Are the trees starting to turn in your area?
Our’s are turning fast. This is a little early.
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20 Answers
There are no trees in my area ;)
Really, no. Not yet.
My first thought was how can you live with no trees. :)
I have some mulberry trees that always (for the 8 years that I’ve been here) have started to turn in August. Since the first few years, it doesn’t surprise me any more.
The few deciduous trees that we have in the lower elevations of So Cal usually don’t turn until mid-November.
Here’s a pic that includes some of the foliage about 22 miles northeast of Quebec, QC. It was taken on September 24 in 2007. Apparently there are only about 5 trees that even started to turn, so I’d say yours are definitely turning early.
I’d say that was nice, as long you still have most of your fall foliage on Halloween.
I love the Fall colors. The only problem is the followup color later is white. As in snow.
Nope, thank heavens knock on wood.
Not yet. Can’t wait till they do, though—we’re fortunate to have a large variety of trees in this area (including evergreens) and some of the ones that turn colors just glow.
Oh hell no… not yet! But there are a few leaves that have fallen off the trees.
“Turn”??? No….shed leaves…..yes. I swept my deck this morning getting ready for our party and an hour later there were as many leaves. Sigh…goodbye summer….
Naaaah everything’s all green and summery still. Can’t wait for Autumn.
Mind you, I LIKE green trees. I love em. But when stuff is green it means it’s too hot lol. Lots of rain lately though…but yeah, no turning to Hallow’s Eve, yet.
Yep—2 weeks ago I saw a bunch of yellow leaves on several trees on the interstate. Almost swerved off the road in shock.
The huuuge tree in my back yard is a gorgeous dark, dark green ( almost purple) and is already crapping leaves on my lawn. The tree at work’s completely orange now. Ohhboy.
Not just yet, but they are kind of fading. The green isn’t quite as vibrant, so the other colors ought to be making an appearance pretty soon.
Turn? Nah, round these here parts they toss they’re goddam apples atcha. Shoot, sure scares the britches off of the young uns. They can’t tell what in tarnation has hit em. Hee eeh hee!!
18 degrees out! Canadian geese are on the move, starlings are gathering in great roving clouds, trees are shedding their blighted leaves… fall is knocking at our door; let’s welcome it in!
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