Meta Question

janbb's avatar

OK Jellies - it's 'fess up time. Who's the shortest Jelly of them all?

Asked by janbb (63391points) September 2nd, 2011

On another thread today, everyone was saying how short they are. I want to know how short and who is the shortest. Get out your measuring sticks!

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110 Answers

sleepdoc's avatar

First off I am a guy… and 65 inches

ragingloli's avatar

I will not reveal the size of my genitals.
Also, should this not be in “Social”?

janbb's avatar

It actually should be in Meta @ragingloli. I just tried to Edit but was not able to move it but would be happy if a mod would do so.

I am 5“1” and a quarter of an inch – to answer the question.

Jude's avatar

5“1’ (and ¾s).

janbb's avatar

@Jude So I have to look up to you!

rebbel's avatar

For my benefit, and other metric Jellies, can you all put your height in meters too?

Jude's avatar

@janbb I’ll rest my elbow on your beak. Lightly.

janbb's avatar

@Jude Is that a euphemism?

Coloma's avatar

I’m in the middle of short, 5’3ish here. :-)

I am quite adept at using brooms and mops to fling objects off the top shelves. haha

rebbel's avatar

@Coloma You use the brooms to fly? ~

FutureMemory's avatar

I wonder who the tallest is?

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m shrinking, but at the latest measurement, I was down to 5’ 1.5” down from 5’ 1.75”. I inherited a grabber from my Father In Law.

janbb's avatar

@FutureMemory Good follow-on question.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel Tried to find a conversion chart but they all need downloading.

Jude's avatar

@FutureMemory and @janbb I’m thinking Dr. C.

rebbel's avatar

I am exactly 585 fen.
@janbb That’s alright, I asked it out of laziness :-)
Thanks @FutureMemory!

tedibear's avatar

I am 5’ 1” which is 154.94 centimeters. You can just type in “X” inches in centimeters and it pops right up on google.

janbb's avatar

Using your chart @FutureMemory , I am also 154.94 centimeters. Thanks!

DominicX's avatar

About 5’7”

I used to be the shortest, at least back when I was in middle school and the early part of high school. Then I finally grew, for once. 5’7” is not that tall, but it’s reasonably tall in my family…

I still feel a little short though :(

Seelix's avatar

I’m 5’5”, or 165cm. Not that short, I guess, but I’m littler than I sound (if that makes sense).

SavoirFaire's avatar

[Mod says] Moved to Meta.

TexasDude's avatar

I’m 5’ 6”.

I’m the shortest out of almost all of my guy friends (many of them are 6’ 2” and up, which seems statistically odd, but it’s true).

I was always among the shortest in my classes in elementary, middle, and highschool. I’m still taller than my parents and grandparents by several inches. My great-grandparents on both sides were 6”+. My great-grandfather on my mom’s mom’s side was almost 7 feet.

rebbel's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Looks like your great-grandchildren will be about 4 feet :-)

chyna's avatar

I’m 5’ 2” and ½.

tinyfaery's avatar

Jude is shorter than me by a hair. I lose.

FutureMemory's avatar

You’re all midgets!

I’m 6’4”

janbb's avatar

So far it’s looking like @tedibear and I are the shortest and @FutureMemory is the tallest.

Ayesha's avatar

@FutureMemory That’s hot.

everephebe's avatar

I’m 6 foot soaking wet and wearing cowboy boots.
Or 1.83 meters ish

rebbel's avatar

@janbb I am 6’4” too!

SpatzieLover's avatar

I am precisely 60” tall or 5 feet naught.

so far the lowest to the ground here

Jude's avatar

Mmmmm.. tall jellies.

Nullo's avatar

5’ 11”, though Mom insists that I’m an even 6’.

KateTheGreat's avatar


Maybe I’m not as short as I think I am, after looking at how tall some of the other female jellies are.

chyna's avatar

Tall jellies are hot!

Coloma's avatar

Good things come in small packages ya know. ;-)

Well…ahem…not ALL things. hahaha

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

5’7.5” yes .5

thorninmud's avatar

My money’s on Milo

mangeons's avatar

I’m around 5’2” or 5’3” the last time I checked, but I haven’t grown since 2009 and the doctor said I’d be lucky if I ever grew even another half an inch. The doctor can never seem to measure height correctly, though!

I guess I’m not the shortest, but I do get teased for being so short! :-(

Facade's avatar

5’1.5 without my hair lol

syz's avatar

5’ 0”

Jude's avatar

I think that we have a weiner.

tom_g's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

We have a tie at 5’0 so far ;)

Jude's avatar

Hmm.. matching elbow rests. ;)

SpatzieLover's avatar

Would we be good decor in your place @Jude? I think we’d both arrive with a menagerie, though ;P

janbb's avatar

Looks like the “shorties” are @SpatzieLover and @syz and the “tallies” are @rebbel and @FutureMemory ! You may now collect your prizes!

janbb's avatar

@rebbel You’re pretty tall for a gal!

rebbel's avatar

@janbb And beardy :-)

janbb's avatar

Maybe you should be in a circus? :-)

jrpowell's avatar

I think Markyy might be the tallest. Here he is with Shrubbery.

janbb's avatar

@johnpowell Looks like he could be but we’d have to have his bona fides to be sure.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t mind short jellies. I prefer quality over quanity.

rebbel's avatar

@johnpowell Yeah, @janbb is right, for all we know that guy is me…

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Don’t tell them I was holding a gun to your head to make you say that.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel After all, how many Dutchmen can there be?

rebbel's avatar

@janbb I am!

