@SpatzieLover Yes they are racist. I can’t believe that you are trying to justify racism, with someone who is racist against their own race. @uberbatman So in your argument, you claim that I think someone who is not attracted to a “phenotypical look” isn’t racist. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, racism is disregarding an entire race period. “Phenotypical” as you described, can ladder down into, height, weight, hair, skin color etc. The term race, race 2 |rās|
each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.
Racism, is, in its entirety, discrimination, or a prejudice towards someone of a specific race. The person is which this question is regarded to, is in fact saying they are not attracted to a certain race. How can one be sexually attracted to someone, with out even knowing about the person. There is a prejudice within the notion of what attraction is, and what they are associating, an entire people, based on looks in response to sexuality.
You also raise the question and statement. “Let me ask you this, are gay men sexists? I mean they don’t find women attractive sexual so they must be right?” First off, being sexist means you are prejudice, or discriminatory towards a whole gender, on the basis of sex. Similar to racism, which is prejudice, or discrimination towards a group of people, on the basis of their race. On the basis of their race. On the basis of their race. On the basis of their race. Not on the basis of what they do for a living, not on the basis on who they associate themselves with, not on the basis of their culture, not on the basis of what sports they are into, not on the basis of what video games like, not on the basis of anything else, but their race. So yes, sexism can exist in gay men, it does not mean they are violent, or disrespectful towards women. But in correlation to sexual preferences, are they sexist? It seems so, when it comes to sexual preferences. Is it hard to imagine that someone people are racist or sexist in this day in age? It exists. Whether its loudly expressed, or subtly expressed.