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Jude's avatar

What would jellies think of you, if they met in you in person?

Asked by Jude (32210points) September 2nd, 2011

What do you think?

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98 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

That I am much taller in real life and smell nice! I really don’t know what anyone would think of me. I only met one jelly and it was surreal to see that they were real and funnier and better looking than I thought. So I might expect a similar reaction to me I suppose. My real world is a lot different than the Cruiser world here so that may be a bit of a surprise.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

That I talk the way I write. That sometimes I can’t stop talking and I get frenzied and emotional about the topics I discuss. That I’m quite categorical in some ways but a huge relativist in other ways. That I smile and make fun of myself a lot. That I talk about how lucky I am incessantly. That I love my children and am a bigger sap than they previously thought.

Jude's avatar

Try to be humble and honest, folks.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

They’d laugh at how slow I talk considering I’m from NY.

Jude's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I have heard you and you don’t talk slow. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

That I’m awfully loud for someone so short…

El_Cadejo's avatar

Holy Hippy

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

That I’m much taller than I look. My boobs are bigger, too.

Probably that I’m quiet. I tend to be pretty reserved, in general, but more so when I first meet someone. I sit with my knees together, hands folded in my lap. I’m shy. However, my face does some crazy shit. I have a very animated face, and I make some really extreme expressions that tend to break the ice, or at least make for good conversation when someone first meets me.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m shorter and a lot more talkative than people think I am!

Coloma's avatar

Wow…well, I guess it would depend on ones projections and or any potential fantasy ideals of who I am. haha

I am a very genuine sort, I think I’d show up exactly as I do here. Open, humorous, pretty damn transparent.

I think everyone would dig my little house in the hills and get a kick out of the geezers and, of course, we’d all have to have a camp out with happy brownies and a soak in the hot tub.

I’m a great hostess, one of my greatest joys, ‘entertaining’.

Would you like a little stand up comedy with your wine? :-D

Jude's avatar

Me? A bit quiet, at first (shocker, huh); short (5’2”), funny and considerate. I tend to say things that are inappropriate (naughty). Pretty chill, really.

Jude's avatar

Honestly, I am more attracted to people who come off as shy (at first) than those who try to dominate the convo and act all crazy.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I let a person see a picture of me a few days ago and the reaction was:

“Wow, I thought you looked like comic book guy from the Simpsons for some reason. You look like, tan. And muscles.”

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m much nicer than I seem to be, but I’ll still tell you exactly what I think.

Jude's avatar

@tinyfaery yes you are, and yes, you do.

janbb's avatar

IDK – Several Jellies have met me. @JilltheTooth, @marinelife, @Auggie, @chyna what did you think?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Your beak is not as pointy in person, @janbb ! ;-)

Really, folks, she’s shorter than you thought and even funner!

janbb's avatar

There you have it – straight from the horse’s tooth!

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I feel like a lot of jellies are “shorter than you thought,” which makes me wonder if we had a party, if I would be towering over everyone… except @redfeather.

Jude's avatar

I want to meet @janbb!

janbb's avatar

We be’s short but we be’s mighty!

janbb's avatar

And I want to meet @Jude. NYC meet-up anyone?

Jude's avatar

Maybe, next year sometime. :)

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d be down for NY.

ratboy's avatar

I’m no proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one.

FutureMemory's avatar

I really have no clue. Simone would have the best insight into this as I’ve talked to her on the telephone a handful of times. I’ve never met a fellow flutherite in person though.

TexasDude's avatar

I’m shy and kind of a nerd and it takes me a bit to go full-Indiana Jones mode in public.

Jude's avatar

I met Lucille and she was tall as fuck. She was an amazon next to my 5’2” self.

She was even more funny than she is on here. She had the best one liners.

chyna's avatar

@janbb reminded me of Judge Judy, just not mean and loud like Judge Judy. Tiny and cute.
@JilltheTooth was just as sassy as I thought she’d be.
@marinelife thought out what she was going to say and then when she offered an insight or opinion, it was awe inspiring.
@Augustlan was exactly like she is on here. Funny and witty and fun.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@FutureMemory I’d say you’re much sweeter over the phone than the way you come off on Fluther. And much sweeter in your pictures.

FutureMemory's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I would definitely agree, actually.

