Do you keep something about yourself secret to prevent being judged?
Is there something about yourself that you don’t tell most people because of the social stigma attached to it or because you fear being judged?
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31 Answers
Nah, not really, to be quite frank, your opinion of moi doesn’t count for much
On Fluther, no. Real life, sooo much lol. Oh wait, yeah there actually is one thing I can think of.
Not at all. If you can’t accept me for who I am and what I’ve lived through, I don’t want to be your friend. I’m not going to hide or lie about my past.
I’m very open about almost everything on Fluther even about being bipolar, but in my everyday world, I tell very few people about my mental diagnosis.
Occasionally, if I am an expert in something, I hide it, so as not to make a friend uncomfortable.
I want to add to the question. Is keeping it a secret potentially detrimental to you where you have to debate whether keeping it a secret would cause less suckage then NOT keeping it a secret ?
Not much. I figure people are judging me anyway. Might as well give them something juicy.
I don’t keep anything secret, but there are things about myself I’d only discuss if asked directly.
There are plenty of things I don’t just tell people because it’s either not their business or it’s just not something that would come up in casual conversation, but there isn’t much I intentionally keep secret or would lie about/avoid if someone asked.
for example, I don’t advertise the fact that I read an awful lot of fan fiction, but I wouldn’t deny it either
Yes, but I don’t feel that I’m keeping it a secret. It’s just nobody else’s business.
I live life by the creed DGAF. Unfortunately with that attitude I may pass off as pretentious. The reality is, I’m an open book, and have a really high tolerance for people that may rub off annoying to others. I think I developed this attitude because through out elementary, middle school and early highschool I hung out with the popular kids. All they did was make fun of people who weren’t high class enough… in public school. I said man this is whack. I don’t care what people think about me anymore, its not cool to make fun of people. I feel like its the popular kids in highschool that eventually account for all those votes in America and eventually run this country, its sad to see because you’re either in, or you’re a weirdo.
Power to weirdos who are just themselves.
Yes, yes I do. I’m bisexual and am so afraid of being judge for that. But on the internet I am more comfortable telling people because I know none of you know what I really look like or where I live.
@beccagolling Be proud to be alive. Who cares what people say! :D Now, if you’re being promiscuous for the sake of how cool it is. That may brush off as, typical. Which is probably why you’re afraid to come out.
I do. It was something I did when I was about 5 years old, and nobody except my wife knows about it.
@dreamwolf Your right, I just want people to accept me for me. I just am always afraid of being judged. But no, I really am 100 percent bisexual.
Not anymore. I’ve spent way too much of my life suppressing who I am and trying to morph into other people’s images of who I am. Nowadays, I let my freak flag fly and if you don’t like it, you can always go elsewhere.
However, there are a couple of things that I generally keep to myself, if for no other reason than not wanting to get into a huge discussion or debate about it.
@beccagolling Well, since you’re so sure of yourself, you have nothing to prove to people, from here on out. Take your eyes off others, and focus on your legacy here. Write a book about it. :D I know you’ll be just fine.
@dreamwolf I guess it is also since I am so self-conscious! But hey thanks, you made me feel good about myself, thank you. :)
Yes in the real world I keep a lot of my opinions to myself, not for fear of being judged, but for fear of being harmed or killed etc.
On the internets, nope. Open book, baby.
Yep. Sometimes I feel people would not want to know me if they knew everything about me. I like @Simone_De_Beauvoir‘s attitude though. :P
I sometimes carry a small sat nav with me if i’m walking about the place. I secretly use it & pretend to be a terminator & shit. I once asked this random woman at the newsagents if she knew a Sarah Connor, she informed me that she did not, smiled & moved away. No one must know of this, coz they’ll most likely judge me a fuckin nutter. The cheek of these peasants ;¬}
Yes, there are things about my past that I prefer to keep to myself. I’m not going to shout about my life from the rooftops but I’ll disclose things if asked directly and I trust the person.
I greatly admire people who are 100% themselves, no apologies!
I do have some things I keep to myself, that some people would look down upon and frankly, it’s nobody’s business (in real life or on Fluther). If I posted my deepest secrets on Fluther, and someone in my “real life” ever found out who I am, it would be out there, so I keep things quiet usually.
Yes and No. More of something I keep to myself until I feel established in particular company. It’s something I was taught in my childhood by my grandparents, something I didn’t believe in until enough years had passed and experiences/observation proved them right. It’s something not dastardly of my character at all, something not seemingly socially acceptable or justifiable but it is what it is and I try to keep it from costing me anything I want.
Well yeah, but people judge me for the most normal shit, so my keeping certain things to myself doesn’t have much to do with that. If it were to happen, I just don’t want the hassle, and anyways, I’m completely fine with keeping things to myself. They’re mine, and even if judgment wasn’t an issue, I don’t see a reason to share certain things.
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