Is anyone else sick of Imogen Thomas?
Asked by
BeccaBoo (
September 2nd, 2011
I am so sick of this woman and more like her. Everywhere I turn these days there are women like this all over the press.
She is famous for
1. Having multiple affairs with footballers and doing kiss and tell’s on them.
2. Winning Miss Wales.
3. Being on Big Brother (not winning, not even coming close!)
4. Getting her boobs out as much as she can for lads mags.
She is not clever, she is not at all appealing to women (because of her behaviour) and worries the hell out of me that women like this get splashed all over the TV, papers and Internet for being slutty!
Rant over….but do you have anyone like this that just winds you up when you hear their name?
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34 Answers
Most celebrities. I don’t know who Imogen is, but that’s a cool name.
@BeccaBoo I get see women getting tired of her, but not men lol.
Ha ha….just your type huh!! Careful though she is a home-wrecker!!
I guess she’s the Brit version of Paris Hilton. A total waste of space on the planet. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth and not an iota of brain cells.
She paid others to do all her papers in college. Whenever I see her on a talk show or something I immediately switch the channel.
@Buttonstc Oh another one I just can not stand!! She and all the others seriously should be shelved as “We had nothing else to write about” and “Yes people like this really do exsist”
Yeah. And you can’t necessarily blame the silver spoon effect either.
Witness the opposite in the two oldest Trump kids. They were born into the same extraordinary wealth but had parents who held them to standards.
Even in their younger years, you never saw them in the tabloids and there weren’t any pics of Ivanka getting out of cars flashing her cooch cuz she didn’t bother wearing underwear.
Both of them were way too busy studying for real and graduating with honors from Wharton. And they both work for a living every single day.
If I saw her all the time, I would be sick of her. She is one of those people who proves to me that culture celebirties physical beauty far more than it does intelligence, kindness, compassion, or any of the things that so many people say matter. What is said and what is given public media status are completely different.
@tedibear Lets hear it for you!! Could not have said it better myself.
I’ve never heard of her either. And what’s the problem exactly? Should we blame women alone for a culture we all participate in that makes women’s value be about tits and ass?
Yeah, I would also blame the guys who buy those mags and the football players who want to play with balls on and off the field. : )
@mazingerz88 Treating women as objects is everyone’s fault. Period.
I’ve never treated a woman as an object. Not that I’m aware of anyway. I’ll have to think about it a minute. Nope.
I’ve never been fond of welsh tart, apple tart….now ya talkin!
I agree. I can’t stand these celebrities that are famous for just being in the right place at the right time but have no real talent. I wish Kerry Katona would disappear to an island far, far away and I think Katie Price has only remained in the spotlight for so long because she sells her story to OK! magazine everytime she takes a shit. Celebrities that cash in on every little aspect of their life annoy me. I refuse to buy magazines like OK! and Hello (and those like them) because they basically pay for these women (and a few men but mostly women) to continue being talentless.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir If this girl and others like her were only famous for the way they look (like models often are) I would understand your point but this girl (and others like her) are famous for the affairs they have and cashing in on every aspect of their lives. They aren’t the only ones to blame for this pointless fame I know but they are responsible for the actions.
@Leanne1986 Right on!! So with you on this..
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Would you rather be remebered for your tits and ass or your intelligence and wit? There is more to a woman than just that, but not in the case of Imogen Thomas…..she is just looks and thats it!! My problem is women like this are annoying and showing the younger generation that are impressionable and naieve that its ok to sleep with married men and destroy families, be famous for it, its ok to show yourself in a light that is all about sex and nothing else, 1 dimensional women! I don’t see the point, there are women out there that are more beautiful, more talented and have more dignity and yet, we choose trash over talent everytime! (well in this case)
I’d just like to add she’s one of many desperate wannabes who would go to the opening of an envelope to feed their oxygen for publicity. Desperately sad talentless bimbo.
@Leanne1986 They’re cashing in because, unfortunately, in our society cashing in on women’s tits and asses and affairs brings them more money than anything having to do with their brains and wit, @BeccaBoo. As to the rest of your comment, if you don’t know what I’d rather have women be remembered for, you don’t know me very well. If you want to show the ‘younger generation’ how to be a ‘proper woman’, you put the gaze back on yourself and not her. As a feminist and a scholar of gender, I am telling you that what you’re doing in policing how other women must be is sometimes worse than sexism from men. What you’re doing in placing ‘tits and ass’ as mutually exclusive from ‘brains and wit’ is reinvigorating the Madonna/Whore complex we still, as a society, can’t shake off. You are an example of what we call ‘someone who fell into the trap of thinking that there is one way to be a woman with dignity and that is what they, the patriarchal order, wanted you to think’.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir please do not box me into a catagorey like that! If you met me, and half my freinds you’d be quick enough to retract that statement! I am definatly not what you are trying to imply there.
