Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

What are some things (whether in your opinion, or in general) that you think "don't really matter"?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) September 3rd, 2011

For example, if I’m the only car on the road at night, I’m not going to bother using my signal because no one is around to see it.

You can use a trivial example, or a large example that deals with society or government, for instance.

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27 Answers

incendiary_dan's avatar

Laws that have nothing to do with anyone’s safety but your own. For example, making adults wear a seatbelt. I’m gonna wear a seatbelt whatever the law says, but I don’t like being told I have to. It’s the decision of informed adults whether or not to worry about their safety. Same with mature adults and carrying or owning weapons, or what plants we can plant and where.

ucme's avatar

“Skidmarks” on ya undies, unless it’s a first date or the vicar comes round for tea XD

TexasDude's avatar

Lurve, upvotes, “likes,” etc.

stardust's avatar

The judgement of other people really doesn’t matter!

marinelife's avatar

All the negative thoughts about themselves that people think.

mazingerz88's avatar

Skin color.

incendiary_dan's avatar

@mazingerz88 It matters for finding clothes that look good on you, but basically nothing else.

Coloma's avatar

Pretty much everything really, when you toss yourself out into space and realize we are just little organisms crawling around a big rock in the middle of infinity. lol

tinyfaery's avatar

What team wins what game.
Awards in general.

digitalimpression's avatar

Self Loathing. Vote x 2.

woodcutter's avatar

It doesn’t really matter who the president is.

Cruiser's avatar

Whether you look fat!

AmWiser's avatar

Nothing really matters. It’s all in the grand scheme of things.

bob_'s avatar

Online debates.

redfeather's avatar

Which seat you get in a lecture class of 50+ people. (yes, I will move seats every time to mess with people. I’m that bitch.)

Brian1946's avatar

Whether a political candidate believes in a deity.

How tan I am.

The reproductive choice of anyone that I don’t know.

Any royal wedding.

SuperMouse's avatar

Which celebrity is dating/married to or is breaking up which other celebrity.

Blackberry's avatar

@redfeather Ok, that’s not cool…

Coloma's avatar

If you want to eat cheescake for dinner. lol

redfeather's avatar

@Blackberry it ain’t 1st grade!

Sunny2's avatar

Which side of the bed you get up on.

YARNLADY's avatar

Doesn’t really matter to whom? In the long run, nothing really matters, we all end up dust.

Rarebear's avatar

Whether someone believes in God or not. I just care that they believe in science.

Berserker's avatar

@SuperMouse Yeah. I also don’t care about celebrities who showed their panties to everyone by squatting on stage.

I also jaywalk when a road is empty. You know, cuz that’s totally the only place I could actually get killed in.

ninjacolin's avatar

anything without negative consequence.

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