You come off a lot more gentle/less serious on the phone than you do here :)

Dr_C's avatar

They’d think something like “Damn… That’s one tall mexican!!”
and then something about devastatingly and uncomfortably handsome or something…

wilma's avatar

They would think that I don’t look a bit like Wilma Flintstone.
They would wonder how old I really am.

Jude's avatar

“and then something about devastatingly and uncomfortably handsome or something…”

Probably. :) I’d be like “Dimples! Dayum!!”

Seelix's avatar

That I’m short. And loud. But I don’t know if that’s surprising.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Let’s all of us shorties go cluster about Neffie’s knees, she can be our Mommy. Come to think of it, Auggie’s tall, too, they can both be our Mommy!

janbb's avatar

Shorties have two Mommies!

chyna's avatar

<—-Shortie also.

Coloma's avatar


Are you a goose in real life? lol

Jude's avatar

Pretty ladies make me shy.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

“Dynamite comes in small packages.” That I’m a short little thing with a big mouth and redonkulous curly hair. That I’m shy until I warm up, then I never shut up. That I’m friendlier in person. At least when I don’t have my shovel handy…

everephebe's avatar

I dunno, I mean I make a strong impression usually one way or the other. I can be quite the intriguing person like that. I think I am much more charming, genial and polite in person then on the internet… But in real life I have bad hair days & such.

everephebe's avatar

@Jude Should I have mentioned that I can resemble a pretty lady in person sometimes? :p

Kayak8's avatar

My guess is the consensus conclusion would be that I am older, taller, and funnier than you thought. I think I am also much nicer in person than online . . .

Jude's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille Yup! LOL! And, I was short as shit. How did I come off to you?

rebbel's avatar

“I thought he was a guy…”

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Oh boy, that just blew one of myfantasies to hell!

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@jude—Both you and your girlfriend are easy to talk to with a good sense of humor.:)

Facade's avatar

That I have the wrong screen name…? I can’t think of much else ≠)

Joker94's avatar

Well, I hope they’d find me polite, and not be afraid to talk to me about anything. Also, they’d probably think I talk too much, which in their defense, I totally do.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

They’d be surprised that I’m so tiny, I’m pretty funny, love playing hostess and definitely quirky.

Jeruba's avatar

Anyone who’s expecting Cate Blanchett (with or without something funny on her head) is in for a shock. In person I am not glamorous at all. Also there are no Perfecto-Fish awards when you speak, so they’d hear my rough draft of everything.

But they’d probably find me animated and interested in what they have to say, full of questions and opinions, but also slow to expose too much. If I were uncomfortable I would most likely be very quiet.

picante's avatar

I’d bring champagne and salsa, and I think we’d have a sparkling, spicy time. You’ll find me friendly, funny (I hope) and accommodating. Y’all come to Austin!

chyna's avatar

@picante I brought margaritta’s and potato salad to the WV jelly meet up. I hope they found me friendly and funny and liked my potato salad at least.

Blackberry's avatar

I have no idea, but they wouldn’t think I was a douche at least, though lol.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I’m a bit short, but people tend to perceive me as taller than I am. I’ve been told I have a “presence”. Otherwise, I’m pretty laid back most of the time, which might throw off someone familiar with my social/political/environmental rants.

janbb's avatar

@chyna We did – all of those!

Jude's avatar

Penguin, the faery and I will make our way to NYC for a meet-up in 2012. Wear your tux!

PhiNotPi's avatar

They would say that I look nothing like my avatar.

picante's avatar

@chyna, with margaritas and potato salad (what a great combo!), I have no doubt they found you very friendly and funny. I’m smiling just thinking about it ;-)

janbb's avatar

@Jude I will wrap you in my flippers.

Blondesjon's avatar

My God. He really is drunk all the time.

Hibernate's avatar

Dunno. When I’ll meet with someone I’ll ask him/her to post his/her ppinions.

Jude's avatar

Tinyfaery, what was your impression of me? I know that I was a bit quiet. Alcohol helped that a great deal, though.

Brian1946's avatar

They’d see an old guy with a limp. If they were familiar with the ancient TV series Gunsmoke, they might think, “Hey, he’s the kinda blond version of Chester!”.

Kayak8's avatar

@Brian1946 And for those who are not familiar, here is a chester pic.

redfeather's avatar

“I didn’t know she had tattoos on her face…”

linguaphile's avatar

If we all ended up at a Fluther convention, I think most jellies wouldn’t notice me at first because I’m usually the quiet one on the edges of the crowd watching everyone else, even though I can be friendly.

