Headlines are saying the IHop shooter was a kind, gentle man, but why would a kind, gentle man own an AK47?
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RubyB (
September 7th, 2011
What kind of people own AK47’s?
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53 Answers
I guess he simply wasn’t a kind, gentle man, then. People can say whatever they want lol…..it doesn’t make that person what they say he is.
I’m not saying that the shooter was kind and gentle, I don’t know him.. so I can’t assume that based on what the media says.
However, I do believe that kind, gentle people can also been gun enthusiasts.
The words gentle and gun do not really seem to gel, imo.
Guns don’t kill people; kind, gentle people kill people (apparently).
He could have appeared to be kind and gentle, but have been a sociopath, psychopath, etc. He may have been a loner, which people assume means he’s kind and gentle. In his spare time, who knows what he did behind closed doors.
Everybody says that about people they know who commit atrocities like this. Much of the time, it isn’t the crazy guy ranting and raving at the streetcorner who shoots people, it’s the kind, gentle friendly neighbor who would NEVER do something like that.
That’s like saying Hitler played with My Little Pony, wow, I hope he did!
Those two pieces of information are like a broken jigsaw puzzle, they don’t fit!
The nuts think it’s ok for everyone to have an assualt rifle with a big assed magazine.
@Adirondackwannabe Lol! I never saw the point of a suburban American owning an extended clip…..You’re expecting fire fights that long?
@Blackberry Out here in the country we need 30 rounds in case we’re overrun by deer or other game animals. I know, give me a break. If you can’t hit it with the first round you need more practice.
I would love to own an AK-47. I would also love to own a tank. Enjoying certain machinery doesn’t automatically make you a bad person.
Do you think that’s because of occupational bias, BB?
@FutureMemory Most likely, lol. But it’s so lightweight and accurate.
If you think about it, it’s the quiet ones you have to watch. They bottle everything up inside until one day they snap.
@FutureMemory My dad owned a tank once on the basis that it was exempt from the London congestion zone charge and he thought it was funny to drive it round london and cause congestion.
I’m a kind, gentle woman and I own an AK-47.
And “those kind of people” aren’t bad. It’s not the gun who kills someone. It’s the person behind the gun. Not all people who own guns are horrible people.
Sorry, but your logic is kinda fucked.
@Kate, I didn’t say anything about gun owners. I own two. AK-47 is a tad more than a gun, and I’d question yours or anyone’s psychology who enjoys owning and using an Ak-47.
Not to sound like Hypocrisy_Central, but I question your logic.
You’re ok with guns, infact you even own a few, but somehow AK’s cross a line with you?
AKs are pretty fun. I own some other heavy weapons, but I don’t strut around the town shooting people. I’m a huge collector and it’s a fine piece to own.
And I am not totally fucked in the brain for owning one.
All kinds of people own them. The savvy one’s don’t tell the world about it though. They are the ultimate insurance policy. I consider myself to be kind and gentle and I prefer shotguns. Whatever floats your boat.
@woodcutter Agree @ shotguns. I got this Mossberg for my birthday.
When you read about serial killers, they’re usually the quiet loners that nobody would suspect.
@FutureMemory very nice. I’m actually working on assembling one of these from mostly Vietnam-era parts. This is what I have so far. It’s going to be chambered in .22 too as a unique range toy.
I love how this thread goes from “People who own big guns are psychotic” to a nifty little pro-gun thread.
@FutureMemory Working on cataloging my collection. Pictures are to be up very soon!
I’m also about to start my own weapons blog.
@FutureMemory mine
Everything is legal and stored appropriately. I have no problem with showing my collection on a public forum because I have shown it off as an educational tool before, and if someone really wanted to find out what I have, it wouldn’t be that hard anyway.
Reading all this makes me miss M4, M14, M16, M203, M249, M&P 40, and a few other weapon systems… But since none of them were AK-47 or a variant, I guess I must be a kind gentle person…
@King_Pariah everyone knows that AKs are evil commie weapons and anyone who has one obviously hates puppies and liberty. If you have an AR, an M1A, or a Garand, you are a true arbiter of freedom and democracy. True story.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard hahaha, I know right? If we could get those Somali pirates to use AR instead of AK they’d totally be raiding solely eastern commie terrorist ships in the name of democracy instead.
Surprised no one’s posted this yet =P
@FutureMemory I like to think I do! ;)
We may have turned it upside down, but we made it a billion times better…
@FutureMemory Coooool. You gotta get a mag tube extension on that puppy. That’s the only downside on SG’s they don’t hold enough shells.
Fact from fiction, truth from diction. What people need to understand was that is what the media posed based of secondhand observations via those who knew him. When he interacted with them, he wasn’t the type of guy strutting down the street in a wife-beater tee, flossing all his tattoos, with a gat strapped to his side and a snarling pit bull on a chain with a spiked collar. No one is 100% of anything. I am sure if you asked the family and friends of those guards who tortured and humiliated the prisoners in Abu Graib, they would never have said they were capable of such acts against other humans; but they did. Most people are an event or situation away from doing something just as bad. Did anyone run around scared of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold like they were the devil, until they showed up in school with those weapons I believe very, very few gave them a second thought if not to think how odd they were. Certainly their thoughts were not, “I better watch them blokes out the side of my eyeballs”. Owning a weapon, of any type, is no different than owning a car. What do you say of those who plowed into the SUV on the way home from a dance recital because he tied over one too many over at the pub? That the driver was an evil lush that people should have known, and never let behind the wheel of anything? The people that knew the gunman never had any cues of his capabilities to be violent. Then something happened and he got pushed pass that line in the sand, and felt so bad he wanted to spread the grief; they say misery loves company. He might have been 95% kind and gentle, but he will be remembered for that 5% he wasn’t.
I’m sure 80% of prisoners have a mommy or a neighbor who swears that they are really sweet and kind and could never do what they are accused and found guilty of.
Maybe he couldn’t get an RPG?
The one thing that seems different this time is at first none of the news outlets were forthcoming by admitting the guy was a Mexican. Really? What would that have mattered? I think they had some problems not believing this wasn’t an angry white guy for once. I just think it odd that a fact like that was held back at first. I think there was just a tad of PC journalism happening here. They knew right away exactly the type of weapon (that did all the killing) but nobody saw the person following that gun around? Hmmmm.
@FutureMemory That’s what I asked in my response. It doesn’t matter. So why the blatant omission early on? It was just curious, that a basic and obvious fact was not divulged immediately. A Mexican here on a visa. Big deal, it was the gun doing the dirty work anyway, right? I’m pointing out that people (news orgs) are skittish about pointing out bad deeds by minorities for fear of causing generalizing against them. You’d be surprised what the ACLU will pick to death. If it had been a crazy white guy his pic would have been up within the first half hour. Again no big deal, it just so happens white people seem to be involved in pretty much all the mass shootings.
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