Social Question

Care to share a funny story?
A couple of weeks ago, I went out with some friends.
This guy approached me and he tried to talk to me over loud music for a while, and asked if he could give me his number.. ( which is odd that he didn’t ask for mine) anyway, I was not really in to this guy but I said hey what the hell, he can give me his number. I pull up the new contact spot on my phone and because the music was so loud I handed my phone to him so he could put the number in himself.
wellllll. he then stealthy called himself so he could have my number. ha. cool .
days go by. don’t hear from him . pretty glad about it.
and then, comes the text message.
I get a picture message and see the text “can you send me one too”...I click the download button to see what picture this guy has sent me and I think to myself. realllyyyy? this guy has got to be kidding.
He sent me a picture of T.I.
(for those of you who don’t know he is a famous rapper)
and tried to play it off as himself.
dead ass serious.
I thought it was ridiculous and hilarious.
Especially because you could tell he took a picture of a picture. ...
any funny stories to share?