(cruiser said: @rebbel They would have to be able to juggle and ride a unicycle!
rebbel said: @Cruiser I can do both. In the same time. On a tightrope, sommer saulting, and throwing knives in the apple on lucille3’s head…)

On the Dutchmen:
On Fluther, I think three or four. In Dutchland, seven.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@chyna Just for the record, short jellies are hot too.

janbb's avatar

@rebbel – Yes, I miss my serious Fyrius friend (one of the Dutchmen.)

janbb's avatar

@worriedguy Some short Jellies are cool too!

incendiary_dan's avatar

About 5’7” or 5’8”. I’ll speak for hobbitsubculture, who is 5’3”.

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; I win, of course. I am generally about 1’ 11.”

muppetish's avatar

Unless I have grown since the last time I was measured, I am also among the other 5’0” jellies.

linguaphile's avatar

too tall at 5’2 to win this contest :D

Berserker's avatar

You have to be this tall to die!

Sorry. Splatterhouse moment. I’m 5’8.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m 5’ 2” with tiny bones that make me look even smaller, lol.

Berserker's avatar

Hmm, bones…:D

jonsblond's avatar

5’ 2” ¾

<throws Milo a treat>

Is Markyy as tall as DrC?

AshLeigh's avatar

I’m 5’ 3” :)
I’m not the shortest! :D:D:D

rooeytoo's avatar

I am amazed that there are so many short people in here. No wonder I feel so at home! I too am 5’0”. However in my next life I am going to be 5’10” and willowy, hehehehe!

augustlan's avatar

I’m almost 5’8”, and usually feel tallish, until I’m standing next to my oldest daughter @Fly, is is like 5’10”.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I’m 5’1

Brian1946's avatar


I think Markyy said that he’s 6’5”, IIRC.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I’m 5’1” on a real good day when the gravity is turned down. I want to stand next to @syz , now, please.

Brian1946's avatar

I’m 1” o tall. ;-)

downtide's avatar

5’6” (167.6cm) which is short for a guy, but I guess not the shortest.

Online conversion from inches to cm (or anything else) with no downloads here.

ragingloli's avatar

@downtide you can also type “convert x to y” into google.

downtide's avatar

@ragingloli is that a google-only feature? I get no useable results when I try that in my regular search engine.

FutureMemory's avatar

<high five’s @rebbel>

Looks like we’re the biggest jellies ;)

ucme's avatar

I’m precisely six foot, that rises to six feet five in the wife’s killer heels…..I win ;¬}

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here;—Urm, @ucme, we’re in contention for the shortest, remember? All of you macho men preening about your stature clearly belongs in another question.—

ucme's avatar

Wow, slightly uncalled for. Quite a few tall fellas state their height & you immediately pounce all over me!! Oh & macho!?! In those heels? I beg to differ….pussy cat!

AmWiser's avatar

Wow! I need to tell Mom to join fluther, she’s 4’10. I always tell her she’s 2 inches from being a midget.:p
I’m 5’3.

Brian1946's avatar

Anyone here up for an in absentia roast of height bigot Randy Newman? ;-)

linguaphile's avatar

BabyLingua would’ve won the contest at 4’7, but she didn’t meet the age requirement :D :D :D

Vunessuh's avatar

Wait, I want to know if I’m the tallest female here. I’m 5’9”.
Although, I must say, I’ve always thought I was 5’9”, a recent doctor’s visit revealed to me that I’m 5’8.5”. So, I’m either shrinking already, or they measured wrong or my entire life has been a lie!

augustlan's avatar

@Vunessuh Every time I go to the doctors (the same office, same measuring thingy), they tell me I’m a different height. Sometimes shorter, sometimes taller. I think those thingies are inherently unreliable! You are certainly taller than I am, though. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I try not to get measured at the doctor’s office anymore, they shave a little more off each time. It’s a bit disheartening. I already can’t reach stuff. @Vunessuh and @augustlan please come visit! I could use the help!

FutureMemory's avatar

@Vunessuh According to Auggie, her daughter Fly is 5’10”.

Vunessuh's avatar

@FutureMemory Yeah, but she sounded like she wasn’t sure…so I still win. :D

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Vunessuh You’re 6’3.7” I know.I saw you.

Vunessuh's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille I should have gone on a date with that Jolly Green Giant at the bar. XD

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

@Vunessuh He had a great singing voice….Ho HO Hoooooo!

augustlan's avatar

Sorry to burst the tall men’s bubbles, but I just heard from @DrC. He and @Markyy tie for tallest, at 6’ 8”.

janbb's avatar

Where’d I put my fucking ladder – double entendre intended!

rebbel's avatar

That reminded me…an English soccer player, Crouch, is 6’7”, and the commentator referred to him as half man, half ladder.

Dr_C's avatar

It would seem that @Markyy and I are the only normal people on the site. The rest of you are all midgets pretending to be otherwise.

wilma's avatar

I was 5’7.5”
I am now 5’6.75”
I wonder why there are so many shortish folks here?

TexasDude's avatar

@Dr_C come at me bro.

AshLeigh's avatar

@Dr_C, hey mister, I’m almost the size of a normal person. ;D

rooeytoo's avatar

Tall people are directly responsible for global warming. If all houses only had to accomodate normal sized people the ceilings could be lowered and that would save gazillions of carbon and dollars in reduced heating and cooling costs. Cars could have a much lower profile thus lowering air resistance and increasing fuel mileage. The list goes on and on.

Short people unite and lets cut these big oafs off at the knee caps, the world would be a better cleaner place!

FutureMemory's avatar

6’8”!!! Couple a freaks…=p

linguaphile's avatar

@FutureMemory You’re just jealous :D :D

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here again; I cheated inadvertently. Sorry

Without the tail sticking in the air, I am only 1’ 2”.

jrpowell's avatar

testing a proxy.. Ignore me.

janbb's avatar

consider yourself ignored.

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