At this point in your life what makes you happy?
Asked by
samwas (
September 7th, 2011
What gives you peace of mind? What are you the most excited about? What are you looking forward to?
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32 Answers
Creative endeavours and spending time with my loved ones.:)
Becoming increasingly competent in my career.
Being stable, and working on my goals.
Lately I’ve been fairly negative, actually.
but generally,
being comfortable with myself, and that things come and go
my family.
my friends
and little things:
like a cup of black coffee on a rainy a day,
a letter in the mail from a friend
or hearing my favorite song when Im not expecting it,
or seeing passion in other people…
what am I looking forward to and most excited about?
getting the hell out of my college. 5 years is enough for now,
and its killing me softly.
My cat and family. A couple of friends I like.
I really enjoy jogging, swimming, cycling and calisthenics.
The thought of next year makes me happy, I’m going to be married. :)
Finally having a clear purpose for my life all mapped out and seeing it finally take shape as planned. :)
Being with close friends, spending time with my kids and feeling productive at work.
Flawless good looks coupled with an immaculate complexion, yes i’m that shallow!
Oh & naked sock fights, such fun.
Just got a copy of “Aqualung” by Jethro Tull, and it’s a great mood booster. Other than that trying hard to beat my ‘record’ running distances (just got to 12 km the day before yesterday), also trying to enjoy the “present moment” seems to make me more positive about things than usual. Hope this helps :-)
Welcome to Fluther.
“Waking up” does it for me.
I am very content living a simple and peaceful life on my little micro-farm in the hills. I enjoy nature, my animals, good food, good company and good books.
Keep it simple and in-joy. ;-)
Same as always: love—loving and being loved—by all kinds of people in my life in many different kinds of relationships. Without intense connections to other people, nothing else relly matters. Happiness is moot.
Being a mom to two wonderful girls and buying a new home that will be theirs if something should happen to me.
A lot of small things can make me happy, If I see a kid falling down then standing back up and starting to laugh I smile too. If I see a cat trying to catch a mouse or a bird I smile.
Bunch of little things I can appreciate.
Moments when I am able to relax and not worry about anything.
Punk rock, christmas lights, friends, the promise of upcoming adventures, and bugs.
My beauty, and current money (I’m always happier the time I get my salary). Oh no! I’m quite a hedonist!
Finally sharing a home with my four favorite people in the entire world; climbing in bed next to my husband every night and waking up next to him in the morning; seeing my boys adjusting to their new family.
A naked slave woman locked in my cage at the foot of my bed :-p
@HungryGuy Boy that is a scary thing to think about…
Getting out of bed…on the first try. If I can do that then the rest of the day falls into place.
@creative1 – Nah. What’s scary is two or three naked slave women all crammed together locked in my cage.
Not much besides beer, but I do love my kitties and the Playstation Network. XD Bloodrayne Betrayal, here I come!
Being able to pay my bills and not carry credit or loans.
Being able to feel I got everything at the grocery store we needed.
Being able to look at a calendar and not freak out over upcoming birthdays & holidays.
Being able to share a fabulous and decadent meal out once a month with my sweetie… and not feel guilty about the expense.
Being able to turn down extra shifts for no other reason than I want to sleep in or spend the day with a friend.
Being able to visit out of state friends every few months, even if just a few days.
Having a partner, a full time companion I trust. I’ve got a grown up playbuddy to share in all my favorite things!
I met this Chinese girl in college. I don’t think I have ever been more in love with someone in my who life. She says she has a boy friend in China, but also said evey time she is with me she falls even more in love with me. She is not my girl friend, but I like to pretend she is. :3
Learning to do things for myself. I’m dependent in that I live with my mother, don’t have a car, and am still in the process of trying to get a job; however I like learning how to do things that some people pay other people to do for them. I’m learning how to sew right now – I mended my favourite flannel the other day! – and I want to get better at that and learn how to build things. I want to learn how to grow things too. I like the idea of having the potential to be self-sufficient, at least in small ways.
Doctor Who, my cats, and Tom Waits are also at the top of my list of ‘things that make me happy’.
@Plone3000 Do everything you can to marry that girl. With them you get all the great companionship without the drama. It doesn’t get any better than that.
Hope, which I’ve got no shortage of these days!
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