How does one close their account?
Asked by
JessicaRTBH (
September 3rd, 2011
from iPhone
After what happened yesterday I’m totally over this place.
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56 Answers
Try the “contact” button top right of your screen next to the search tool.
BTW What happened yesterday?
I was called a stupid whore and told to kill myself publicly. The mobile version lacks a flagging option (which the cm apparently didn’t know) and it’s really left a bad taste in my mouth how all of it was delt with.
Obviously the words didn’t get to me – it’s the inconsistent moderation and lack thereof
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I wouldn’t let one bad seed ruin your time here. Let the mods know what happened and it WILL be dealt with as that kind of crap doesn’t sail in the pond. Out the creep and there are a lot if jellies like myself that can help “correct” the problem if need be.
Are you looking for advice on how to close your account, or are you just looking to vent about the user who insulted you and about the lack of a flag option on the mobile site?
I can’t help thinking that if you really wanted to just leave, you’d just stop logging in.
I want the account closed – meaning not searchable. Just not logging in won’t solve that.
@JessicaRTBH Yeah, let the mods know what happened. They can look into it. It’s a free world, which is great for most of us. Unfortunately it also means some are free to be jerks. There is a way to delete your account. It’s in the my account box. I’d prefer you stayed.
The way to delete my account is what? That’s my question obviously
Hope you feel better.
I’m sorry, I don’t know how to, but I’m sure the other Jellies are helping you out just fine :)
Click on My Account at the top of the screen. There’s an option to delete your account on that screen.
Bear in mind that this will not remove any of your questions or your answers. These will all still be on the system and searchable.
Good luck with the next comunity you join.
Click “My Account” at the top of the page. There’s an option there to “Delete your account”. I don’t know that the mobile site has the option – you might have to wait until you’re at a computer.
So from iphone click on New Alerts. Click on lurve. Then click My Account. To get to the account management page. You can delete your account from there.
Thank you. Goodbye Jellyfish.
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And now you won’t find any user by the name of JessicaRTBH, either.
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Oh, I see, I had the wrong spelling. I wish people would understand the mods are here on a voluntary basis and maybe when that answer was flagged, no one was on duty. That happens. For the most part, mods are on the ball with that kind of attack.
It’s a tough world. Sometimes you need a tougher skin. But it’s still sad.
If someone does something violent like that do they get banned by username or IP or what? It seems that if they wanted to, they could just come back like freddy in nightmare on elm street and continue to be an arse.
@digitalimpression The mods can track them. They can try to come back but they can id them.
Ahhhh….grand announcements are so grand!
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Well, I’m sorry that @JessicaRTBH got smacked, but really, it is the Internet, it’s not like one of her real friends said that stuff (I’m assuming). I’ve had some mean stuff said to me and although it may hurt my feelings or piss me off, I realize that no one I actually know said those things.
@JilltheTooth Oh yeah I agree. Some people just can’t see the whole for the parts, or in this case, one part.
It’s got nothing to do with what was said. At. All. It’s that I often got modded for quite petty things yet this was left and in my opinion it was more serious. I was only on mobile at the time and had no flagging option. I PMed the cm where I was basically blamed for not flagging. I find this entire situation frustrating. I don’t care if a troll wants me to jump off a bridge or thinks I’m a whore. I simply find the way this site operates to be something I don’t care to be a part of.
Well, as @chyna said, the mod team is volunteer and can’t always be everywhere at once, and if you think you’ve been modded unfairly, take it up with them. As humans we can’t always be objective about what we ourselves say. If you think the site is poorly run, then by all means leave. Good luck finding another that is more evenly modded, I’m kind of under the impression that the whole damned internet is run by fallible humans. Maybe I’m mistaken…
@JessicaRTBH, I thought you had deleted your account and were gone. Did you decide to come back? Don’t allow one person’s comments to control your emotions. I really don’t know what happened and didn’t see the posts you are referring to. I would have been POed too, I’m sure. But life is short. Let it go. It does look like it was taken care of by the mod squad.
I liked it here and all – I’m not saying there’s a better site. This is one of the better ones. I mean no harm I’m just moving on. Perhaps I’ll spy your answers as an outsider. I did delete myself. It let me post? I was confused by that myself.
@JessicaRTBH There comes a time here where almost every Jelly has had to put on their big girl/big boy pants and plow through some allotment of BS whether at the hands of a belligerent Jelly or a heavy handed Mod. Life ain’t perfect and neither is Fluther but all in all it is a fun safe place to express yourself as long as you don’t take certain things too seriously.
