Empirically speaking, I don’t know of any evidence indicating that it’s not restricted to terrestrial humans. However, that doesn’t exclude the possibility that such evidence exists.
I’m sure that if there are extraterrestrial beings who are capable of abstract conceptualization and expression, then perhaps someday we can discuss things of this nature with them, and get some first-person info on this.
I think deja vu is basically encountering something that seems familiar, but you can’t remember where, how, or if you’ve encountered it before.
I think most mammals (I’m not sure about the other taxonomic classes) can form memories based on smell, hearing, sight, or perhaps even touch, so that they can become at least familiar with things associated with past events, organisms, or places.
I think I’ve read about gorillas apparently enjoying a sunset, so that could be evidence that some other primates besides us have awareness of things beyond those that are directly relevant to our basic needs.
I think if the above is accurate, then perhaps there’s a decent chance that some other animals might have a fleeting sense of something close to DV.
I occasionally foster one of my wife’s rescued cats, and I’ve never seen him display any deja vu when he revisits my house, but then I’ve never specifically looked for it either.
Maybe I will the next time he visits, but I doubt that I’m gonna see it. ;-p