Once I warmed up and started chatting, I would be a endless chatterbox and probably in the group still up after an allnighter. I have no idea what the jellies in general think of me now, so I don’t know how they’d perceive me if they met me in person—probably pretty much the same!

Berserker's avatar

That I’m boring and redundant. I’m pretty shy, and when I do talk, it’s always about the same things. I get way better if it’s a good friend or someone I’ve known for a good while and get along with, but I can’t really tell how much of that would transition itself to a person I know online and get along with. (that I’d meet for real)
I guess I could show you guys my movie collection, then we could watch something lol.

I also don’t look like Xena, unfortunately.

Joker94's avatar

@Symbeline Dude, how big is your movie collection?

deni's avatar

Um, I might look like I’m 17 I guess. I was recently told that I looked like there was “no way I’m out of high school yet” there’s that. I also ask a lot of questions, and have really short legs. At least I think they’re really short…I’m not sure if they are or not I guess. And I laugh at everything.

El_Cadejo's avatar

So is fluther populated by the lollipop guild? Because that’s what I seem to be gathering from this question.

deni's avatar

Reading through these and from my experience on Fluther up to this point, I feel like in a real life meet up I may find myself engaged in an exciting and surprisingly interesting conversation about octopi, or rocks, or cloud formations, with @uberbatman and @Facade

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@uberbatman We represent the Lollipop Guild! The Lollipop Guild! The Lollipop Guild! And in the name of the Lollipop Guild, we wish to welcome you to Fluther Land!

Berserker's avatar

@Joker94 Well I do have a lot of horror movies, about 250, if I’d have to guess right off the bat. Some other non horror, but those don’t even reach the 100 breakpoint lol. (like 30 or so lol) Been working on it for years though, and I went out with this guy who had like a 1000 movies, if not more. Mostly ripped, but still. XD

@WillWorkForChocolate I denno why, but that totally reminds me of Sailormoon. :D

size7's avatar

EWWW! She is not how I pictured her!

King_Pariah's avatar

“What an immature brat” most likely… Or “there’s no way a guy like him would attempt suicide.”

@size7 in the dark it doesn’t matter

MissAnthrope's avatar

I’m a lot like I am here, just I think my personality doesn’t translate so well online. What you all are missing out on is my rapier-sharp wit (snarf) and the hilarity of my commentary and delivery (snarf snarf). There are voices, inflection, apparently funny expressions, and ongoing snarky commentary. I basically do improv all day, every day.

So, long story long, I have a much bigger, funnier personality in real life. Also, fortunately, I look exactly like Xena.

Kayak8's avatar

@MissAnthrope When I graduated with my masters, I got a cardboard cut-out of Xena and put my cap and gown on her for photo ops as, at the time, we looked a great deal alike . . .

redfeather's avatar

“damn, she has a sexy voice….”


Joker94's avatar

@Symbeline I’m insanely jealous!

OpryLeigh's avatar

They will probably initially think I am a bit reserved at first but once I start to relax I enjoy an interesting conversation and humour. Whenever I meet new people they always comment on how “tiny” I am.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

After reading the thread of how short/tall we all are, I think we’d be surprised what a wee bunch of gals we have.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

It’s much like the story of The Blind Men and the Elephant. What we view as our own positive and negative traits are not often viewed in the same light by others. And we all hone in on different aspects of the same person.

Seelix's avatar

@Neizvestnaya – Good things come in small packages, y’know?

janbb's avatar

@Seelix Yes we do!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Is that why all we wee ones are using teeny-weeny type?

nikipedia's avatar

I’m shyer and less of a know-it-all in person.

janbb's avatar

@nikipedia Ain’t we all?

Blondesjon's avatar

what she ^^ said

Dr_C's avatar

wait… who told @Jude about the dimples?

Also… @nikipedia‘s ginormous brain and heavy involvement in “smoking-hottery” would probably melt your face of if you got too close.

cockswain's avatar

He’s a big, loud, obnoxious asshole that doesn’t like a lot of people, but his friends love him.

MilkyWay's avatar

Holy shit! That’s MilkyWay? I thought she’d be a sweet little girl…

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@MilkyWay LOL!! But you are a sweet girl! I don’t know how little you are… but you are sweet.

choreplay's avatar

I have no idea what people would think. My wife says I always look pissed off, no matter what mood I am in.

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