Rethink this and lighten up and just have some fun dammit!
Aw, come on and stay, @JessicaRTBH. Everyone knows you meant no harm. It can get emotional. But see what you have to do to reactivate your account, stay around and get to know everyone and give us an opportunity to get to know you. Take a deep breath and start all over. I’d like to see you stay.
Fuck. We keep losing people because of this shit, how the fuck could we have not stopped this?
FUCK this pisses me off.
@XOIIO people come and go all the time for a whole host of reasons. That’s just the way things are.
I’m really upset about this. When @JessicaRTBH PMed me and told me what happened, I replied that I would look into it, and take action if necessary (which I did). I also mentioned that, for future reference, flagging as soon as it happens would be faster.
When she reminded me that there is no flagging option on the mobile site, I apologized, and told her she had done exactly the right thing by letting me know. Obviously, as the attacker is no longer here (it was a returning banned member), I did take care of the situation, immediately after I received the first PM.
The tone of my PMs to @JessicaRTBH was nice and friendly, all along the way. I’m really not sure what else I could have done.
Don’t take it personally, @augustlan. You did all that you could do. Some people just can’t be pleased. Look around and see how many of us have stuck around for so long – you’re obviously doing something right.
Well, @augustlan , I’ll just bet that you did everything with as much grace, tact and compassion as you are known for, but still some people feel that if they get modded it’s always unjust I’ve forgiven you, BTW… ;-) and they also don’t seem to get that they can just leave a thread if it upsets them until something can be done.
PS: I’ve removed all of the posts that mentioned the attacker’s name. Even though they are banned, we don’t want people badmouthing them publicly.
Thanks for the support, guys. I appreciate it.
@augustlan You’re doing a fantastic job. We all apreciate the effort you and the other mods put in. You can’t please everybody all of the time (hell you can’t please some people any of the time) and even when you do everything right you sometimes still don’t get the result you want. It’s the way it is in a lot of things in life.
If I understand correctly, a flagging is transmitted to ALL the mods simultaneously? I believe I read that at one time and presume it was correct.
Even tho Auggie is the Manager she can’t be expected to be available 24/7.
I’m wondering how difficult it would be to enable flagging on the mobile version. I’m not familiar enough with comp. programming to make an educated guess.
I realize that the founders and staff are employed elsewhere so that site changes aren’t commonly done but Auggie has mentioned that there is a “list” of things to be worked on.
IMHO this should be at the top of the list so that ANY mod who is on duty could take care of a serious issue like this promptly. It shouldn’t all fall on her shoulders and she shouldn’t have to guess whether someone is not flagging because they’re unfamiliar with it or because they LITERALLY CAN NOT due to being on mobile.
That’s a ridiculous dilemma to be putting her in. I can certainly understand the frustration of the user who left because she states that she had been modded often for minor stuff while something so egregious was left up for quite awhile. Obviously whoever flagged her for sspelling, grammar or other minor stuff was using a computer so she got slapped down promptly.
But the disparity between that and a truly horrid attack upon her was just left sitting there.
If flagging were available on mobile, I’m pretty sure that enough mods would have seen it and PROMPTLY removed it.
This is really grossly unfair to Augustlan but the responsibility should be on the shoulders of the higher ups. ONE OF them should be able to spare a few hours to remedy this flagging situation. How long could it possibly take?
@JessicaRTBH Oh Dear, I didn’t see what happened to you yesterday. That’s awful. I hope you will re-consider and not leave.
Try not to let it get you down. You may have to grow a thicker skin, keep a list of people that are not nice and simply ignore those people.
We would be saddened and would miss you if you left : (
@Kardamom Its established that she left a while ago in the thread.
@Buttonstc I just made sure that “adding a way to flag to the mobile site” is on the list. :)
That’s good to know. Hopefully it’s right at the top as I can see this type of scenario repeating itself more than once :)
@augustlan does this mean we will no longer have to use the “be so obnoxious that other people flag you so that you can draw attention to the thing that needs flagging” approach?
Just a thought, but until (or if ever) the flagging by phone thing is fixed, if we are on the phone and really need a flag is it OK to ask another user on the same thread to maybe flag? Or is that weird?
@JilltheTooth I don’t see why you couldn’t pm another jelly and see if they would flag it.
But you’re at work all the time! Well, not right now
I’m on an iPhone right now. Can someone flag this question for being a whiny, grand announcement? All of this should have been dealt with privately.
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Yeah, but @Nimis , the “snit quits” are never private, what would be the point?
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