General Question

Jude's avatar

Is it weird to walk by people pretty much anywhere, look at them, and smile when you're walking by?

Asked by Jude (32210points) September 8th, 2011

You are always the one to always make eye contact first, you smile, and then they smile back? Do you see this often, or experience this yourself?

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37 Answers

abysmalbeauty's avatar

I do it all the time… I love smiling at people, it brings joy to the world


bkcunningham's avatar

I don’t think it is weird. I smile when I pass people. Even if I’m walking with someone else and having a conversation as we walk, I always search out people’s eyes and smile when I pass them on the street or in a line.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

All the time. Not weird to me.

jonsblond's avatar

Not at all. That’s very common in small towns. (at least the towns I’ve lived in and visited)

It’s weird to not have eye contact and smile around here.

mazingerz88's avatar

If only we could have more of that. Heaven on earth for me.


When I was younger, I felt uncomfortable doing that. But I do it occasionally now.

If you live in a big, populated, face-less city, people might think it’s odd if you smile at them when you pass them, like “Huh? Who was THAT guy?? And why did he smile at ME?” In small cities and towns, people are less strangers to each other, so smiling wouldn’t necessarily be considered odd at all.

Cruiser's avatar

Heck no!

lillycoyote's avatar

No, I would love it if more people did that. Sometimes, that is enough to make my day, in an otherwise sometimes uncivil world full of scowls and people who couldn’t give you the time of day; that a stranger simply smiled at me is enough. Sad, isn’t it? Keep on smiling!

Coloma's avatar

Yes, all the time!

It’s the people who DON’T smile, extend a gesture of connection, and notice their surroundings that need a wake up call. ;-D

bkcunningham's avatar

I’m just curious why you asked, @Jude? : )

tinyfaery's avatar

Weirdo. I don’t like when people invade my personal space by inserting themselves and assuming intimacy. Plus, I live where there are soo many people, smiling and nodding would take up way too much time.

wundayatta's avatar

It’s easy with people my age. When I do it to young people, them most often look away really quickly, if they even were willing to catch my eye in the first place. Fear of dirty old man syndrome, I think. Still, sometimes they smile back.

Like @MRSHINYSHOES, I never used to do this. I used to be ashamed of looking at someone. Now I’m trying to be proud of it and acknowledge that I’m seeing them instead of pretending I wasn’t looking.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

I’m not quite following the question. This was posted in the General section, so I’d like to answer it correctly.

Is it weird to walk by people pretty much anywhere, look at them, and smile when you’re walking by? The real answer is, yes, it can be constued as weird to do so, depending upon which country you are in and what their culture is. Drill down further, and there are the different types of personalities; some are more friendly, positive and outgoing than others.

Take it down to the next level, and there are people who may become a bit paranoid by what they consider being overly friendly or those who truly are overly friendly.

Eye contact and body language can be exciting or scary or a gamut of emotions that fall inbetween.

Pandora's avatar

LOL, I’m with @Cruiser. I grew up in NYC. Smiling will only get you mugged.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Pandora, I took @Cruiser‘s answer to mean, “Heck no” it isn’t weird to walk by people and smile when you’re walking by. : )

CuriousLoner's avatar

I don’t know this is a very hard question. It depends on the situation for me.

If I’m walking around the mall and a cute girl walks past me, sure I’ll smile maybe talk to them too.

If I’m walking through a hard neighborhood or something of the like, the last the thing you do is let people read your face or emotions.

mazingerz88's avatar

Cynicism aside, a smile disarms me. Coming from a stranger or not. I would feel bad if I don’t smile back. But apparently, it could attract unwanted attention and get you hurt-? Better choose carefully to whom you flash that warm smile then.


I don’t like it when I smile at someone walking by, and that person gives me a “sour or mean look”. It’s disheartening. Maybe that’s why I was hesitant to do that when I was younger. I was more sensitive as a youth. Nowadays, I don’t really care if I smile and the other person doesn’t return the gratitude, or even if he/she gives me a dirty look. I know that what I did was a good thing——it’s not my problem that I came across a douchebag. Lol.

Coloma's avatar

I guess I’ve lived in the hills too long. Everyone waves and smiles out here, but, I notice when I am in the city people act like you’re a freak if you strike up a little friendly chut chat or crack a joke.

Oh well…I’m a very friendly type by nature, I don’t let it get me down.

Coloma's avatar


Hail my country sister!

mazingerz88's avatar

@Coloma I wonder if honking like a goose would work better? Lol.

Blackberry's avatar

I make the eye contact and smile, but people give me a shitty fake smile or a 1 second half smile, so I don’t do it anymore.

Coloma's avatar


LOL…maybe I need a horn that sounds like a goose. Hooooonk!

faye's avatar

I don’t think it’s weird. I do that all the time. We need ore friendly in this world. It’s just a quick smile, not a commitment!

Pandora's avatar

@bkcunningham Yep, your right. Proof that its time for bed. LOL, good night.

woodcutter's avatar

In my part of the country we do it even through our windshields as we pass by each other, or the obligatory head nod. It really is thought to be snobby to not wave back, if you have time before the car or pick up gets by you. It’s been my observation that the people with tinted glass tend to not participate as much, or it is so dark inside their vehicles it’s very hard to see them. It’s probably that the tinters have more of a need to hide but that is only speculation on my part. Maybe they are that worried about UV light?

RareDenver's avatar

Smile and the world smiles with you

flutherother's avatar

I live in a crowded city and so it isn’t generally done unless there is some sort of reason for it. Out in the country people usually acknowledge each other with a nod, a smile or a few words.

Seelix's avatar

Whether I do it depends on where I am. On the street, no. In my apartment building or in the building where my academic department is, yes.

Ayesha's avatar

@Blackberry That’s so bad! F**k those people! You smile your a** off!!

stardust's avatar

I do it often and absolutely love it when people do it to me. It makes me feel good about the world.

smilingheart1's avatar

The world is less cold if you smile.

Mariah's avatar

Oh goodness, I hope it’s not weird (and that not too many people perceive it as weird) because I do this all the time. It’s a habit; I automatically smile at people as I pass by. I think it’s friendly, and it makes me feel good the rare occasions I’m on the receiving end. The memories of receiving a little friendliness from a stranger actually have been known to stick with me for years afterwards, so I don’t underestimate the potential little things like this have to brighten someone’s day.

Blueroses's avatar

It’s situational. You use your gut instinct to read the environment. In a large metropolitan street, the general feeling is to not connect with strangers, lest your smile be misinterpreted by crazy, criminal types because you know, population density increases the likelihood that somebody you smile at is a crazy criminal. In this little city where I live now, strangers wave at me when I’m out on my lawn; people I pass on sidewalks or in hallways always not only smile, but usually add a “Hi.” or “How ya doin’?” as they move along.

HungryGuy's avatar

Sometimes, I accidentally catch someone’s eye while waking around in public. I smile and go on…

melissamoreno1's avatar

No it’s not, and if you can smile, which I can’t seem to do at this point really, then you should smile.

emmafabre's avatar

its a natural instinct. a courtesy.

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