Will you write a Haiku about how you feel at this moment?
Asked by
AshLeigh (
September 3rd, 2011
I’ve recently gotten really into writing Haiku’s.
I’ve been writing four or five per days, since Tuesday morning.
So, I think it would be interesting to read some written by fellow Jellies.
My most recent one is:
If you had the choice,
would you open your eyes now?
It’s time to wake up…
For those of you who don’t know, a Haiku is a three line poem.
The first line has five syllables.
The second has seven.
The last has five.
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133 Answers
Relieved, relaxing,
my yard work finally done.
In one hour, work.
I feel good about
The mini biomes that I
Built in old lightbulbs
Bears will chase the Dogs
all the way back to Fresno.
Tails between their legs.
I have a big zit
in the middle of my back.
my wife will bring pain.
It is hot outside
air conditioning is nice
I will stay inside
Domestic woes are
messing up my life right now
apartments do suck.
They are having fun
jamming in the sun whilst I
sit by typing this
Major Rich you need
Kate the Great and her scalpel
Then she’ll stitch you up!
I am thankful now
Because I have been given
All the things I need
Coloma basks in AC
Two o’ clock the sun shines hot
She thinks of watermelon
Seelix is too warm
AC doesn’t do enough
To cool her hawt bod
It is growing late
Just me, a bed and pillow
And all tomorrow.
The new, fresh-cut grass
it is baseball time once more
the kids need practice
There are pages torn
out of this book. What was there,
on those paper sheets?
My pillow smells bad
it has red hair dye on it
my hair is blackagain.
This book is so good
I can’t put it down at all
it smells like oak trees
I want to hug you,
but you are so far away,
I hope you’re alright.
I worry for you,
We’ll get through this together,
My dearest Ash-Leigh.
Tired arse is so tight
A few pricks set it right though
Love acupuncture!
Do not worry, love.
I’ll be alright, soon enough.
I love you, cousin. <333
Dividing mountains
of stuff into yours and mine
Too tiring today
“Does finally have
Two syllables or one,” I
wonder as I count.
The same question goes
for hours, as I inhale and
exhale and still count.
Ooh, you are so big
Oh so absolutely huge
La dee da dee da
@gailcalled, that made
me laugh. great freaking answer.
A good day it’s not
Worrying helps not a bit
Tomorrow, a new day.
It’s time to find yet
another word with five beats…
Boredom is a sin;
though there’s everything to do
There’s nowhere to go…
Three thirty six
a fine breeze inside my house
I sit topless yet bottomed
Repeat after me, please.
LIne one, five, line two, seven
And finally five.
That will depend on
Whether you say, “fine-lee,”
Or else “fine uh lee.”
Ear, nose and throat guy.
I just descovered
Tanka. Just like a Haiku,
But add two more lines,
both with seven syllables.
Didn’t I know this before?
dark sky
endless nights
shroud of stars
Repeat after me, please.
LIne one, five, line two, seven
And finally five.
In the initial Japanese, yes, they consisted of five-seven-five on, which are not syllables. When translated to English they can consist of up to six syllables. Besides, contemporary haiku shouldn’t be restricted by the constraints of precision. They should be freed from constraints and instead paint a portrait of a thought, of a dream.
I will still worry,
nonetheless. It’s what I do.
I heart you @AshLeigh.
Yum yum yum yum yum
Munch munch munch munch munch
Quarterbacks taste good.
Sweet Corn Festival
I gorged on many good eats
My tummy will grow
Sweet Corn Festival
Many Fat people were there
I felt very small
I guess this is where
we say goodbye. Thank you, Nick,
For the life you saved.
Nine Forty Seven
watching alien astronauts on DVD
I have some candy lol
I am pissed as hell
Drunk or angry who can tell
Come morn’, make me well
My heart is pounding.
My mind won’t slow down tonight.
Asher has to live…
Pain pain go away
Don’t come back another day
I stole it. Sue me.
