Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

I was wondering what it means when a person says they're not attracted to a specific race?

Asked by Blackberry (34376points) September 8th, 2011

I find it hard to believe someone could dismiss an entire race of people as a potential mate. Maybe they are confusing race with a type of culture? What does this mean?

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89 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

I know people that want a cookie cutter of themselves. Others have extremely specific “types” they find attractive I know a few men that have had 3 or 4 long blonde hair wives…all of which looked identical to me and that’s all they find attractive. It’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist to them.

I no longer find it as difficult to believe as I once did. People like this @Blackberry are extremely rigid thinkers. There is no going beyond their personal ideal.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Right? This kills me too. I just don’t get it. People will say it’s about ‘preferences’ and the such but you can’t possibly dislike an entire gigantic group of people all the while saying that love and attraction are about more than just looks. One can argue that one’s culture or values due to culture don’t line up with their own (thus I don’t date many mainstream Hispanic men, for example, as they tend to want a submissive woman-identified partner, which I am not..even if they’re attracted to me, they will soon realize I’m not something they want) but that’s all. I believe there are societal reasons, our growing up and other influences behind these ‘objective feelings’. For example, we all casually also say how we have a thing for this group or that (here on Fluther and in general) and no one bats an eye. I say I have a thing for black guys and I’ve done some introspection as to why that is – when I matured sexually, it was in a high school that was predominantly black and I had a lot of fun with the step team and the track team and the many Haitian boys around. I always felt an attraction from that point on to black men that is stronger than for men of any other race. But I don’t go around saying ‘it’s just a preference.’

marinelife's avatar

It is probably fear at the root of it. Fear of something different.

mazingerz88's avatar

It could mean all sorts of naturally occurring reasons and then there’s the rather mean things. Fear as @marinelife said. But as to why, well, it could be out of sheer ignorance, unfamiliarity or well, plain prejudice.

CWOTUS's avatar

I can’t comprehend. I am attracted to women of every race and culture that I’ve ever met, even if not “every woman”.

So I’m guessing that it’s just a more covert or “polite” form of racism, or maybe simple xenophobia.

ucme's avatar

Borderline racism, possibly? Although I have to say, a 30 stone ginger spot welder from Dusseldorf named Lottie holds no attracton to me whatsoever. It takes allsorts, as my dear old granny used to say.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

They may never have seen an example of that particular race that actually attracted them, I want to say it is innocent. Like saying “I don’t like country music”, but you haven’t been exposed to a lot of it, so you are just assuming you won’t like the rest of it.

Because the lady that moved in downstairs this weekend changed my mind about this topic for me with her being crazy stunning and all

Vunessuh's avatar

Or, maybe they aren’t assholes like everyone else seems to think and they’ve simply just never been sexually attracted to anyone from that specific race. People often go off of their past history regarding who they’ve slept with, dated and been attracted to. I don’t believe it’s close-minded or racist for someone to have never been sexually attracted to a certain group of people. Sexual attraction is very different from just liking someone as a friend. If they didn’t want to be friends with someone just simply because they were black or mexican or white, that’s a different story. But you can’t call someone racist because they’ve yet to want to have sex with anyone from a certain race. And I don’t believe that automatically means they’ve dismissed this group of people either because in the end, you can’t always help who you fall in love with. Why should anyone go off of someone else’s standards as to who they should be attracted to? I think it’s very pompous to have a problem with this choice that people make that determines much of their future and happiness. You can’t dictate who someone else is going to be attracted to and like it or not, there is ALWAYS going to be personal preference. It is okay for people to be discerning.

Jellie's avatar

We as humans are attracted to people that look like ourselves. It’s the ultimate vanity. Therefore, I can understand people saying they would wish to date people of their own race.
I can also understand not liking an entire race of people because there are certain features that people of the same race share (besides the colour of skin) that may put people off. So if you don’t like a feature that is prominent in a race then you would automatically tend to not like the entire race.
Most people say this to mean their attraction at first glance. They may grow to love someone once they get to know them. I admit I am not attracted to guys that are blondes, similarly I don’t find blonde girls attractive either. Just not my thing. And I know there is no race (Aryans? I don’t know) that is entirely blonde but if there was I wouldn’t be attracted to the race.

