but that is hard and unlikely to have. I think most people get by with 2 or 3 who are not family members or coaches.

sophiesword's avatar

I think a close friend is some one with whom you can share everything, Whether its heartbreaking discovery about your past or your worries for the future.

Someone you know you can count on.

I have 4 best friends and one of them is Ayesha:)

Vunessuh's avatar

I think it’s a very good thing if you can only count your close friends on one hand. I’ve only had 1–3 close friends at any given time. Right now, I’d say I have one close friend and aside from the insufferable geographical distance between us, I do feel it’s all I need. :)

Brian1946's avatar

Counting myself, I’d say that I have two, and that sure seems to be sufficient for now.

I have some long time friends that I occasionally see, but I feel significantly closer to my wife, and perhaps my niece.

athenasgriffin's avatar

Two or three, at the most. I prefer to have only a few, with a wider circle of acquaintances.

mazingerz88's avatar

Twelve probably, with one who would betray me and one other who would establish my legacy after I’m gone. The rest I drink beer with. : )

I’d love to have at least 8 close friends. My idea of friendship is always being there when I need them? So the more the better. I’m very needy. Neeedey…

Hibernate's avatar

I have a few close ones. I can’t really say how many one needs to have. Some manage with one or two of them while others need more.
Another thing here is… To how many people are you a close friend? This is saying much more. ^^

Scooby's avatar

Less than the fingers on my right hand too, or my left……. I find it hard to keep up with two :-/
And one of them is my sister, can’t get a word in edgeways…...

augustlan's avatar

One or two, really. I’m a bit of a loner, I guess.

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Cruiser's avatar

A close friend to me is someone that is always there for you regardless of the distance or time you spend together. I have one very close friend who has always been there for me and that is all I need. Though I am most fortunate to say I have a dozen more old frat bros I could count on 24/7 plus they are all a complete riot to get together with.

stardust's avatar

I can count them on one hand and I’m grateful to have them in my life.

janbb's avatar

I have about 4 or 5 and count myself very lucky.

picante's avatar

I have probably four at present—that varies a bit over time with life changes, and I’m very sad to say I lost two I considered very close over the past two years. But I also have a couple with whom I could develop a much closer relationship if I took the time to do so. On balance, I’m very fortunate.

sweetbee's avatar

I have 5 which includes my boyfriend and my sister. You need friends who are sensible,spontaneous,honest,trustworthy and understand you totally. Who won’t sugar coat and though it sometimes hurts will advise you on what’s best for you. No jealousy or envy in their undertone.

downtide's avatar

I have three friends that are very close, that I can talk to about anything. One of them is my SO.

iphigeneia's avatar

I’ve gone for years without any, it may sound selfish but I don’t think I need super close friends. But then again, now I’m more grown up, maybe I do. At the moment I think I have… two. And I am so thankful that they like me back.

boxer3's avatar

they take you as you are and love you regardless.
they tell you when you’re being an asshole or when they disagree,
they don’t sugar coat the truth. someties they can just listen and not say a word. they know what set you off and how to cheer you up. essentially whatever qualities they have, their love and friendship is unconditional,thats key.

outside o fmy own family, since i fortunate to have a really wonderful loving supportive group of individuals there…

I have one best friend who ive been aqquainted with since I was born.we’ve probably had one arguent our entire lives.

Two really good friend who know me through and through going on 11 years.

One that I live with who Ive known for four years, and one that I work with and is sort of exactly like me that Ive known for3.

I think if you have even one really good friend youre lucky

so I am very lucky

CaptainHarley's avatar

I have four, maybe five good friends. It’s normal to have just a few. Cultivating another person as a friend takes time and effort, and is a chancy thing at best. The ones you get, treasure them and do everything you can to show them you truly care about them. It’s the little, unexpected things that surprise and delight people.

jonsblond's avatar

2. My husband and my best friend.

I’ve known my best friend for 32 years now. We met in second grade and were instant friends. She still lives in Las Vegas and I now live in Illinois, but we don’t let the miles get between our friendship. We can go months without talking to each other, but we are always there for each other when one of us needs support.

Aetori's avatar

Close friends are not countable all that matters is that they care about you and love for who you are. As for myself I have more then I can count on my hands but only life brought us together to be this close :’ ).

smilingheart1's avatar

True close friendships can only be maintained at the level of about two maxium, three if that includes your SO. I am sure many of us have heard it said by all manner of people that they wouldn’t need anywhere near all the fingers of one hand to count the friendships that have proven the test of time, the thick and thin.

nikipedia's avatar

The more, the merrier.

I don’t even know how to categorize my friends into close vs not. I have my best friend who I’ve talked to nearly every day for 15 years and 2 other friends I talk to daily. My coworkers and I are very close and spend all day, every day together. I have childhood friends I don’t talk to often but will always be friends with. And then there are the friends who are the ones I’d call at 2am to bail me out of jail.

But in a way I still feel lonely, a lot. My closest friends are scattered around the world, and my geographically closest friends are not the emotionally closest.

gondwanalon's avatar

I think that a close friend is someone who truly enjoys being around you and you enjoy being around her/him. Also there is a mutual respect as well as a welfare concern among friends.

I’ve got 3 close friends (my wife, and two cats). That’s plenty for me.

Londongirl's avatar

I don’t have many friends but may be 3 are close friends that I can rely on… Would like to have more close friends those I can trust though.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I know I only need one but over the years have had a solid handful who share life with me.

beccagolling's avatar

A close friend is someone who is always there for you and you are always the for. Who doesn’t care when you be yourself. Who doesn’t judge you. That’s what I believe a close friend is. I have three. All of which I consider my family because we’re all that close. :)

Haleth's avatar

My definition of a close friend is someone I’d trust to go through my stuff after I die and get rid of the embarrassing stuff before anyone else sees it (and vice versa.) By that definition, I have three.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Haleth : That’s an excellent definition.

josie's avatar

No such thing as too many

AshLeigh's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake, I’ll be okay. :)

martianspringtime's avatar

I consider a close friend someone I’m usually comfortable around and enjoy being around. I have two, but neither live here anymore.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I would have to agree with the old Spanish tale about how to discover if someone is a true friend: pretend to be on the run from the police and see if they’ll hide you. : )

Londongirl's avatar

But sometimes you thought they were best friends then found out they didn’t have time for you…

CaptainHarley's avatar

Here’s the final proof: “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”

Aetori's avatar

@Londongirl well we all have busy lives so if you don’t meet up for months even years it doesn’t mean that your not friends :P. I live really far away from my best friend and we meet 1–2 a year but we still love each other ad miss each other the best friends are the ones that you dont meet for months/years but when you meet up it’s as if you havn’t left :P

Londongirl's avatar

@Aetori Well, I think the best friends are they are there for you when you needed them but would be good to meet them regularly. I recently was let down by a girl friend who I thought I could rely on and she didn’t have much time for me lately. I start to think about how you value friendship nowadays.

Earthgirl's avatar

A lot depends on how much face time I have with the person. I need someone that I can physically be with and do things together with and who can comfort me and just hang out with me. Then I need someone to whom I can tell all my secrets, who totally accepts me for who I am. Then I need someone who understands me, who “gets” me, who thinks like me and cares what I have to say. Lastly, I need someone who always makes me laugh and that I can make laugh too. Maybe I could get this all in one person if I were lucky, but right now, it takes at least 3!!

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