NSFW: Why do I have ED ?
Asked by
dreamwolf (
September 7th, 2011
I use to not “go” so fast. Now, that I’ve put on pounds, I can’t control “it.” Any advice?
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17 Answers
Are you unable to get hard, or are you ejaculating prematurely? Being overweight can definitely affect the ability to get an erection. How is your cholesterol? How is your blood pressure? Are you prediabetic?
All those conditions affect your performance.
@zenvelo Just prematurely. Like I feel like I can control for a while, then it just becomes overwhelming. I’ve tested my bp and last time it said, pre hypertension. But from December, I was about 159 pounds. Now, 174. But even back then I would go pretty fast, but could recharge much faster. When I was about 145 in senior year highschool and freshmen year college I didn’t really seem to have much of a problem.
@rebbel ED is erectile dysfunction.
“Go” means have an orgasm.
“It” means having an orgasm too quick.
At least that is how I translate it.
Thank you, @chyna ! Thought it was poo question number three today…
The weight can certainly contribute to it. Also, lack of exercise, in and of itself can be a contributing factor. When you exercise regularly, you keep all of your blood vessels working properly, including the ones that go into your sexual organs.
Another thing that can cause it is excessive alcohol consumption, too much pot smoking (especially the older you get) and whole bunch of prescriptions medications. Are you taking any meds?
High blood pressure can also contribute to the problem.
Your best bet is to get a full physical (I’m due for mine this month, so let’s schedule an appt. for both of us tomorrow) and let the doctor know the whole truth. Believe me, they’ve seen and heard it all, nothing to be embarrassed about. Good luck : )
@dreamwolf Thank you so much! Although I was an adult when you still had to be born :-)
@rebbel Haha, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any disrespect. I’m working on my assumptions :/ which I shouldn’t do.
@dreamwolf No need to apologize, really. I just coincidentally read that you were born in 1987, so I did some math.
@Kardamom No meds at all. Pot very rarely now. Been off it the whole summer. Lack of exercise, bingo! No alcohol either. I wonder if the steroids pumped into my lungs as a kid has anything to do with it? I had 2 asthma attacks as a kid growing up, around 11 or 10 years old. Doctor decided to “kill” the asthma, and everything surrounded that part of my lung. However I can run a good 6 minute mile when in outstanding shape.
@dreamwolf Not sure if the steroids from that long ago would have an effect. It seems like you would have noticed something way back then, like shrinkage of the testicles, but maybe it does have a residual effect.
Another question, do you ride a bike? The regular style bike seats (the ones that do not have a specific channel/depression/groove down the middle of them) can cause damage to the artery that leads into your sexual organs. I would imagine that even stationery (sp?) bikes that do not have the groove in the seat could do the same type of damage.
The weight gain can sabotage you in several ways:
Poorer circulation- tinky winky needs awesome circulation.
High blood pressure- makes tinky winky confused and skittish
Borderline diabetes/sugar imbalance- messes with tinky winky too
Just having extra pounds and not being happy with it is enough to affect a fickle tinker.
Option 1: Flog the dolphin 5–10 minutes before sex. If you beat the bishop early, the second “go” is usually a bit slower. Yank the Crank. Scrape the twig. Choke the Snake. Speak with Mr. Johnson. Milk the Cactus. Flog the John-Piece.
Option 2: Do a long warmup on her before any penetration. A long warmup. The more you have her warmed up, the less you have to worry about how fast “it” happens.
the previous statement is pure speculation, conjecture and/or opinion.
Testosterone also plays a big role in this. At least, in the desire part as well as the erection part. I’m not sure about the going fast part. I generally think that men get “slower” as they get older partly because they might not stay quite as hard and partly because they might not have as much energy. I feel like I have grown a bit less sensitive over the years, so it is harder to “go.” It takes a bit more work. Supposedly women are not unhappy with that.
I think psychology also plays a big role. If you have a small problem one day, it can be easy to start worrying and as soon as you worry the problem gets worse, and then you are in a bad downward spiral. If you have that problem, you can stop the cycle and that could fix your problem.
@wundayatta yeah i have high drive for sure, @digitalimpression that would work, but i live with my gf, hah, cant imagine trying to find a good spot to flog, prior to trying to get it on, @Kardamom nope, no bike riding for me. thanks all! i will just continue on with the gym and drop pounds and eat right. also @digitalimpression yeah that does seem to work. the thing is after the wankin, the drive is near non existent, of course i could force it…
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