Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Anyone want to join me in saying "hey" to Ben and Andrew?

Asked by janbb (63360points) September 4th, 2011

Just reading an old question of Andrew’s and thinking I miss Our Founders. Thought if we said a collective “Hiya” they might hear the vibrations and check in. Want to try it?

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46 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Hello!!! Hope you’re having fun at Twitter.

Cruiser's avatar


Hibernate's avatar

Well a hello is always welcomed from anyone.


Though I doubt they will see it unless someone tells them to check in.

AmWiser's avatar

Never really knew ya, but helloooo, and thanks for the great site.
Psst! think ya can drop in and fix some broken awards?

FutureMemory's avatar

They’ll check in. It would be bad PR not to.

chyna's avatar

Hey guys. Miss you, wish you’d drop in now and then.

marinelife's avatar

I really miss you guys participating on the site. How is Andrew’s cat? What is Ben thinking about?

Inquiring minds want to know.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Hi, Guys! You are missed, please come visit!

Jude's avatar

Hey, there!! :)

filmfann's avatar

I’m eating Macaroni and Cheese!

XOIIO's avatar

Yoohooo! Anyone home?

I’ll get naked if you show up ;)

if that’s not appealing I won’t get naked of you show up

KateTheGreat's avatar

Hello there!

I’ve never really seen them around, but I wish them luck at Twitter.

KateTheGreat's avatar

Also, does Fluther have a Twitter?

janbb's avatar

@KateTheGreat You can link questions to your Twitter account but I don’t tweet as yet. When Auggie wakes up, she can share this with them.

janbb's avatar

Yet a zen again? Must be a new seazen.

XOIIO's avatar

I’ll hire this guy to greet them.

Kardamom's avatar

They were gone before I got here. But I guess I should give them a big old thank you for creating this place. So Thanks, fellas : )

Berserker's avatar

Waddup dudes. Keep the peace in the streets, ya hear? :D

picante's avatar

I always felt I had run them off. Howdy, you two. Don’t be strangers.

ben's avatar

Hi everyone! We miss you too!

JilltheTooth's avatar

Hey! We summoned him and he came! How cool is that????

augustlan's avatar

Hi, Ben! Tell Andrew I say “Hi”, too. You guys are the best bosses ever.

By the way, I hadn’t even sent this question to them, yet. They must have felt the wave of lurve.

XOIIO's avatar


Time for me to get naked

sndfreQ's avatar


Jeruba's avatar

Hi, Ben! Hi, Andrew! We’re still here if you ever change your mind.

@JilltheTooth, that’s what’s supposed to happen when you pray to the gods.

JilltheTooth's avatar

@Jeruba : Nice to know it works! Now, boys, I have a list… ;-)

janbb's avatar

Hey – I clicked my webbed feet three times and Ben appeared! How cool (yeah, literally) is that?

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: Or perhaps it was the email I sent to Ben today.

janbb's avatar

@Milo I’ve heard of snailmail but catmail? And are you still flooded?

gailcalled's avatar

All’s back to normal here, mercifully. I had some spring bulbs planted streamside, and it looks as they have been washed away. Perhaps next spring I can put on my tick-proof outfit and follow the rill downstream to see whether the bulbs took root in our little valley where the stream debouches. (I have been waiting for an opportunity to use that word.)

And you? NJ really got whacked.

janbb's avatar

Surprisingly, we weren’t hit as badly on my part of the Jersey Shore as further inland. Power out for three days and trees down, but no major flooding right in my neighborhood. My son and DIL had thought of evacuating to her father’s in Vermont – good thing they didn’t!

ETpro's avatar

@janbb Great idea. Sure. Happy Labor Day Holiday, guys.

linguaphile's avatar

Hiya Ben and Andrew, and THANK YOU for Fluther!! :D :D

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Yo Ben and Jerry Andrew, I see you Twiittering and wasting the hours in an off-hand way.

Hanging on in quiet desparation is the Fluther way
The time is gone the post is over, thought I’d something more to say….....

jrpowell's avatar

I’m just glad this question got sndfreQ to crawl out of a MIDI controller.

sndfreQ's avatar

@johnpowell hahahahha…I was stuck in a MIDI loop! Glad to be ‘back’ in action! :) Have a great Labor Day everyone!

dappled_leaves's avatar

<curtseys> A pleasure to meet you both, if meet we do.

tedibear's avatar

HI!!!!! As someone else said, thanks for Fluther! And also, thanks for having the good sense to make @augustlan the community manager. She deserves a raise. Or a bonus.

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