CWOTUS's avatar

Gahh, @Jellie. I’m not at all attracted to upper-middle-aged white guys with a paunch. (Tom Brady, maybe, but who isn’t attracted to him?)

I prefer my sexual partners to look as little like me as possible.

Jellie's avatar

@CWOTUS It’s more than that. Facial features, cut of the face, shape of the nose, etc.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I usually assume they mean they’re not sexually attracted. I find many people physically . attractive but they don’t appeal to me sexually. When talking this over with some friends, I find I’m not alone.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I dont know. I mean there arent any races I fully discount as far as attraction goes, but I generally prefer a mix of x race with caucasian. (im caucasian myself) Like for example I am EXTREMELY attracted to asians, but most of the time I wont find someone that is purely asian as attractive as an asian with some caucasian lineage in them. Its nothing racial for me its just what I end up finding attractive. Unno.

Pandora's avatar

From the time babies are born they have a natural preferance for people who look like their parents. I think on a subconcious level we continue to relate better with people who look similar to our parents as we grow older. Animals aren’t predjudice and may even try the opposite sex of a slightly different species if their own kind isn’t available, but if they have their own kind around they will steer towards their own kind, or the ones most similar to themselves.
In mating we are still creatures driven by pheromones and scent. We are going to be attracted to those who closely resemble our own.
Some of it also has to do with past behavior. I know people who won’t date anyone from their own race because they have had bad experiences and have decided to try another race.
There is so much that goes into finding a mate that its no surprise to rule out a total race. Hell there are people who won’t date short people or tall people or heavy people. That can also wipe out a whole group of people.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@Pandora Actually, if we’re going to attempt discussing science, people seek out those whose genetics are different from ours since this improves the chances of our offspring down the road because they will have a larger array of mutations and protections. In this way interracial couples are arguably doing the smarter thing. So though babies like those they stare at when they’re little, if they stare at people who are of a different race from the beginning, they will prefer those people regardless of their own race. But that’s a different conversation.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I agree completely with @Vunessuh.

I’m not generally sexually attracted outside of my own race, but it’s not because I find other races are lacking in certain areas or that I’m being racist. It’s a simple preference. I can still find men and women in every race to be beautiful, just not sexually attractive. I think it’s slightly insane for others to believe that people are ignorant/racist/or whatever just because they don’t share the same preferences (or lack of preference).

And it’s strange that people with a certain preference would be called rigid. That’s like saying BDSM is great and stepping outside the norm of vanilla sex and anyone who isn’t attracted to participate is rigid. Ummm, no. It’s just a freaking preference.

I am most attracted to men (and women) who have tan or olive skin and dark hair. That’s just what attracts me.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate BDSM and race aren’t the same thing.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

No, they’re not the same thing, but it still boils down to preference. Some people like to date all races and some people don’t. Some people like BDSM and some people don’t. It’s all about the individual person and their tastes.

poisonedantidote's avatar

It could mean that they simply have not been exposed to many people of that race. When I was a child, I would go years without seeing a black person. In my teens I used to claim “I don’t like black girls”.

When I was in my early 20’s a lot of black people started coming here to live, I am now 28 years old, and after several years of seeing black people on a daily basis… I’d tap that. I now find many black girls to be extremely attractive, and you know what, I am attracted to the very same things I was turned off by as a teen.

Live in a white country with white models in a white media, and chances are you will use that to program your sexual prefferences. Change the input and get different results.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Sure, but all preferences are rooted in your history and we don’t develop in a world where all are equal and our preferences aren’t objective, they’re about something. They aren’t just.

