(NSFW) Why is it TV shows will show a fully nude woman but not a man?
Asked by
BeccaBoo (
September 7th, 2011
This winds me up no end.
For example I was watch last night ‘Strike Back, Project Dawn’, in it there are some very nude and graphic shots, but they all involve women, fully nude simulating sex.
There is the odd shot (fleeting at that) of one of the leads bottom.
Now this annoys me no end. I don’t mind watching the odd scene with the naked woman (its not horrible) but, let me turn this on its head, guy’s how would you feel if you watched a really cool show, but the essential sex scenes were all fully naked guys and the odd female bottom?
I know its illegal for the broadcasting standards agency to show a fully erect penis on terrestrial television, but its not for a non erect.
So where are they, where are all the naked men. Whats wrong with these producers. Some women may be too polite to say anything but I am not.
So where are they, why don’t we get to see them? Anyone enlighten me on this?
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54 Answers
Uhm…Have you not seen Nip/Tuck, or Californication? Or Sparticus?
Yes, and again all women, fleeting glances of the odd naked bottom!!!! Boring….did not think much of Sparticus and not seen Californication, maybe they edit it here in the UK?
Because women have been over-sexualized for centuries and it’s not going to change any time soon. It is far more “accepted” to show nude women than it is to show nude men.
And I don’t remember seeing penis on Spartacus… perhaps I’ve forgotten?
I imagine it’s because heterosexual men, generally speaking, don’t want to see it.
But they are not really the ones watching the shows, we are. They are not the ones that are going to sit down and complain, we are!! But I think your right @FutureMemory. Does it mean though that these shows are made by men, for men? Hmmmmmm
Because a nude man is ridiculous looking and disgusting.
Because boobies are pretty and penises are offensive.
Just kidding. But yeah, I’ve always wondered this too.
@tom_g Nuh uh!! Not unless it’s a nude smurf or something… :P
Social norms. We are used to seeing naked women, and most people, men and women, I think find the female form more beautiful. During sex scenes I think women identify with the woman in the scene, and the men watching the scene like to watch the woman, so everyone is basically watching the woman. Of course there are some eyes on the man, but I know very few women who are very interested in seeing a naked man, especially below the belt.
@tom_g I assume thats coming from the male perspective?????
Because the male form is not nearly as attractive.
@BeccaBoo – Of course. Men should never be unclothed. They should shower with their clothes on in case someone might see them. It’s really a shame, but the male body is just horrible.
@BeccaBoo Well, they can’t show penetration, and most TV shows don’t show vagina lips and penises in general. A breast is the same as a pectoral muscle, essentially (they’re both on the chest lol).
@JLeslie I agree to a point, but not today, all my girlfriends and I were talking about this subject this morning, and we all said the same, how can you think the penis is disgusting to look at when it gives us so much pleasure. I for one do not find it that way at all, I think its quite arousing to look at….and I love watching my man walking about naked!!! I can not be the only one to think this?
@BeccaBoo I am not sure that this plays into it, but I have heard far more comments about seeing a man naked to really be that attractive. FWIW
Because penises are ugly.
Because men own and dictate movies, tv, and other forms of ‘entertainment’.
@tom_g Ha ha ha, but again a male perspective and not all the women of the world feel this way.
@Blackberry I understand about the penetration…but the boobs LOL come on!!
@erichw1504 Only as ugly as a vigina, and a bet a lot of men would dissagree with that!
@sleepdoc if it was thrust into our face like naked women are to us then I am sure women would love to see that site. I have plenty of friends who love to look at their naked SO. What is FWIW???
From what I understand, most women find women’s bodies to be beautiful, and while many find men’s bodies to be exciting, the consensus between men and women is that women are more beautiful and exciting and arousing. That, plus the law and social convention and general prudishness have a lot to do with it.
Female genitals are pretty much hidden. Male genitals are pretty obvious and in your face. You can be suggestive with female bodies without being in your face. It is not possible to do that with an erect cock.
It is nice to hear you say that you think an erect male penis is beautiful and arousing. I always thought it was kind of disgusting to most women. It has only been lately that I have come to see that a lot of women are not disgusted. It’s something that has actually helped me feel better about myself, and something that has made a big difference in my marriage. Instead of expecting my wife to want to pretend it isn’t there, I can believe she might enjoy it, and that actually helps her enjoy it.
I think we live in a schizophrenic society, where we pretend that sex is bad and immoral and something to be done only in darkness and we all pretend to our kids that it doesn’t exist. We pretend it is possible to separate sex from love.
In reality, we all are fascinated, if not obsessed by sex. Porn is rampant. People are screwing around all over the place. But of course, people pretend none of it is happening. The refusal or failure to show male genitals on TV is but a small part of that overall dysfunctional attitude towards sex and love.
@wundayatta Well I for one am proud to stand up and say it, I am not afraid of sex, am self assured within my sexuality and proud of it. I embrace that everyone is different and nobody conforms to the social of what is normal, because we are all different. But I and at least 7 other women here would be happy to say, “We love the male form in all its naked glory”.
