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john65pennington's avatar

What is the cutest animal photo you have ever seen or taken?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) September 4th, 2011

I rarely ask questions about animals, but this one photograph has blown me away. It’s about a hummingbird protecting its feeder. Just two years ago, I placed my first hummingbird feeder in my yard and this has made me a “bird watcher”. I have even subscribed to a hummingbird magazine, which leads to my question. Hummingbirds are very fast and protect their own feeder. Some go to the extreme in their ability to keep others away. They attack each other and bump chests, in order to save their “stash”. This one photograph, in this magazine, was so cute that it just blew me away, looking at it. It was one lonely little bird, asleep, hanging upside down on its protected feeder. Now, that is dedication to your food. Question: are there other animal photos out there, just as cute as this one little protector in the night?

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23 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here; Gail continues to laugh at this. I feel it’s both undignified and not very amusing.

You decide.


Now this is more like it. Should I start a line of products like the Kardashians?

peridot's avatar

Oh, there are so many out there! This site (along with several of its sister sites) helps me smile myself to bed at night. There are plenty more, I’m sure. And anyone who owns/ is owned by a critter or two or seven will tell you their baby is, of course, the cutest! ;)

jonsblond's avatar

My snapdragon slayer kitties

I once had beautiful snapdragons in that flower pot

Coloma's avatar

Do a search for my question of last Xmas….

” Tis the season, care to share your cute holiday pet photos?”

Marwyn and Milo and many jelly pets to admire! :-D

Coloma's avatar

I didn’t get a pic, but last night there were 4 tree frogs on the wall under my porch light on the deck. I peeked around the corner just in time to see the littlest baby one nab a big, fat , leaf hopper and gobble it down. It was so cute…and, it happened, literally inches from my face!

chyna's avatar

Not a picture but a quick hummingbird story. My ex and I were at the post office and came out and there was a glass awning over the doorway area. There was a hummingbird trying so hard to get out, but couldn’t figure out how to do it and we could tell he was getting tired. My ex told me to stay and went home to get a ladder. He came back and was able to reach it with the ladder and release it. I swear, the hummingbird paused after being released in front of my ex, as if to thank him and then flew away. It honestly was a moment I will always cherish.

bkcunningham's avatar

John, now that you are a bird watcher and a hummingbird lover, you’ll love this:

DominicX's avatar

I always post this photo that I call Sitting Cat but I haven’t seen anything that tops it in cuteness in a while. It’s just so adorable :D

Jude's avatar

This is pretty cute.

jonsblond's avatar

I’m loving all these photos. =)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I took this picture fairly recently and, although it is on my phone and so, not the best quality, I really love the subject.

From a completely bias point of view I love this one of my Jack Russell when she was a puppy (that’s my mum in the picture with her!)

chyna's avatar

@Leanne1986 Your pictures “aren’t displaying” right now. I don’t know if it means facebook is down, or your pictures just can’t be seen.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@chyna I just edited and it’s working for me now so, hopefully, I fixed it?!

chyna's avatar

@Leanne1986 No, here is what it says: This content is currently unavailable.The page you requested cannot be displayed right now. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page.

Jude's avatar

All that I know is, Leanne is hot. Look at those chocolate brown eyes.

chyna's avatar

It must just be me that can’t see it. Or is @Jude one of your facebook friends and that’s why she can see your pic?

OpryLeigh's avatar

@chyna I don’t know then! I checked my facebook privacy settings and it’s set so that anyone can see my pictures whether they are on my friends list or not. I’ll try and find another way to post these pictures.

@Jude You always make me feel good :)

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