Firstly I am of the Madonna generation, and she totally rocks in my opinion, but there was a very clear difference between her and these other women. Madonna was asserting her sexuality, not running about telling everyone that she is fabulous, screwing every married man and selling all the details to any tabloid that would listen. Madonna is famous because she has talent, she is beautiful, sexy, clever, and above all she has something all these women lack, class and dignity. I don’t think all of the women that walk the planet should be like this, my own sister who is not that different from you, a feminist, in an open marriage, rasing her son would probably tell you herself you have me wrong. I adore her because of the person she is, what she brings to the table, and because she is different.
I dont like homewreckers, I dont like people who expect it all for nothing, stupity and people who assume!
Why should I police any women? Where did you come up with that?
But I am telling you that this women has absolutly no Brains and not Wit, she is all tits and ass!
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Duh…now I feel stupid!! I wont go into it as its something that has nothing to do with the way I feel about Imogen Thomas and more women like her. Religion is a subject that I tend not to discuss as its so personal to someone and to fragile to inflict my personal feelings onto.
However I do understand where you are coming from on this Simone, although I think your being a tad unfair classing me in the same light!
This is not how I feel about women in general, this is how I feel about this one particular women and more like her. And she is definatly no Madonna, well unless you can prove otherwise??
@BeccaBoo Just for clarification, what do you think I’m classifying you as?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Well there was ” As a feminist and a scholar of gender, I am telling you that what you’re doing in policing how other women must be is sometimes worse than sexism from men”
So forgive me if I am wrong but I took that as you putting me in the same box as a sexist male!
And then there was “You are an example of what we call ‘someone who fell into the trap of thinking that there is one way to be a woman with dignity and that is what they, the patriarchal order, wanted you to think’.
And here, I am following the masses??
perhaps I have miss understood what you are trying to imply on a mass level?
@BeccaBoo I assumed you were a woman (don’t know why). That’s why I said you’re policing other women when talking about Imogen. If you’re a man and you’re upset about representation of women in the media, that’s one thing but you’re only further contributing to making it seem like tits and ass have less value than brains and wit (which is another debate) but you’re refusing to see that our society (all of us) are implicated in treating objectification of women as normal.
Is it policing a woman when you tell her she is policing a woman?
@bkcunningham Some had said this, yes. I’d like to think I’m giving my opinion, though. ‘Cause then you can call the entire site of Fluther a police state.
@bkcunningham I’ve read it before. I know of that blog. I don’t agree with everything written. We must be able to talk about how women are too involved in telling others how to be. I’m not telling @BeccaBoo how to be a woman, that’s for sure. I just want them to not tell other women how to be proper women either.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I was not telling anyone how to be anything. Mearly stating that I am sick of reading about women like this.
If I met this particular women, I would not treat her any differently to any other woman that I meet… (and trust me I meet a lot in a highly emotional state most of the time).
I don’t want to go too deeply into this, my point was purely and simply that I was sick of reading about her and women like her. Not about telling her how to behave, or policing her as a woman!!
And for the record and any future reference, I am a woman ;-)
@BeccaBoo I think @bkcunningham thought I was telling you how to be, which I wasn’t doing either. Many of us have never read about her or ‘women like her’ because we read other things and it’s easy to avoid reading crap.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I completly respect your opinions and your point of view most of the time. The way you put yourself across to me on here, sometimes has me thinking from a different point of view, for me I think thats a healthy way to be. My opinions are strong, and unlike yours are not always put across as clearly as I would like. However I agree you were not telling me how to be, mearly pointing out the obvious to you!
Unfortunatly over here of late you can not open a newspaper or watch the news without this woman being on, or in it. I watch it because I like to keep up with current affaris, it’s a bit difficult to escape from.
As for @bkcunningham she totally rocks doesn’t she!!! What a brain ;-)
I think we live in a man’s world. I think women have to compete against men for the best jobs. When you have one woman walking around showing her breasts and inviting others to view her as a couple of anatomical parts instead of a thinking, intelligent human being, she is not only demeaning herself but making it more difficult for the any woman who is trying to succeed in this man’s world. I have certainly seen that throughout my career which was almost always in a male dominated field. I have the right to comment upon or judge anything that makes my life course more difficult.
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