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XOIIO's avatar

How much can I get this ticket reduced?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) September 6th, 2011

Alright, so today rushing to school I thought I could make it across afairly busy street, but the light changed, and I got hit by a car on myy bike well, slammed into the side and was throws around, stuff like that, and I got a $240 ticket for running a red light. They said I could get it reduced, how much do you think they can ake off? I have no priors or records, and I’m 17. This is in Canada.

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11 Answers

blueiiznh's avatar

I hope you are ok.
It doesn’t hurt to try to get it reduced as you know this is the max you would get.
What would you plead to the court seeing you got a citation on the spot?

XOIIO's avatar

@blueiiznh Yeah, my arm was pretty much unusable for an hour and a half, there was a guy from the er that was going by, and another guy that got back from iraq, they argued a bit lol, An ambulance and then cops showed up after a witness called them, and i was stuck there for a few hours, my arm is doing pretty good now.

I don’t really have much to plead because I was tired and rushing, the light would have turned green for them when I was around halfway through the intersection, but thats not a strong case in my opinon.

XOIIO's avatar

Also, how much community service would I Need to do for this to be ayed off?

SpatzieLover's avatar

How to get it reduced? In the US, you’d go to traffic court. Did you get a date/time for traffic court? If so, then go and fight it. In some cases, just going to court will reduce it by 20% or more.

Here, a bike ticket doesn’t count against your points and isn’t taken into consideration on car insurance payments. This depends on locale, though.

marinelife's avatar

It will be up to the judge.

Or cal the office that deals with tickets and ask about having the fine reduced.

You were incredibly lucky you weren’t killed. Perhaps you dwell on that rather than the well-deserved fine.

yoshiboshi's avatar

Well, if it’s anything like a ticket you get when driving a car, I know some people who have paid attorneys to take their tickets to court and some have actually won the case or have the ticket price cut in half. You can save some $, but only if you think it is worth the trouble going through and worth running the risk of the judge denying it.

One place I know works well is called the ticket clinic. I don’t know if there is one in your area, but their may be something similar.

XOIIO's avatar

Well I don’t think its worth an attourney, I just was wondering how much i could get it decreased and how much time the community service would be.

dreamwolf's avatar

@XOIIO I don’t see why you feel you should get your ticket reduced. Own up to it son.

yoshiboshi's avatar

Lol, or yeah, you can just own up to it :P

I remember I got a $250 speeding ticket, and I just called the courthouse and asked them if they can extend the time I have to pay for it and they did. They gave me two months to get the money and I did. I paid it in full. That may be an option for you.

XOIIO's avatar

Because I don’t have the cash, and I was in the crosswalk. If I had the cash I wouldn’t care, but I don’t even have a job at the moment.

blueiiznh's avatar

@XOIIO A cyclist is to follow the rules of the road as a driver does. The crosswalk has nothing to do with it.

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