Londongirl's avatar

I think it is all about personal preferences some like blond some like dark hair, I don’t think it is racist at all you are only attracted to some race and not the other. But when you start making negative comments on particular race then it is racist.

dreamwolf's avatar

This is called racism.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Am I a racist for not liking country music?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@dreamwolf No. It’s called selection. Some people are more selective than others.

This doesn’t only hold true for humans with other humas, either. Many humans prefer their pets have round faces, big eyes and short noses…thus the popularity of various dog/cat varieties like pugs-etc.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought No music has nothing to do with race. @SpatzieLover No it’s called racism. Just because it’s not a form of violent racism doesn’t make it justified. There is a prejudice hidden on the surface behind the reasoning of saying, “not attracted to a certain race.” That is preposterous. Keep it coming, non racist believers.

martianspringtime's avatar

I agree with @Vunessuh. Sure, some people might mean it in a racist way but I think a lot of times it’s just a physical preference, just as some people aren’t attracted to gingers, some people only tend to go for people with a nice tan, some people love blondes, etc.

Those people might end up falling for one of the people in the groups they’ve excluded anyway, but they probably just mean that in general they aren’t attracted to people with certain physical traits.

SpatzieLover's avatar

So a white male that only dates black women is racist? A chinese woman that prefers blonde men is racist? A black woman that only dates black men is racist? That makes little sense to me @dreamwolf. It’s a strong preference.

Some people’s boats just don’t float unless their partner is from a particular race or is of a certain ethnicity. Sometimes it matches their ethnicity and sometimes it doesn’t.

Londongirl's avatar

I agree with SpatzieLover!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@dreamwolf Just because I am sexually attracted to people with olive skin and dark hair does not make me a racist. I don’t think people of other races are ugly, far from it. There are a lot of Middle Eastern and African American people that are incredibly good looking. I’m just not sexually attracted to them. In fact, because of the skin and hair combination I prefer, I’m also attracted to Asians and Indians. I simply prefer a certain look.

I’m sorry, but generalizing like that is stupid and dangerous.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I don’t believe that all preferences are rooted in our history. Preferences can develop and change over time, but a preference is a preference. There doesn’t have to be anything distasteful behind it, and there doesn’t have to be some deeper meaning behind it.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I didn’t say the root is distasteful by necessity or that the meaning is very deep. I don’t think my hanging out with the step team is all that meaningful. Also note, I am not the one implying that having these ‘preferences’ means you’re racist.

Londongirl's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I agree with that… When I was younger, I was attracted to blond, my first boyfriend is blond and the guy I was with this failed long term relationship is blond too. Then last few years I dated a couple of dark hair guys, and now I am attracted to a nice face.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir I’m aware. =0) I just dislike the fact that people who have certain preferences are thought to be rigid or racist or narrow minded or afraid, etc… It bothers me, since I am none of those.

The point that I was trying to make with you was that I don’t believe every preference comes about because of something in our life history that dictates what we like/dislike. There’s nothing in my life that caused me to have those preferences, I’ve just always preferred that one “type”, beginning with my first crush in the second grade… at an age when I had no idea what racism was and was never told that there might be a problem with me if I wasn’t attracted to all the colors of the rainbow.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I don’t get why you’d be ever told that, by anyone. That would imply your parents thought about these things which is rare.

bob_'s avatar

People of a particular race tend to have similar physical features. If you don’t find one or more of such features attractive, you’ll tend to not be attracted to people from that race.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If someone said “I am not attracted to a specific race” in general I would take it they favor no particular nationality over another. If the context of the conversation revolved around a particular person that happen to be of a certain nationality and they say, “I am not attracted to her race”, or “I am not attracted to the nationality Sadie is.” That kicks it to a whole different level. That opens up the opportunity for me to ask why that is. I know people who avoid coupling with a particular nationality because they are not aesthetically appealing to them. I knew a woman who like only Viking looking men, blonde, blue-eyed with facial hair. A Hispanic men I know likes all sorts of women but not Asian. That was seated to high school when an Asian gal he really liked flamed him good. Knowing what context the person doesn’t like a particular nationality for, goes a long way for me thinking they are simply bigots or racist.

dreamwolf's avatar

The question is, “I was wondering what it means when a person says they’re not attracted to a specific race?” To say you’re only attracted to a certain race does not denote the fact that they are not racist. To say you’re not attracted to a certain, does in fact, indicate racism. Look up the term “racism.” Post the definition even, it will reveal a lot logically, about the premise of the actions bestowed against, not being attracted to a certain race.

bob_'s avatar

Race: classification of humans into large and distinct populations or groups by factors such as heritable phenotypic characteristics or geographic ancestry.

