Should I expect a follow-up call from two people I fixed up?
Asked by
LuckyGuy (
September 4th, 2011
I have two friends, male and female, about the same age. We are all in our late 50’s.
I felt they would be perfect for each other: same general likes and dislikes, same great sense of humor, both divorced with two adult kids, both employed and own their own homes, and both not dating.
Well, I played Yente and challenged them to accept a blind date Friday night which they both accepted on my recommendation.
I am dying to know what happened but I don’t want to appear like I am prying – even thought I am.
I have been out of the dating loop for a long time. Should I expect a call from one of them? Am I allowed to ask what happened or do I just let it ride?
Oy! Is it maybe too much to expect my little Tzeitel should cawl and tell me what she thinks of Tuvyah? Signed, Worried Yente.
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100 Answers
Call and ask already! And let us know. I’m interested in your match making skills.
One of them will probably have something to say later. Just be patient.
If it went well and one or both knows you fixed them up then I’m sure you’ll get a call. :D
They, themselves, probably don’t know how it went yet. They’re both probably waiting anxiously for the other to make “that” phone call….
Don’t frighten them, wait a couple more days. Oh, and be sure to moisturize your hands, I can hear you wringing them…..
Oy Gevalt! I try to spread a little nachas and for what? Not even maybe a little commission?
If it were me I would call and give you my opinion but one may not want to get your hopes up in case the other didn’t like them. I am sure if it all works out you will be the first person to get an annoucement.
Ok…. I will sit tight…. I feel like I’m in Junior High again.
Maybe the date is still ongoing? :-)
It’s too soon for any “news”. They may not even know themselves how well things went between them.
It wouldn’t be amiss to call either (or both) and ask – simply and with no other expectation – “Did you have a good time?” But don’t stay in the middle between them, and don’t pass anything either of them says to the other. Let them work out their own relationship, if there will be one.
@chyna that is a good thought…. Who knows they may of hit it off so well they didn’t want to part!
Maybe they are still in bed, do not disturb. You will find out soon enough. haha
Hey…can you find me a handyman that enjoys philosophical conversations and geese? haha
Just kidding, I like being single. ;-)
So nu, Yenta? You never call, you never write! I’m your best friend, you set me up on a bllind date and you don’t even call to find out how it went. Pick up the phone already, Shmendrik!
If things won’t go to well you will be to blame ^^
If they are still in bed, I will be really jealous.
^Me too.
I knew a girl that went on a first date that lasted a whole weekend.
@chyna Stop! You’re killing me here!
So what happened to them? Did .they continue to see each other or was the the first and last date?
@chyna I need to have one of those types of first dates
@chyna I haven’t met you in person either.
They dated for quite a while, got engaged, bought the rings, the dress, set the date, and two weeks before the wedding, he dumped her. He had met someone else.
@worriedguy no we haven’t met at least that I know of…. I am now in MA but was previously in RI until last week
@creative1 @chyna Then I guess we could all have a great first date. ;-)
Remember, I had my prostate removed so I only shoot blanks. After a hard weekend there is no mess!. :-)
steps away from this question quietly now.
Great, I’ve had my “hardware” removed, so it won’t be an issue!
@chyna See? I knew we were compatible! Let’s name our love child Janbb..
Oy @janbb I’m such a putz. . I just saw your answer above. Although, a little waiting isn’t such a bad thing. We must suffer for our children.
By the way cousin Shelly is now dentist. Beautiful teeth he has.
@worriedguy: You were the schadchen (matchmaker) and not the yenta, who is simply a talkative woman who likes to gossip.
But you did perform a mitzvah.
And as such, you are not only allowed to snoop but would be considered ungepatched if you didn’t.
So, pick up the phone already. When whoever picks up, you say simply, “So, nu?”
Actually @gailcalled I used the term Yente as in Fiddler On The Roof Yente.
I certainly am not a yenta – proved by my reluctance to call.
If the date is still ongoing, I performed a mitzvah.indeed.
And then come right back here and tell us. Without fail.
I love everything about this question.
@worriedguy: In spite of “Fiddler” and “Tevya,” yente and schadchen refer to two different things. If is possible (and very probably) to be both. If you are a professional matchmaker, then it seems likely that you listen to, spread and relish all gossip.
Yente can also refer to your busybody aunt. For example, my late lamented aunt Beverly was a yente but not a schadchen.
Now that I think of it, when I was growing up in a very Jewish family, gossip and rumor were the side dishes to cream cheese, bagels and lox at Sunday brunch.
