What's your Fluther style?
Are you:
1. a question stalker, one who follows a question without posting an answer.
2. a hit-and-run poster, one who answers a question and then stops following immediately.
3. a drama queen, one who agonizes over how to word a question and the details.
4. a punter, one who posts meaningless quips in response to questions.
5. a chill dude or gal, one who goes with the flow.
6. an in-your-face opinionated boxer, one who states his/her case as bluntly and painfully as possible
7. something else?
Tell us what your Fluther style is, please.
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41 Answers
How about someone who just tries to answer questions directly and as completely as possible?
I pretty much go with the flow. I like to ask a lot of questions and participate in some weird discussions. I unfollow a few question if they begin to get annoying and don’t really spark me as interesting.
Numbers 3 through 7 depending on my mood, my tolerance level, the jack-assery quotient of the day and whether or not I’m hungry.
And the amount of coffee consumed.
Also Number 6 if I manage to read enough of the details to form a logical opinion before the urge to be Number 4 kicks in.
I answer and keep following the thread for days/weeks especially my own question threads, as I want to make sure I read anyone’s answer.
When I ask a question I put time in the wording a plenty, as I want to (try to) be sure that it comes across the way I want it to be.
And I try to keep a balance between funny (intended) answers and serious ones.
1. a question stalker…. Yeah, sometimes.
3. a drama queen…..Definately.
5. a chill dude or gal…..That’s my style too.
7. something else?....To often I post questions and leave for hours never inter-acting (that’s bad, I know).
Usually a 5, unless the topic is something I’m very passionate about, then I quickly become a 6. The number of topics I’m passionate about can be counted on one hand, but I sure as hell am not going to be quiet if one of them comes up.
I would be #6, the KO artist and “body snatcher”, except in a tag team boxing match; when I administer a standing eight, they have to tag in another fighter in hopes of avoiding the KO.
Guilty of all of the above.
1. Stalker: Questions get stalked when I don’t have an answer but are interesting.
2. Stops Following: If it’s a poll question, I’ll hang on for awhile, but stop following if no one makes a comment about my post and it shows up on the radar a week or so later.
3. Drama Queen: Yes, I worry about the details, including grammar and if it makes sense. That doesn’t seem like drama though.
4. Punter: Only on a rare occasion. Some posted by others are hilarious though, as long as it isn’t a reply to a serious question. For me, sometimes puns are just too hard to resist.
5. Chill Gal: Maybe. Responses are posted based upon interest or insightful information that might be offered. Clarification and follow-up by the OP is important to me.
6. In Your Face: Often when it is initially typed out. Then it gets softened up in the editing stage.
7. Other: Questions and answers aren’t posted for Lurve. I like the community here, and that is what keeps me coming back. If I can help someone out or put a smile on their face or put them at ease, then that is all the motivation needed to stick around. Long live Fluther PMs.
I’m a drive-by quipping drama queen! ;=D
Mostly, I’m so sincere I make myself sick. I try to add something a bit lighter. Occasionally, my sense of humor kicks in. I wish that would happen more often.
So a 3–5-6 is my combination. With a little sharp mustard and a dill pickle, lettuce and tomato.
1) I will stalk questions if I am interested enough to answer and someone blows the response I intended to give out of the water.
5) I will go with the flow based on how the OP usually acts.
I was just typing a response to a question thinking when I respond to some people I have a terribly foul mouth and to others like I am in church.
A mix of five and six, but mostly five. Also there should be a choice that would be like…The Goofing Off style where you just answer shit and try to be funny and unbored yourself, as I often do. I guess number four is the closest to that. I admit, I do a lot of that. But not all the time.
Thanks. :D And I fucking love the movie it’s from. :D
It may not have zombies, but all the Huns popping outta the snow like daisies reminded me of zombies…XD
Mulan is a criminally overlooked Disney movie!
I have to watch Mulan now. I miss that movie.
@Joker94 If that’s the case, then fuck people. I don’t even like Disney, but Mulan is awesome. The sequel can suck it though.
Never even bothered with the sequel..
Yeah it was a mistake on my part…
We derailed the shit out of this thread XD
And in so doing, we’re answering it so accordingly. XD
No matter what style I might use, I always answer questions appropriately.
You have been awarded an opportunity to sit under the orange tree. Use it wisely.
I’m probably a 4.
Just a couple questions ago, someone was asking about something that reminded me of this time when I was in boy scouts, and we were camping out by the ocean, so I am running over these dunes not realizing that they don’t slope evenly on both sides because the wind from the ocean will end to blow sand in the direction towards land, and usually it seems pretty solid, but actually it’s really easy to shovel, especially out near the ocean where you can find small crabs down about a foot, but not the crabs you eat, like dungenous, which are the best since there is so much meat in the body, and not just in the legs, which are really hard to crack sometimes, and I was thinking you could feed the world, or at least lower the crab population by inventing a Crab Gin, which works like a cotton gin, only instead of seperating the cotton from the plant, you get the crab meat.
Yeah, I’m definitly a 4.
All of the above, but probably most guilty of the hit-and-run.
All of the above, plus bad-ass mod style.
5. I’m pretty chill and go with the flow.
I usually delete questions after a day or so if the discussion peters out or the answers become repetitious.
I’m not one to cling to the past. lol
Out with the old and in with the new!
I’m a mixture of 3,5 and 6 depending on the question.
I just ask, answer, message, fuck about & have a laugh.
I’m a 1 and a 3.
I rarely stop following a question.
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