Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

After vampires, zombies, aliens, killers and werewolves, which monster should be next in the spotlight?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) September 8th, 2011

Are we really destined to extremely limited cyclical exposure to horror with only vampires, werewolves, aliens, zombies and vicious killers in the lead?

Aren’t there any other monsters that might join the pantheon of highly profitable gruesome pack-? Did the leprechaun got a raw deal with a low budget or he actually sucks-?

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39 Answers

marinelife's avatar

The National Debt

gondwanalon's avatar

The politicians! Be afraid. Be very afraid!

ragingloli's avatar

Religious fundamentalists.

Your_Majesty's avatar

Fallen angels, and Succubus.

RubyB's avatar


ucme's avatar

Dwarf accountants named Dave or Keith :¬(

gailcalled's avatar

Meat eaters

ragingloli's avatar

School girl violating tentacle monsters

erichw1504's avatar

Medusa. Naked.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Be warned. If you turn your back on zombies for a moment, they will creep up on you and eat your brains.

We must always be aware of the undead menace.

CWOTUS's avatar

Nerds. They’re already taking over.

smilingheart1's avatar

Well either Mother Nature is having one very long and heavy menstrual cycle or we are on the threshold of 666.

erichw1504's avatar

Rosie O’Donnell.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Fairy Beasts.

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh, and stupid people. They’re who the nerds are trying to take over from.

Blackberry's avatar

Republican candidates.

Cruiser's avatar

Nancy Pilosi

Rheto_Ric's avatar

Trolls. Blatantly.

King_Pariah's avatar

The unthinking majority

HungryGuy's avatar

The ravenous bugblatter beast of Traal.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Idiots. They’re already in over half the movies.

Prosb's avatar

Gigantic, radioactive, eye-patch wearing, tea drinking cats from space, who upon being killed explode.
The ensuing explosion has force relative to the size of the cat, and also simultaneously scatters more exploding cats, identical to the originals, only smaller.
Eventually the cats are so small, they are able to enter our bloodstreams. They then cause the host to undergo a horrible mutation, where they themselves become that which they are fighting to destroy. Upon annihilation of sentient life on our planet, they consume all animal and plant matter, while growing at an alarming rate, until they reach the size they were at when they first came here.
They then leave our desolated planet, to devour another world.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard I don’t know how anybody else feels about that movie, but I found it so wonderful. It was so cute and fucked up. I loved the beginning, when the tire is learning to roll and use his psychic abilities. It was really artsy and so random. And funny. Like that kid’s dad who’s all like, and take your fucking tire with you! ’‘violently rolls tire towards kid’’ Or when the maid finds the tire in the shower, and she’s like, okay wtf lol did I ever laugh.
And ew at the pizza scene. And the turkey scene. That last scene was the most disturbing thing in the whole movie. Jeezass.

Also I can’t believe they called the tire Robert lmao. :D

Anyways. Ahem…I don’t have an answer. Cuz you know, zombies.


TexasDude's avatar

@Symbeline I saw it and I actually really enjoyed it.

CWOTUS's avatar

Uninformed, stupid, biased and rabid American… presidential candidates.

Berserker's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Yeah, you can’t help but to appreciate it. :) Movies like that don’t come out often, even in the b series spectrum lol.

Prosb's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard + @Symbeline, I just finished watching it.
That was awesome. You know why? “No reason”, haha.
But seriously, the general tone of the movie, along with that hilarious main cop character and disabled guy, all of it was incredibly enjoyable. Not a movie you can explain very well to friends. Thanks for mentioning it, I have a movie night with my friends every Sunday, and this will definitely be shown.

RocketGuy's avatar

Killer Tomatoes

gailcalled's avatar

@RocketGuy: Too late. They’ve been here for years. In fact, I see one now in my field about to attack some wild turkey fledglings. A fair fight, don’t you think? The smartest vegetable vs. the stupidest bird.

Berserker's avatar

@RocketGuy Glad you liked it. It definitely is special.

I admit I didn’t know what to expect from a a movie about a killer tire…but I was sure blown away lol.

ddlw's avatar

That’s nice. I remember a joke. In a famous ZOO, there was a cage in front of which there was a poster: ” Here is The most dangerous animal of all! Be aware!” People were coming close curious, afraid and were looking inside. In the cage, there was just a big mirror.

emeraldisles's avatar

Bigfoot/chewbacca . ugh run!

Mantralantis's avatar

Definitley Bigfoot. And whether or not Bigfoot is real…is irrelavant to me. The film should be in the vein of The X-Files meets The Edge (the A.Hopkins film) with the thrilling paranormal suspense of Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Super 8 films.

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