There is also a very particular intonation that you must use in order to be a yente. Lower the voice, lower the volume and look conspiratorial, thereby forcing your listener to move in closer.
It doesn’t take much practice.
I haven’t yet read what everybody else has said, but I think it’s well within your social rights to call up both of them (or one of them if you are closer to one more than the other) just to ask how the date went and if they liked the other person and if they think they’ll go out again.
If you don’t find out this info then you’ll be put in an awkward position, especially if you want to invite them both to an event. If it didn’t go well, or neither one of them felt a spark, just say, “Oh tha’ts a bummer.” and let it go.
Thank you to everyone for indulging my inner Fran Drescher!!!
Oy, this zorg’n is giving me such pain in the kishka.
This morning I got an email from her and I called him. Of course I can’t violate any trust to them But—I can tell you guys! He was delighted that she owns and operates a motorcycle and plans to invite her to ride together if the weather cooperates. He introduced her to his friends and said she’s a trooper for being able to stand them. (Techie geeks) They went out alone to another place after the group meeting.
She, on the other hand, thinks he is nice guy, totally honest and unpretentious but she thought he seemed disinterested. I said the guy has been married forever and has no dating skills what do you expect? You are the first since the split 3 years ago.
Anyway, both of them are still speaking to me – but I won’t be expecting grandchildren any time soon.
OY! Vey iz mir!
This is so cute I almost can’t stand it…
@worriedguy: I have latkes in my gadkes from the naches.
So she tells me she wore a nice tank top and shorts but my friend spent his time talking or staring at his pupik. Is he maybe a faygalah? she asks me.
He’s a Mensch! You like better a Yentzer? Shame on you!
Women! They never listen!
Oy va voy! That boychik needs some help!
Still fantastically cute!
Thank you for the update, but now I’m feeling a bit verklempt. So he doesn’t look at her boobies and suddenly he’s a faygalah? I should be so lucky…
Does anybody know what I did with Bubby’s kugel recipe? Some crazy shiksa on the Fluther asked me for it yesterday.
belly button or belly
@Kardamom I’m a Bubby; did you take my kugel recipe? I know I put it somewhere. Fershtayt?
Ok, it has been a week. Both are still talkiing to me. Both think the other person is nice. But, before you start kvelling….
So, did my boychick call her? No. Why? Because he had to do something on Saturday and knew she would be tied up on Sunday – a wedding.
He’s a mensch and has no dating skills . I need to give him lessons.
Bubbalah, cawl her already! Meet her for lunch near her office. Shmooz a little. “Oy, the troubles they are having in Binghamton with the floods. I hope it stays from the Catskills.”
Oy – he does need a shadchan!
And the cute-itude just escalates!!!
Don’t know if anyone is still following this thread but I’ll update anyway.
Ok, So I talked to her and got a little of the scoop. She feels the guy is simply not ready to date. He made all the classic dating mistakes: Didn’t ask questions. Didn’t seem interested in her as a woman. Mentioned his ex.
I figure he is just shy but she thinks it is more than that. He needs confidence and at this age there is no need to act like a shy teenager.
Oh well…. I’ll have to wait for grandchildren.
Thanks for keeping us posted. Better luck next time!
Oh, @worriedguy , does it ever work out for you? Now I feel guilty for not hocking my soul for the time and means to go to Austin last year…
Oy va voy! Austinlad and mrentropy, now this guy and gal. You are not cut out to be Yenta the Matchmaker @worriedguy – go back to your day job!!
@worriedguy Do you know for a fact that the man is actually interested in dating this lady, or was he just going along for one date to humor you? If he really is interested, but he has all of these technique problems maybe you could talk to him and let him know that the lady does like him, but because he didn’t seem interested and talked about his ex, she has doubts.
Do you think she would be willing to go on another date with him, either solo or as part of a group (maybe with you and your wife or some other friends) if you explained to her that this poor guy has been out of the dating pool for awhile and just needs a few tweeks?
I’d give it one more chance before giving up on them : )
@Kardamom ^I agree. Maybe they could continue on some coffee dates to get help him gain some dating skills?
Maybe the guy needs to spend a little time in a setting where he can get his social bearings without too much pressure. One-on-one situations can be hard on some folks.
Does he have any interests that might lead to semisocial opportunities, such as joining a club, serving on a committee, or contributing volunteer time? He might gain a little practice in conversing with new acquaintances and also watch how others do it without feeling at the same time that is he being sized up as a potential partner. Then after a while he could try dating again.