So sorry I farted
in the elevator car
very awkward,huh?
we float through our life
just as flowers float downstream
You briefly touched me
@majorrich: Nice, and perfect if you nix the “So.”
Nine thirty nine a.m.
crazy hair Coloma drinks
coffee with cinnamon ;-)
There is a reason
I“ve five fingers on each hand.
Fool-proof for counting.
Gail uses her fingers
fer cipherin’ like Jethro
cuz she’s an Eat-en gal hehe ;-)
@Coloma: How’s everyone this AM?
Gail uses fingers
For cyphering like Jethro?
Who, pray, is Jethro?
You know, from the Beverly Hillbillies show in the 60’s?
Sorrry. I was too busy being married, working and raising two babies. I don’t think we even owned a TV.
My son’s new girlfriend
I just met for the first time
I think they’re in love.
Feeling better now
It’s about damn time, you know?
Better days ahead
It is too quiet.
Obnoxious conversation,
down beneath my feet.
Because I’ve decide I like you
I penned just for you this haiku
But my mind being chemeric
It came out as a Limerick
I guess that more suits my IQ
My dear Albert Fish,
I miss the talks we used to
at four AM. :)
Coloma hosts her own
Labor day carwash at home
Soap suds and Cerveza bring smiles
I feel naught but drunk
Like a monk, I live to die
It’s all so damn bunk
I can’t handle it.
I felt so strong yesterday.
But now you are gone.
I want winter now
Missing all the snow flakes
And wearing my boots
I don’t want winter.
I miss all the sunny days.
And not wearing boots. ;)
I hate the summer
you can wear warmer clothes
cant be more than nude
Spring and fall are good
summer and winter both suck
warm days, cool nights. Yes.
It’s been one month now,
Since you went to see Jesus.
Rest in peace, Asher.
Today I saw three deer,
Twenty-one wild turkeys
And the red-tailed hawk.
On edge this evening
Though care free, just too many
Cups of black coffee.
I can not stand my
Biology class. I am
going to fail it. D:
I drank this potion
And now I can never die
What is the movie?
@Symbeline could
that film be ‘Death Becomes Her’
Starring Meryl Streep?
Aye indeed it be,
Such a weird but fun movie
Meryl Streep be hawt.
The end of the game…
and that was it; you realized..
Everything had changed.
You didn’t want to give up,
But spring had already left.
Today was crazy
Two rail crashes, both Volvo’s
Fall’s first cold drizzle
My patience wears thin.
Your ignorance brings my rage.
Things don’t work that way.
I now breath fluther
Soon, I’ll be somewhere other
But I will be back
Today is boring.
I don’t want to go to school.
Maybe I’ll play sick. ;)
Two sparing fluthers
Trapped in a frenzy social
It’s this story or that
Haiku rules apply.
It’s not just grammar. Last line
needs five syllables
A gale virus
Follows and tries to corrupt
My wryter in vain
Cold rain upon glass
Is it autumn or winter
This night in Scotland.
@flutherother – Very, very nice! You’ll get a ‘Great Answer!’ from me every time with haiku’s such as this one. Thanks!
My crush time with her
Has now drawn its sad curtain
I fear it leaving
Forty lit candles
For a Star brighter than all
Still beautiful
Hawthorne Heights saves my
lonely nights. Dries the tears in
my grieving eyes. Yes….
Snow, pre-Halloween,
Is a surreal sight, indeed
A cold October
The snow doesn’t wait,
for tricks, or for treats either.
Bring it on, Jack Frost.
We should write a book
One Haiku, then another
All on one topic
I hate you Haiku.
You are very hard to do.
Go back to Japan.
I no go back now
Haiku is like tree branching
It grow with no hate
@Mantralantis – Hey, you idiot, you forgot to put “She’s” in front of “still beautiful” in that last line of your ‘40 candles’ haiku. Remember to be patient and focused next time okay?
Life’s a Catalyst.
Psychological Warfare.
