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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you recognize a sonic boom if you heard one?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 1st, 2011

I guess a jet fighter broke the sound barrier in a place that they don’t usually, and people were calling in about an explosion or something. I thought, “I’d know what it was if I heard it!” But then I had to remember that in the 60’s, when we lived closer to Wichita and the air force base there, they were breaking the sound barrier all the time! I guess they were having fun. I thought I’d recognize it..but maybe not? Would you?

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7 Answers

Kayak8's avatar

I remember them pretty well from growing up . . .

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. I used to live on concords flight path.

filmfann's avatar

I used to live close enough to Alameda Naval Air Station to remember what it sounds like.

Coloma's avatar

Yep, I remmember them as a kid too in the 60’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I remember the first time, too @Coloma. I was in the 3rd grade. My mom was at a friends and I was home alone. There was this big BOOM! so I called my mom. She said, “I figured you’d be calling!” and told me what it was.

Pele's avatar

Not sure but I was born here in the early 80’s on a navy base. I turned out just fine :)

marinelife's avatar

Yes, even though it is not a sound heard nowadays. I would recognize it from the past.

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