Phenotype: an organism’s observable characteristics or traits.

Visual attractiveness: attraction produced primarily by visual stimuli.

dreamwolf's avatar

@bob_ whoa whoa whoa… dont try and undermine my fluther brethren. I said look up the definition of, “RACISM.”

bob_'s avatar

@dreamwolf Who died and made you Mr-I-Decide-The-Law? ~

dreamwolf's avatar

@bob_ I’m not even going to get into personal attacks.

Vunessuh's avatar

@dreamwolf It isn’t racism to have never been sexually attracted to anyone from a certain race. You can’t force someone to be attracted to someone else. You are the one who needs to look up the definition of racism and how it even applies here. Not us.
While you’re at it, look up the term “personal preference” and post the definition even – it will reveal a lot logically. ~

dreamwolf's avatar

@bob_ Good job, now anyone with mob syndrome is going to great answer you because of your personal feelings towards me, although I’m arguing facts, not beliefs.

dreamwolf's avatar

Here comes the mob, after my name.

bob_'s avatar

@dreamwolf The tilde denotes the statement should not be taken seriously.

Vunessuh's avatar

Nobody here has mob syndrome. We just don’t agree with the way you think. Get over it.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Vunessuh Let me cite you an example you tell me if this is racist. 1. I’ve never hung out with LeLanc’s (imaginary race) they’re just green people and I’m just not into hanging out with them, I don’t want to give them a chance, I’m prejudice against them, they can’t possibly have the same interests as me, they don’t “look” right.

That doesn’t sound racist? It’s hard to visualize what racism is, if you’ve never been on the side it was used against.

Vunessuh's avatar

We’re talking about sexual attraction, not friendship, but nice try.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Vunessuh Sexual attraction. Do you know what that means scientifically? To not include a certain race, is in fact racism.

Check it out from a scientific stand point. Humans, are designed, upon initial contact with other humans, to distinguish compatibility. Not fight or flight, but sexual attractiveness and or if they are violent and detrimental to our survival. Now, we have a system set up in our society where we don’t necessarily think that way, but trust me, its pre programmed in our brain. Anthropology explains all of this. The bottom line is, racism, just because it isn’t violent doesn’t mean it’s non existent, nor offending. It simply disregards a one race, and puts another on top, as to say, a race is not good enough for another. Trust me, “I’m over it.” Oh and btw, here’s the definition yall.

“racism |ˈrāˌsizəm|
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
• prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on such a belief”

Vunessuh's avatar

@dreamwolf The not including a race part, usually isn’t done in spite of that race like you seem to think. Yes, I’m sure there are some people who won’t date people of a certain race because they are specifically racist towards them, but there are other people who have just never found themselves sexually attracted to a certain group and this could be based on their relationship history and their own personal feelings as to what physical features and traits happen to turn them on more than others. It’s not a bad thing. It’s something we decide and feel inside as humans and nobody is wrong for liking who they like. Does everybody have to be attracted to at least one person from every race in order to qualify as not racist? Clearly, based on how you think, they must, and that’s absolutely absurd. But I pose the question to you anyway. People are allowed to be discerning. People are allowed to have personal preferences. People can’t help who they happen to be attracted to. And you most certainly can’t force yourself to like anyone you just aren’t going to like.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Vunessuh I’m not claiming one is not attracted to a certain person because they are racist. I’m saying one who disregards another race is in fact a racist. Huge difference.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Vunessuh Also, I don’t mean any bad blood by these discussions. I’m trying to argue in a black and white sense, and not just on the surface of things.

augustlan's avatar

I get that people have preferences, and that those preferences are not necessarily driven by racism. We all have some kind of preference, maybe even an “ideal” picture of a mate. However, I don’t really understand why people limit themselves and the scope of their experiences based on those preferences.