I’m a Chameleon…
@AshLeigh – That was really very good. See, Ash, its not too hard for anyone to remember now is it? Basically you just play off the last interesting thing that comes your way, if you must. Even if its something that’s not pleasant really. And then you give someone else fodder for their expression as well. Haiku’s are simply the best kind of poems I believe now.
@Mantralantis, I know this. This is my question. It was just a joking Haiku. :P
@AshLeigh – Yes…I know you knew. That’s why I played it that way. So you could make a haiku expressing how you feel about how you thought I would comment in such a way. Instead you didn’t make a haiku. You simply made a comment on something we both know but was redundant. Anyway, I tried.
Try to haiku all.of that. I will understand and not judge you one bit. Go ahead. Try it.
@Mantralantis, seriously I know what I’m doing. Haha.
Today feels like hell.
Gage, I don’t know what I did…
I just miss you now…
Once again, I know…
What you already in fact know
Haiku was the thing
I am aware what
your goal was. However, I
play by my own rules. ;)
inside with headaches
outside, i long for this day
to not be on here
Counting syllables
With my fingers, like a child
Five, seven and five.
Some people (here) seem to have eight
Fingers on each hand
Two things are wrong with
this haiku thread: a wind call
and a Dark priss tongue
Having fun with this
Dead Space, my first time playing
Let’s cut off their limbs . . .
Away with your futile
Springboards of countless jabbers
And miles of misfires
Back again, jellies…
I was getting bored with things
I got nostalgic
Stepped on a dead cat
first thing this morning. Rest in
peace, my dearest Sarz.
Jaded from last night,
Poor little brain is throbbing,
Where are you coffee?
Winter’s cold cover
Here in my ole Kentucky
Will be remembered
My voise is venom.
Hard times never go away.
My heart is afflict.
@AshLeigh – I really like your ‘voise’. It’s. . .different.
Ahhh, crap. Did I really say voise? XD Voice*******
@AshLeigh – Ah…but I really like this new voise. And you’re actually a cool person.
Voice + noise, I mean, of course. Clever accident then. Yep.
Me? A cool person? I like to think so. :)
@AshLeigh – Yeps. Now, I’m sure your sweet too, somewhere there. Am I right? I mean, I’m not exactly saying Cool Whip sweet. But I hope you get what. . .hey, that could possibly work:
cool WHIP. (I mean that in a nice way, of course;)
Nevermind the man behind that black curtain. He’s not always cool. Be good as you are, Ms. Haiku.
Long after midnight
Rain begins falling outside
Then silence again.
Slick drip. Grip, don’t slip.
Watch yourself, don’t ever trip.
Life’s hard, leave a tip.
Planning a murder.
Cannibalism is fun.
Sarcasm, of course…
My kids drive me nuts.
Now I eat too much choclate
I have tummy ache
My cat is hungry.
Looks at me with huge green eyes
But I don’t share food.
“It’s” still means “it is.”
Flirting online is risky.
Don’t scroll through his texts.
Hatred for the wind.
Alaska is far too cold.
Summer… Hurry up!
When I am down please,
Be nice and kind to me, now
It began in a
dark room lit by the TV
light. Stay here, with me.
Kitchen ceiling fell
now there’s a very big mess
fed up with plaster
Back again, within
This realm I once was before
With a vigil hope
Your eyes are crystal.
We made regrets together.
I am not sorry.
Purple clouds far off,
Suddenly the air is full
Of tiny snowflakes.
Lost on an island
With some plane crash survivors
And hostile Others
What does this dream mean?
Does he really like me? Am
I really pregnant?
Luckily, my age
And concomitant slowness
makes these queries moot.
I am therefore free
to step into the garden…
greet the borer bees.
It’s eighty degrees.
We are not prepared for this.
This is Alaska.
Thunder, lightning, rain
Last night: tornado sped by
And power stayed on.
Spring was late this year
No matter, she is here now
Lovely as ever.
I’ve got to bet back.
The garden is waiting now.
Out to the garden.
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