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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Which food would turn your heat off if you see your partner eating it?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29343points) September 5th, 2011

You’re sexually attractive to this person and you have no doubt the evening will be hot and heavy. You go to his or her place and just when you are ready to rumble, your friend opens the fridge to munch on something that totally turns you off. What would that food be?

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36 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

@Blackberry Not even with catsup? LMFAO!

Jude's avatar

Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Ayesha's avatar

Bitter Gourds, in any form.

DominicX's avatar

Eggs. Deviled, hard-boiled, scrambled, fried. Gross. Turn-off. :P

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Cheese with moving maggots.

mazingerz88's avatar

@DominicX Eggs?! Lol. Ok, I’m planning to flip this question and asked which food would increase your excitement but I’m out of for the day so if you would, let me ask now. Which food would make you want your partner more after seeing him get it out of the fridge?

Ayesha's avatar

@DominicX Yeah that too. Great answer!

KateTheGreat's avatar

Ham or eggs. Or green eggs and ham.

Those are two of the grossest looking foods I’ve seen.

rebbel's avatar

Raw rhubarb.

Kardamom's avatar

Pork rinds, raw oysters, runny eggs, spray cheese, raw meat (I saw one of those shows kind of like Hoarders where people eat weird stuff and this young guy had been eating raw hamburger for years I thought I was going to puke!) Cheetos or Doritos (or any other kind of snack chip that leaves a bright orange residue on your fingers, your tongue or your breath) any kind of food (most likely milk or eggs) that were past their expiration date, but he decided to eat them anyway, energy drinks (which are full of all sorts of gnarly chemicals and get you way too amped up) and protein powder (which would make me think he is a jock with a testosterone induced jock-style personality)

woodcutter's avatar

Black beans. I’d be writing off 69 as soon as I saw that.

ucme's avatar

A pickled foreskin!

creative1's avatar

@ucme What if it was only calamari that was cut up and looked like pickled foreskin??

For me just raw onions

KateTheGreat's avatar

My question is, who the heck could stomach raw onions?

creative1's avatar

@KateTheGreat my brother can eat a raw onion like an apple….. Also they put them on salads I just don’t like em

KateTheGreat's avatar

@creative1 I can do that with tomatoes, but holy shit, I’d rather die than eat a raw onion like that.

creative1's avatar

@KateTheGreat I can’t eat any onions raw they just don’t agree with me…. Cook them and they are great though

perspicacious's avatar

Nope, but raw is worse.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Food with tabasco sauce on it or foods with mayonnaise. Luckily for me, my guy likes to brush his teeth before snuggling up.

redfeather's avatar

Another onion hater here, so onions.




Blue cheese

marinelife's avatar

Raw onions. They ruin kissability.

Berserker's avatar

@Blackberry Lmfao k that’s the funniest thing ever. XD

@Simone_De_Beauvoir You know what would be even more nasty? Cheese so old that even all the maggots in it are dead. XD

But I denno…I’m not really affected by that, even if it’s food I don’t like. Their breath might be annoying though, if it’s something that smells bad. But as long as they didn’t whip out a jar filled with logs or something monstrous of the sort.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

A raw tomato. Especially if it is being eaten like an apple.

linguaphile's avatar

Their own mucous membranes.

creative1's avatar

@linguaphile So does that mean if they ate yours it would be still a go?

linguaphile's avatar

@creative1 Not even. Aieee….. running to bathroom

FutureMemory's avatar

A severed hand/foot.

mazingerz88's avatar

@FutureMemory Uh-oh, zombie time. Lol.

Berserker's avatar

@FutureMemory I guess we won’t ever date then…

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