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mazingerz88's avatar

How many days can you take without going outside?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) September 2nd, 2011

Say, you have your internet and food and all the necessary supplies to live for a month without going out of your house. You could peek outside your window but just see trees, no people. You don’t hear much. As a matter of fact, there was a storm and you hardly felt it since you were at the basement doing stuff. You know the world goes by outside but you don’t feel any of that. You don’t want to go out unless you finish this work which has a deadline in a month. How may days could you do it?

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38 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I mean, technically none. I have to take my dogs out to pee, at the very least.

If I don’t have to take my dogs out to pee… I could probably stay in the house for about a week without going outside, at all. Depending on my mood it could be a lot longer, or it could be 2 days before I start craving sunshine. This is not hypothetical, I have definitely done it. :P

JessicaRTBH's avatar

I love outside! I couldn’t do it. My Internet is set up mostly for my deck (it’s a double deck with no backyard – heavily wooded) sometimes I wonder if I’m inside less than outside. When the weather doesn’t allow and I’m stuck inside I go crazy.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I could go the entire month. I wouldn’t really care.

Blackberry's avatar

Not very many. I at least have to go run an errand or something. I need outside air and to see other people that live on the planet lol. It’s different during a bad winter, though.

Mariah's avatar

I hate doing this, but I can and have to sometimes in the winter time. Upstate New York winters are brutal. This is the main reason why I don’t much like winter. I guess I could go a month but I’d be miserable.

It’s less the issue of seeing people than it is breathing fresh air and seeing nature. I don’t know how long I could go without human contact because I’ve never been in that situation.

Jude's avatar

At all? None.

mazingerz88's avatar

@KateTheGreat Ok, you and me then. I could also do it that long. Lol.

Coloma's avatar

Zero. I can be alone for days at a time when I am in my Walden Pond mode, but, I have to go outside daily to tend to my animals and yard, even if it is during stormy weather, the geese need to be let in and out of their barn and fed, watered and let out to graze.

I’m a morning and night person, I am always outside 1st thing on summer mornings and always out in my yard at sunset/dusk, basking in the bliss.

Just now I came in from the morning rounds and the routine of sitting up on my bench on my lawn with the geese milling around and my cat hanging out. We always have our morning hangout up on the hill. lol

El_Cadejo's avatar

As much as I love being outside, I could probably spend a month or more inside without a problem.

marinelife's avatar

I love being outside. If I get too busy or the weather is bad, I am always surprised at how much I like it.

beccagolling's avatar

I would only be able to take one day. Other wise I get depressed. I need to be outside doing something.

mazingerz88's avatar

I wonder if NASA asks this question to potential astronauts.

incendiary_dan's avatar

A day or two at most. I get antsy and kind of depressed when I don’t go outside. I need trees and flowers and such.

Cruiser's avatar

I do what I need to do and if it meant staying inside for 30 days no problem at all!

GracieT's avatar

None- I would “climb the walls” if I couldn’t go outside. I live in Ohio, and even in the yuckiest weather I have to go outside at least a little!

erichw1504's avatar

no more than 2 days, I have to have my fresh air.

stardust's avatar

I love the outdoors, but I reckon I could go a few weeks without going outside.

tedibear's avatar

Two days max. And even then I would have to be sick to last that long.

john65pennington's avatar

Mariah, move to Tennessee and you will not have those weather problems. So many people are moving south to my state, that next years census should be interesting. I see so many license plates from Ohio, Michingan, New York, Indiana and yes even Delaware.

Many people come to Tennessee to visit and love what they see. Friendly people and a change of the four seasons.

And, we have more sunshine than the State of Florida.

No oranges grown here, yet. But, we are working on it. jp

Haleth's avatar

Zero. I go for long walks/ runs every day and the nature around here is wonderful. If I missed out on that, it would drive me crazy.

flutherother's avatar

I start to crack up if I don’t get out every day, even if it’s just for 20 minutes. No matter how horrible the weather I have to breathe the fresh air at least once a day.

Facade's avatar

I’ve stayed inside for months before. I had depression at the time.

Jeruba's avatar

About three weeks before I start to notice that I haven’t been out.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Out of choice, about 3–4 days.

YARNLADY's avatar

I am pretty sure I could go for weeks on end, but I’ve never really tried it.

Hibernate's avatar

If I’m allowed to be visited I’d be able to sit in the house for a few months. But after a point I’d go outside for a walk in the forest or something ^^

GracieT's avatar

I’ve been inpatient psych before and we could only go outside into an area about as big as a room that had high walls to keep us from “busting out”. It might have been the point, but I became so much more interested in leaving when I realized that I couldn’t go outside much while still in the hospital.

chewhorse's avatar

I’m in my third year, however, I do sit on my attached deck over looking the back yard from time to time and watch the trains pass by (disability).

jonsblond's avatar

I need to be outside to feel alive. My husband would get upset when I wanted to shovel the snow. He was afraid the other men on the street would think he made me go out to do it. I was the only female out there shoveling, but I love the exercise and fresh air.

You can’t keep me indoors, not even during a blizzard.

mazingerz88's avatar

@jonsblond Funny. Maybe you could put a sign on your jacket saying, “Having Fun Shoveling. Not My Husband’s Idea” or something…

jonsblond's avatar

@mazingerz88 We’re on a farm now, so there’s no need to worry about neighbors, but I swear I was the only person out there who enjoyed shoveling. All the men would bitch but I kept smiling. ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

@jonsblond Did that and bitched too. One day, I decided to shoot a video of myself doing it for 30 minutes straight without pause. In editing, I used all the footage and scored it with my favorite jazz music. Somehow, it made for a calming video good for self-reflection. The only thing that ruined it from time to time was my bitchin. Lol.

jonsblond's avatar

@mazingerz88 Here’s Jon shoveling 2ft of snow from our drive this past February. I love your video idea and wish I would have done that with Jon. The poor guy had an icicle mustache after all that work. lol

mazingerz88's avatar

@jonsblond Yeah. Ha ha…that’s almost how I looked that day too. I was thinking it would be fun to watch that if I get to a ripe old age and watch myself be a douche. Lol. Seriously, fun memories are the greatest. Videotape it every chance you get.

downtide's avatar

A couple of days at the most. I need human company and a change of scenery.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Jeez, my husband doesn’t bitch when I shovel snow. In fact, I think he does a little cheer. haha. :\

mazingerz88's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf Cheering is way better than shoveling. : )

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