Neither of the guys I ended up marrying fit my “ideal”, at all, looks-wise. (They also look completely different from each other.) These are two men I love/d with all my heart. What a pity it would have been if I had said no to the first date, based solely on their looks/race/religious background/level of education/height/anynumberofothersillythings.

I’ve dated people of just about every color of the rainbow, and I didn’t find any of them un attractive, even if they didn’t fit my preference.

Vunessuh's avatar

@dreamwolf But the question is asking about attraction (as in a mate), not friendship. Liking someone as a friend and having feelings of sexual/physical attraction for someone are two very different things. Plenty of people don’t blindly disregard a certain group of people when it comes to finding a mate. They just know that based on what and how they feel inside, they’re attracted to something different. I just don’t see anything wrong with that. If for some reason your heart has never led you to be sexually attracted to anyone from a certain race than so be it. You don’t need to be attracted to someone of every race to not be a racist and you’re not a racist if you’ve happened to never be attracted to a person from a specific race. That’s ridiculous.

Jellie's avatar

@dreamwolf Also by saying we are not attracted to a certain race we are not automatically saying another race is superior or inherently better. We are simply saying their physical appearance doesn’t make us want to have sex with them. This need no necessarily be interpretted as us thinking we’re better as a race.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Jellie Great point.

Jellie's avatar

This discussion is coming about because sexual attraction is undermined and ignored! Often sexual attraction to the facade is considered secondary to the attraction we would feel to a person’s personality. I hate this trend.
We call a person shallow because they refuse to hook up (even long term) with someone unattractive. If aethetics is that important to them then why should you tell them that they are wrong to dismiss someone on that basis. One of the most primal of our urges is sex so let people have sex with who ever they want to without telling them they are racist or shallow. Venting a bit.

Edit to add: I feel this way because I am not attracted to people of my own race. They are down on my list of prefernce and others will immediately start psycho-analysing me saying I am a self hater. I hate other people of my race because I hate myself and am embarrassed of being of the same race. Not true. Black guys just are hotter.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Jellie We call a person shallow because they refuse to hook up (even long term) with someone unattractive. If aethetics[sic] is that important to them then why should you tell them that they are wrong to dismiss someone on that basis. People come up with that balderdash because they do not want to get real with it. Aesthetics plays a big part in everything from the car you choose, the pet, house, meal you eat, or apple you snatch from the fruit bowl. If your plate comes to your table with the bread slopped on any old way, the peas in the mashed potatoes and the gravy slathered everywhere, most people would complain even if they didn’t send the plate back, maybe only because they don’t want to wait longer because they are hungry. Some people are attracted to people outside their race because of the different look. The aesthetics can work both sides of the street. When you 1st meet someone in a passing capacity no one is going to be attracted to a personality they can’t see. You are not going to be looking at that guy at the punch bowl and thinking he is so kind and great with kids, or thinking that woman in a mini stretch dress cutting it up on the club dance floor is so nice and gregarious. It is all about, he is hunky, and she is gorgeously yummy.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Vunessuh @Jellie Both of your arguments would receive an A grade from Hitler. With your ideologies about “preferences” and all.

Jellie's avatar

@dreamwolf – Except Hitlet wanted to kill everyone that didn’t have the same size head as him, and we just would rather not boink them.
You keep forgetting the key element with racism is a feeling of superiority. An aesthetic preference doesn’t mean that.

augustlan's avatar

@dreamwolf I don’t think Godwin’s law needs to be called in, here. That’s just silly.

Response moderated (Personal Attack)
ucme's avatar

I like these threads, they’re informative, thought provoking & at the same time, fucking hilarious!

