Social Question

To all those who play on Michael_Huntington's Minecraft server, would you agree to resetting the world on the release of the adventure update and have a big inauguration party?
As you probably know the adventure update is coming soon, probably this week, even.
As you also know the update is going to bring many changes to the terrain generator (Like swamps, rivers, canyons, and maybe even ruins and abandoned mining shafts) of which we wouldn’t take full advantage with the world we are currently using. Also, i don’t know about you people but having a safe and well worked out infrastructure would kinda take out the survival aspects of the new update, which is also going to bring expereience points, a hunger meter and more in depth and complex farming.
So here’s the idea: we decide a time that is accessible to all or at least most of us, we wait for Westronaut to delete the old world and generate the new one and then we set out, en masse, to create the first city, as a community.
To the nostalgic ones, i think we could ask Wes to zip and send to megaupload the oldworld for us to preserve, though he’ll have the last word on that.
1. Starting from scratch, yes or no?
2. Colonizing as a group, yes or no?
2b. If yes, what time would you be able to set aside something like an hour and what time zone are you from (so we can map the times properly)?
And to Wes alone: would you be able to zip and send the world to something like megaupload?
I suggest we do this on a weekend, possibly a sunday, which would make it easier for all of us to be on at the same time.