I remember Jason Mraz once saying naked women look like beautiful angels and naked men look like deformed trolls haha
@redfeather I remember a comedian saying it’s like revealing a beautiful masterpiece when you pull a woman’s underwear off, but when you pull a man’s pants down, it’s like your drunk friend falling out of the car when you open the door…...
I think both vaginas and penises are a little strange looking.
the law says they cannot show sex organs to general public that may include children. In a court case several years ago a woman (charged with public nudity) proved that the female sex organs were internal, and therefore were not visible. Female frontal nudity has been allowed ever since
@DrBill What a load of )&%$£%&…..so unfair. Anyway whats the watershed for if its not to stop children watching shows with nudity in them. This is sexist!!! Hmmmppfff :-)
Unless it’s porn, television has a regulation when it comes to the angle of a penis. I don’t know what the precise angle is, but if the semi erect member approaches this “exclusion zone” it’s hit the edit time for mister director. I kid you not!
I agree, I wish some one would claim sexual discrimination and sue for equal rights
@DrBill Seriously thinking about it now ;-)
Penises are ugly. Tits and a woman’s curves are lovely. Guys bums are cute.
Not really relevant, but, the look of a woman’s cooch does nothing for me. They aren’t pretty either.
Women are just better looking, mostly.
Lol! Oh well, at least we’re just getting out there and saying it. Women do seem to look better.
LOL but not the point…..I don’t desire a naked woman the same way I do a man, so why should my desires be ignored just because a woman looks better?
I’m sure that if “your desires” were more universal – and known to the producers of popular entertainment, and supported by advertisers who were willing to do that – then I’m sure that such entertainment would be more widely available.
But I don’t think there’s as much consensus on that as you might like. I know a lot more women who are more offended by male nudity than they are by female nudity. I suspect – without having looked at statistics or directly polled women about this – that that is a pretty commonly held opinion. You’ve got a lot of history and culture arrayed against you on this.
An additional comment I would like to make is I don’t see much reason for any nudity. Implied nudity is usually sufficient.
Penises are offensive? Penises are ugly?
Mine is not.
Penises are silly, though.
In flaccid state it looks a bit like silly putty, I’ll give you that ;-)
@janbb How can they be silly, because without them none of us would be here! And some of us would not enjoy the pleasures that are bestowed to us at bedtime ;-)
@BeccaBoo Look silly, I mean. I agree totally about the functionality.
Let’s compensate. Instead of calling TV or the Telly, the boob tube, let’s call it the cock tube. Yeah?
”Nuh uh!! Not unless it’s a nude smurf or something… :P”
@WillWorkForChocolate I resent that!
OP: Women are generally more sexualised in the media.
You said it yourself. It’s illegal in the USA to show the full monty, but not the full betty (effed up Americans). It’s not like this in Europe.
@HungryGuy Maybe the wider Europe but not the stuffy Brits, we are just as bad here!! Was in France a couple of weeks ago in a bar, music tv on it the background with almost softcore porn at 1 pm in the after noon!! Viva La France!!!
@Blackberry hit the nail on the HEAD with the very first response. You’re just watching the wrong shows, LOL
@BeccaBoo Actually, I find the Brits to be much less prudish than Americans.
Because us guys tend to be more vocal about what we want to see and that tends to be T&A.
@BeccaBoo You need to be watching US porn, which, apparently by some government mandate, requires 30 minutes of a disembodied hard penis being sucked by a woman, followed by the same disembodied penis plowing her for 30 minutes in either or both holes. WOW….how exciting!! To be followed by a pullout prior to ejaculation.
I am not going to duck, dodge, or hide. The only time I wanted to see a naked male body is when I watched porn way back when, and many of the guys were horrible looking. If it wasn’t for the woman I would not be watching. I would NEVR sit around watching a porno that had all men or a solo man stroking his own dumbstick. Most men in porn look like they crawled from under the turnip truck. Even if they were buff, and not like some soft piece of milk toast, the only time I want to see his nasty dumbstick is if a hot woman is slurping it down or it is sliding in and out of her Southern orifices. It is not any woman either, she has to be tone, balanced and symmetrically pleasing, to me, can’t speak for others. I would not care to look at hedges that were cut uneven, or a flower display that was tossed in the vase an not arranged, I don’t care to see just any woman naked no matter how large her aftermarket boobs were.
It is all about aesthetics, and what looks good, women should be happy that in prime shape, they have that market cornered from men. It takes less for women to look toned and sexy than it does for a man to look tight, chiseled and buff; that is why you have far more sexy women than you have men even worth looking at, myself included.
Everyone in the western world is less prudish than the Americans.
I think it’s funny that you linked us to a picture of a buff guy haha
I am not bothered about watching porn, I just wish that a few of these TV shows would show a bit of equality and not be just all about the boobs and naked woman!! I just wanna see the odd naked male walk across my tv screen now and again…....and please don’t advise me to get my SO to walk about naked, already tried and the kids moaned about it being embarrasing or something LOL ;-)
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