The Pedestrian always has the right of way, right? What is the law in regards to people on bicycles?
I believe they must obey the laws too.
Today when my husband was turning five teens on bicycles cut him off.
Fortunately he is an experienced driver with great reflexes. If not they would be dead. This was on Richmond Avenue a major street in Staten Island.
This made me very upset.
How can I get the message out and prevent anyone from doing this?
These teens will not make it to twenty. Too many drivers don’t care.
Has this happen to you?
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5 Answers
In my town, it is rare to see a bicyclist following any of the rules of the road. On the major highway that I take to work, there are always packs of bikers (in those dreadful schlong enhancing shorts and cleats that cannot be walked in) barreling down the road and they don’t bother to stop at the stop signs or traffic signals and if they do end up slowing down (due to oncoming traffic) they will grab onto the side of your car, putting themselves and the driver of the car in danger, because the driver can’t see them. They also weave in and out of traffic and sometimes ride on the wrong side of the road.
I always wonder if they’re actually going to work dressed like that. Or if they’re rich, leisurely people that have the time and money to drive like jackasses and not worry about the consequences.
Around my neighborhood, kids and adults ride on the sidewalk, cross over to the wrong side of the road, don’t follow any of the rules of the road either. I’m always cautiously looking out for bikers that dart out from between parked cars, because one of these days, someone is accidentally going to hit one of them.
A friend’s husband, an avid biker, was killed by a car. I cannot vouch for his biking ability. What I do know is that he was killed going down a very steep hill and I can kind of assume that he was going too fast and didn’t bother to slow down or stop at the intersection at the bottom of the hill. But his one second of carelessness caused a lifetime of grief for his family.
Another friend of mine was seriously injured in a biking accident. She was turning right and so was a bus. Because the bus can’t see the bicycles turning right, it’s always a risky situation for all parties. I’ve had bikers come out of nowhere to turn right at the same moment I’m making my right turn, or worse yet, to go straight across, but from coming behind me on my right hand side. Even after I looked and checked to see if anyone was there. It only takes one second for a biker to put himself in the path of danger.
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people riding bikes at night with no lights or flashers. Sometimes, I’m practically right on top of them before I see them. It scares the heck out of me.
Well, that law is based on common sense. If running into a pedestrian meant all the people in the car would get killed and the pedestrian get away unscathed, then cars would have the right of way.. So I would imagine that a kid on a bike would have the “right of way” since the danger is all to him or her. However, Pedestrians and bike riders have rules too, and the kids on the bikes were stupid and wrong. Glad your husband is ok!
My son and I were there too. It really upset me.
We would never want to hurt anyone but we feel helpless.
I wish we could find away to get the Media to report on this issue.
My neighbors son was killed because he crossed in a dangerous place. They are ignorant unfriendly people but No one should die that way.
Pedestrians have got to take some of the responsibility on themselves. They’re the ones who are going to die if they screw up.
Common sense says your right but here in SI. it clearly does not prevail.
Our Mayor has created Bicycle lanes all over Manhattan.
I wish they would up date us on the laws.
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