@Judi I put this on your other quetion, But you really do need to see what John Stewart Has to say about those greedy poor~: @Hypocrisy_Central Thank you, it made my point with facts that should not be in dispute because I did not come up with them. I love it when others do the work for me. What did it say? What I have said:
• 99.6% of the declared poor has a refrigerator.
• 81.4% has a microwave.
• 78.3% has A?C in their home.
• 63.7% have cable or satellite.
• 54% have a cell phone.
Even thought they are declared poor, more than half, 5/8 in some cases, have what the non-poor has. It is not like you have the non-poor over here with all these conveniences, then over there is the poor with nothing but a Maytag washer box to live out of, fighting the dog for a bone. Yet there are those who aren’t happy with that.
@jerv I only took a couple of minutes to find stuff like this that show how our cost of living is fairly high compared to the rest of the world. I will digress a moment with you to say, that because the cost of living per person in Switzerland is 1,505, almost 500 more than the US, that means we live in mud huts? I guess we can say their money is not worthy as much so it is a false read.
The same dwelling in Greece, or Brazil with A/C, dishwasher, garbage disposal, electric range, with hot and cold running water, was just made more shoddy than if in Finland or the US? If people want to overpay for something that should actually cost less, that is on them. I would guess because petro is more expensive in Europe their gas is superior to that found in the US and Canada?
@Russell_D_SpacePoet I’m glad you know enough of them to judge them all..You must know hundreds of them to have such a firm negative opinion of an entire group of people….. Sorry, maybe IU should have rephrased it to make it even easier to follow. Since I am not speaking Chinese, or Yiddish, it was straightforward. I never said all, if I meant to say all that is what I would have said. I guess I should have said, “Many of the poor I have met in this areas. That way you can believe the poor which John Stewart pointed out, still have most of what the non-poor have, even if they don’t have as nice a brand, all the bells and whistle and far less channels, are so grateful they have that, they never would fathom complaining.
@johnpowell I’m really curious about you H_C. Did your parents pay for your college? Have you ever struggled? Ever went to the hospital and walked out three days later with a 11 thousand dollar bill while you made minimum wage and worked 60 hours a week? No, any college I ever went to my mother did not help me a dime, she wasn’t able. The sperm donor listed as the father on the birth certificate hasn’t been around since I was six, so I got no help from him. I struggle constantly and because I can’t afford to get my Benz detailed or take that second trip to Cabo San Lucas before the year ends. Halloween 2007 I ended up in the ER and emergency surgery I still owe on, and I was making more than minimum wage and it still kicked my arse. Most my life I have been closer to poor than I ever was to rich. I was homeless living out my car for 2 weeks once, with 6 cats. I have stayed in dinky coffin-like rooms in an illegal boarding house where I had to share the bathroom. I was grateful for it as piss poor as it was because I got to stretch out on a bed at night to sleep, I was not stuck in a car, or under a bush. I did not have to battle the cold on how not to freeze at night. It was far from the John Hopkins or the Sir. Frances Drake, but it was better than a lot of other alternatives.