He certainly seemed interested. I can see I need to have a talk with the boychick. He has no dating experience from this decade. She has much more and is more accustomed to the game. She threw me a curve by saying “please don’t tell him I said this…” and I don’t want to violate any trust.
I’ll meet him for lunch and gently tiptoe around the issues. “So, nu, Schmendrick, why are wearing the old wedding ring? Afraid you’ll lose it? Don’t be a Putz! If it won’t come off, cut it off!! ” .
This is not over.
Thanks for the advice!
Tell him to see Crazy, Stupid Love. Steve CArell plays a schnook who loses his wife and is mentored in a new image by Ryan Gosling as a womanizer. He might get some good ideas.
@janbb : KatawaGrey and I saw that, I thought it was very cute and I never saw the surprise twist coming!
Me neither! Nor the teacher surprise.
That one I got, the voice tipped me off…
I 3rd, Crazy, Stupid, Love…my husband 4ths was surprisingly good
I’d say it’s her loss if she rejected the guy because he’s been out of the dating scene and is a little shy and made some mistakes.
Find him another chick, someone in the same boat as him (out of the dating scene for a while and not so cocksure of herself)...
@HungryGuy I never thought of it that way. Maybe she is just too “hi powered” for him.
I will give it one more shot and talk to him. He needs to know that it is not proper to wear a wedding ring on a date. (After 30+ years he probably doesn’t even know he’s wearing it.) I’ll recommend the movie. It might help.
He wore his wedding band on a date? Aw, I kinda feel sorry for him. He does need a little guidance.
@chyna That’s what she told me (but asked me not to say anything). When i saw him a week later , he had it on. I mean, come on! It’s been what, 3, 4 years? Enough already.
Hey, You’d make a great catch. Except that you live so darn far away.
Watch out, @chyna , you’ve just entered the Matchmaker’s crosshairs!!!
(Sings) Worried Guy, Worried Guy – make me a match,
Find me a find,
Catch me a catch!
@Kardamom A one sentence answer? Must not really be you!
@janbb : She’s planning the menu.
@janbb: I’m ready to do my menu planning for the week! C’mon, @Kardamom, start crafting that response! please…
Thank You, @Kardamom , I’m making up my shopping list as we speak! Apricot Chicken…oh, how I love you, @Kardamom !
@janbb Did I call it or did I call it???
@JilltheTooth and @janbb I couldn’t pass up that kind of challenge! ; – }
Although some of these ingredients lists left me a little farmisht
Du sprechen a bissele Yiddish?
@janbb Only the words that I’ve learned from watching The Nanny! LOL
Sometimes I get a little bit fardeiget and I’m afraid I will say something wrong
“fadreight” – I don’t know many more than Fran either.
Now I’m hungry and confused!
Kardamon; That’s a nice typical 26 course meal but you forgot the challah, without which there is no prayer over the bread. Unthinkable at an orthodox wedding.
@gailcalled OMG! You are correct! It’s funny, I just had some challah the other day.
Slaps forehead
I must have been farshnickert
@Kardamom: Or at the very least, schnockered, as my grandfather used to say.
This thread has given us all so much nachas, I’m kvelling.
She’s in my sights all right.
Wow, @Kardamom. Just wow.
Now I know what OCD looks like for foodies.
@Jeruba I prefer the term Food Enthusiast. Foodie seems a little too pretentious, you know like feinshmeker ; – )
I’ll remember that, my dear.
So, I talked to her after the long weekend full of gorgeous weather. Did you guys go out? “No…I know you like him and he’s a nice guy. But I don’t think he’ll call me back. I’m always doing something.”
Oh well…I won’t push it. If he is too quiet and gentle for her, too bad. I’ll find someone else.
You’re such a matchmaker. :-)
@worriedguy – Women like that drive me bonkers. Social butterfly. Never home. Have to make a date weeks in advance. Makes a guy feel like he’s a patient trying to get a busy doctor to squeeze him in. Again, your friend is better off with someone else.
@worriedguy: Too bad. By now I thought they’d have been OK’s by the coop board in Boca.
@worriedguy Nu bubbeleh – you think you’ve got tsuris? I tried to set up two gay guys I thought would be great for each other this weekend but no sparks flew. I am turning in my Yente the shadchan badge.
@worriedguy, you’ll find someone else—for which? for her or him? or both? Which one are you really trying to fix up?
@Jeruba Now I need to find someone for each of them. Oy.
@janbb Keep the badge. Just attempting such a match is a mitzvah.
Why don’t you give her the job of finding someone else for him?
@Jeruba – That’s an excellent suggestion! She may even get to know him a little better and decide to keep him for herself after all :-p
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