Jellie's avatar

@augustlan – That’s shamazing. Made me lol.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

What about if you are in a nationality, but avoid your own nationality Like Shante? Wait for it.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@dreamwolf So, now you’re going to compare @Vunessuh and @Jellie to Hitler simply because they disagree with you about various aspects of racism? Bravo, darling, brafuckingvo. Why don’t you do some more in depth research about racism in regards to sexual attraction and get back to us after you’ve checked your preposterous ideas at the door.

My real dad is a true redneck racist, yet he still thinks black women are sexy as hell and he wants to “get to know” Vanessa Williams. Now tell me- according to your theories about attraction and racism, since he can’t stand black people, he should not be attracted to one, right? Since I’m not generally attracted to black people (with a few exceptions), that makes me racist, right? So, being attracted to black women negates my father’s racism? Don’t think so.

Thank you, come again.

dreamwolf's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I never claimed @Vunessuh and @Jellie are like Hitler. I compared their ideas in correlation to a liking that Hitler would take note of, and applaud them for their intentions of separating and justifying aesthetics of a certain peoples. Make sense?

El_Cadejo's avatar

@dreamwolf This is circular but ill say it anyway, maybe another person voicing the same thing will finally make it sink in. Just because a LeLanc doesnt put lead in my pencil doesnt mean I wouldnt be good friends, even best friends with a LeLanc. Biggggggg difference.

dreamwolf's avatar

@uberbatman A LeLanc asks a Purple human being to fall in love, after being best friends for 3 years. Thing is Purple human isn’t attracted to that race. Purple human disregards that race, a whole look of people, for its reasons of prejudice through skin color. Racism. I feel people are disregarding racism in exchange for phenotype. Let’s take a closer look. A Filipino for instance, ranges from Light skinned, to Dark, to Very Dark, to Chinese looking, to Tribal looking, to Japanese looking, to Spanish Asian looking, etc. I think the point by now is understood. For one to say, “Uhh, I’m just not attracted to Filipino’s.” That’s racist. One has not taken into account all the various cultures existent upon, “one race.” This Filipino example is great because its easy to take into context. It’s hard to tell what a Filipino is, racially. If you one cannot understand this concept, I can further explain. Racism is a very complicated area of study. It does not have to be violent, aggressive, or physical. It does not matter how subtle racism is. A rose is a rose, a thinker is a thinker. A racist is one who is disregarding an entire race on any behalf of any equation.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I don’t disregard an entire race for any reason, I’m just only attracted to a certain “look”. Just because I’m not attracted to black people or middle eastern people doesn’t make me a racist- it makes me not sexually attracted to them.

Also, just because I’m not sexually attracted to black or arabic people doesn’t mean I don’t have friendships with them. I’m friends with the whole damned rainbow, but that doesn’t mean I have to be attracted to them all.

But I seriously don’t think you’re ever going to understand what several of us have tried to beat into your head, so I’ll stop wasting my breath. Or my keyboard… whatever.

El_Cadejo's avatar

well I was going to say something but I realized @WillWorkForChocolate already said it.

dreamwolf's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate What I’m hearing is your claim. Which can be summed up as, “I’m friends with different races, but I’m not sexually attracted to them.” Look you just shot your own idea in the foot so to speak. Here is your quote, “I don’t disregard an entire race for any reason, I’m just only attracted to a certain “look”. Just because I’m not attracted to black people or middle eastern people doesn’t make me a racist- it makes me not sexually attracted to them.”

First off you state, “I don’t disregard an entire race for any reason.” Then you say “Just because I’m not attracted to black people or middle eastern people.” You just stated a reason that was hidden behind the premise of racism, via sexually. Like I have said, racism is a hard area of study. When I say that, I’m saying I have studied it. You are personally calling me stupid which is a personal attack. “But I seriously don’t think you’re ever going to understand what several of us have tried to beat into your head, so I’ll stop wasting my breath” Have I not displayed my understandings in acknowledging what you are saying full fledged? Furthermore, I haven’t had to resort to personally attacking people, which I take pride in because, I like to attack the ideas, logically, not a person.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@dreamwolf Correct me if I’m wrong here but sexual preference isnt something we choose. Its just the way we’re born. Just because one doesn’t find a certain phenotypical look attractive doesn’t mean they’re racist. Let me ask you this, are gay men sexists? I mean they don’t find women attractive sexual so they must be right?

