Am I imagining things, or are a lot of people more cranky lately?
I’m being completely serious. I know I’M cranky a lot of the time (we all know that), but I’m noticing more and more cranky people recently. It’s getting to a ridiculous point where I just want to scream, “Why are you being so bitchy!?!?!?”
Is the weather making people more bitchy? Are all the parents just stressed because a new school year just started? WTH is going on?
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54 Answers
The weather has to have something to do with it, especially if people are out in it all day (unlike me…I work in AC so I’m not cranky!!! EVER!!!) It’s supposed to break finally, next week…..
@Dutchess_III I’ve been wondering if the weather has had anything to do with it. I’ve been seeing a lot of really bitchy responses and cat fights here on Fluther from people who aren’t usually quite so aggressive.
I have noticed just the opposite.Today especially.I try not to let bitchy people get to me anyway.
Me! Me! Pick me! I’m cranky! But you know that, @WillWorkForChocolate , cuz I make you listen to me bitch and whine via PM all the time…thank you for being so patient with me!
I have theories that I don’t want to expound on cuz I’d sound bitchy…
I do not think so. But the government, and their accomplices in the press, want you to believe it. In business, they would call that creating a market.
I haven’t been here, so, I don’t know.
@josie : Your post looks like an answer to this Q… ;-)
Could be all the people still without power. Not being constantly hooked to the cable TV can give some people withdrawals.
I think it’s the effect of the economy and the U.S. political system making everybody edgy. Bad weather and its consequences makes the effect worse. I feel there are too may things over which I have no control and I don’t trust the people who DO have control.
I know that August/September in my neck o’ the woods makes me feel rather drained.
It is hot, dusty, dry, I am burned out on my watering and yard chores and craving rain.
If I am feeling tired, cranky or out of sorts I just go into hermit mode.
I never take my moods out on others, nor do I accept others taking their moods out on me, it’s one of my relationship deal breakers.
If you aren’t able to control your bitchiness and project it on others, get some therapy. lol
Fuck Yo…er, um…I mean no, no…I have not noticed this. nosiree not at all
Give that Jelly ^ ^ ^ a cookie!
Yes. I know I’ve been more cranky so I’ve tried to stay away.
Whatthefuckever. :\
Nah, I was just saying this to someone else recently. Not only does it seem like I’m running into more and more crabby people lately, I am definitely cranky.
Hey, Neff, wanna go bitch-slap us some haters?
mmmm I love saying “whatthefuckever”
I have….I see it all around me. People’s nerves are rubbed raw over 2 plus years of financial pressures and people are beginning to snap.
Maybe you noticed only those and you noticed only them. I don’t think everybody is bitchy or else we’d have trouble communicating.
I’m just fine so back off!
Only kidding. I would actually have to say that things on fluther are calmer than usual. As for people you may encounter, I have now idea.
They thought “change and hope” were gonna solve all their problems… not create a host of new ones!
I am not cranky. Don’t be calling me cranky. Did my voice just get shrill?
Goddamnit! Won’t you all shut up about everyone being cranky! God!~
Where is the love?
or as Rodney King said, “Can’t we all just get along?”
@JilltheTooth I want in on that. Can we start with the psycho gymnastics moms that irritate the living shit out of me?
I do agree with @Sunny2. A lot of people are stressed due to the economy and lousy weather many of us are dealing with.
Too much bad shit has happened to our family this summer and I refuse to let it all make me cranky. Whenever I find myself feeling down I remember this quote I found recently:
Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?
I think we’re all kinda grumpy…
I disagree. I’m fine, really. See?————————-> :- D
Not that i’ve noticed, but then I tend to ignore miserable bastards anyway.
I wish you people would stop calling everyone cranky. It’s pissing me off. Put your clothes back on @WillWorkForChocolate. grrrrr
That’s probably because I’m just a very upbeat type of person, I suppose. Also the fact that I’m living with the woman I love and who loves me in return may have something to do with it. My doctors are continually amazed that I don’t worry or fret about either the cancer or the diabetes attacking me. The way I see it, we’re all going to die sooner or later, and I’ve been living on borrowed time since I was about 25 and under fire in Vietnam. Every extra hour is a blessing. And besides, for a Christian, death is just a one-way ticket home. : ))
@CaptainHarley I’m reading a book on Vietnam right now. It’s called “All We Had,” and it’s the oral stories of 33 of the vets. It was written in 1982.
I’ve heard of it, although I’ve not read it. For some reason, readting accounts of the Vietnam conflict depresses me.
Not sure what you mean. You mean what unit?
I started in Vietnam in September, 1967 working with counterinsurgency operations and attached to various units out of IIFFV, The units to which I was attached were MACV, 5th Special Forces Group, the 101st Airborne, the Big Red One, etc. I was with counterinsurgency operations for about 15 months. I later requested reassignment to the 173rd Airborne Brigade ( Seperate ) because I admired the unit and I could command a company there. I was with them for about 9 months.
Damn @CaptainHarley!! You weren’t playin’ around over there, were you! I’ve known a couple of people who are vets. One of my students is, actually. He was on a ship though.
Well, thank you, sir.
Interesting question. No, most of the time I wasn’t just playin’ around. I had some very harrowing experiences, including almost being captured twice. Talk about a wake-up call! But I never allowed the things I saw or did to affect the bedrock of my personality. I came out of the entire experience with good mental accuity and my basically sunny disposition intact, thank God.
I am glad….so glad. I’ve known a couple of guys over the years that claimed their insanity was caused by PTS due to Vietnam. However, IMO, they were too probably too nuts to begin with to have ever gotten in the armed forces in the first place! Who knows.
I was in Jr. High when the war (which was not a war…BS!!!) ended. I wrote in my diary “Yay!! The war is over!!!....but….nobody seems to care. Nobody is saying anything about it….why?” (I wish I could find the diary…I’d scan the entry it and send it to you!) Even as an 8th grader it just pissed me off….after all the riots and the shit and Kent state and…it just dies out without a whimper? And the way they treated the soldiers and the vets…even as an 8th grader I knew it was wrong. It wasn’t the soldier’s fault! Asshats.
LOL! Talk about getting off topic! We deserve a Fluther medal for this! Better yet, we’re even being allowed to live! .... With the OP’s permission, of course. : ) Chocolate…if you deep six us I’ll tell them about the time you showed… know!
If there’s one thing you know about me by now, it’s that I really don’t give a crap if my threads are derailed. I enjoy watching it go waaaay off topic actually; it’s fun. Derail to your heart’s content, dear lady. =0)
I was called a “baby-killer” and spat upon at LAX airport the second time I came home. I was totally stunned and had NO idea of how to react. The war that people discussed in the States sounded like a totally different conflict than the one I had just come from.
When the Gulf War I started, I swore that I would never allow those boys to be treated as my brothers and I had been. Fortunately, much of the US seemed to have matured in the meatime, otherwise I would probably still be in jail. : )
Train wreck!!
G… damn hippies, @CaptainHarley. Well, you had a bunch of pissed off 8th graders at Derby Jr. High on your side in 1972, for what that’s worth. And yes….they have matured. I think the way the Vietnam vets were treated is responsible for how much praise we heap on the vets of the most recent wars. The same people who spit on you are now singing more-than normal praises for the current vets ‘cause they feel guilty. They should.
It was a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. The pain has largely healed and I’m very pleased that my younger bothers are respected. I can bask in their reflected glory. : )
Peace indeed! I am a firm advocate of bringing them ALL home! The damned “Let’s build an American Empire” approach obviously has not worked.
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