SpatzieLover's avatar

@dreamwolf You still haven’t answered my points above:

I personally know people that disregard all people within their own race due to sexual attraction preferences. Are they racists in your mind?

dreamwolf's avatar

@SpatzieLover Yes they are racist. I can’t believe that you are trying to justify racism, with someone who is racist against their own race. @uberbatman So in your argument, you claim that I think someone who is not attracted to a “phenotypical look” isn’t racist. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying, racism is disregarding an entire race period. “Phenotypical” as you described, can ladder down into, height, weight, hair, skin color etc. The term race, race 2 |rās|
each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics.

Racism, is, in its entirety, discrimination, or a prejudice towards someone of a specific race. The person is which this question is regarded to, is in fact saying they are not attracted to a certain race. How can one be sexually attracted to someone, with out even knowing about the person. There is a prejudice within the notion of what attraction is, and what they are associating, an entire people, based on looks in response to sexuality.

You also raise the question and statement. “Let me ask you this, are gay men sexists? I mean they don’t find women attractive sexual so they must be right?” First off, being sexist means you are prejudice, or discriminatory towards a whole gender, on the basis of sex. Similar to racism, which is prejudice, or discrimination towards a group of people, on the basis of their race. On the basis of their race. On the basis of their race. On the basis of their race. Not on the basis of what they do for a living, not on the basis on who they associate themselves with, not on the basis of their culture, not on the basis of what sports they are into, not on the basis of what video games like, not on the basis of anything else, but their race. So yes, sexism can exist in gay men, it does not mean they are violent, or disrespectful towards women. But in correlation to sexual preferences, are they sexist? It seems so, when it comes to sexual preferences. Is it hard to imagine that someone people are racist or sexist in this day in age? It exists. Whether its loudly expressed, or subtly expressed.

Londongirl's avatar

@dreamwolf So are you saying we cannot have our own preferences of who we have sex with now? So if we have preferences, then we become all racist or sexist??? !!!

El_Cadejo's avatar


SpatzieLover's avatar

@Londongirl Yep, that’s how I read @dreamwolf‘s opinion, too.

Vunessuh's avatar

@Londongirl Yes, you better want to have sex with EVERYBODY or you’re a close-minded racist mini-Hitler.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m starting to become commaist. And repetitionist. And repetitionist.

dreamwolf's avatar

@Londongirl I have never said one cannot have a sexual preference. In fact a preference is a referral towards an attraction. Not what you do not like. @SpatzieLover I’d like you to point out one of my opinions. I’m speaking with facts not my opinion.

FutureMemory's avatar

What is this “Lelanc” shit?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

/bangs head against wall

@dreamwolf Listen, perhaps we should just agree to disagree. Your claims are completely ridiculous and you’ll never believe that we’re not a bunch of racist fucking hypocrites if we don’t want to fuck every color of the rainbow. So… we should just leave it at that and be done with it.

Cookie anyone?

SpatzieLover's avatar

<passes @WillWorkForChocolate a double chocolate chip cookie>

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Thanks, sweetie. I’ve got some white chocolate macadamia nut cookies if you want to trade.

SpatzieLover's avatar

YUM! I lurve macadamias!

chelle21689's avatar

I’m Asian. I use to particularly liked black guys and not any other race. I was least attracted to Asians and Whites honestly. I kind of felt like looking at Asians made me feel like I was somewhat related to them. But I met an exception lol. I met my bf and he is Asian. He’s very good-looking, athletic, smart, etc. Now I don’t care about other races cuz I see the ugly in everyone and the few cuties.

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