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Cruiser's avatar

Do we really need to hear audio files that reveal Air Traffic horror of 9/11?

Asked by Cruiser (40454points) September 9th, 2011

Would you feel the need to listen to the newly posted audio files that depict the horror of 9/11 unfolding in the sky, as air traffic controllers struggled to follow the faint tracks of hijacked planes, fighter jets tried in vain to chase them down and as a flight attendant made a desperate appeal for help?

I cringe at the thought of listening to that as even 10 years later this event is still fresh in my mind and I would love to forget the horrors of that day and simply remember and honor the dead and heroes of that day who risked their lives to try and rescue people trapped in the rubble.

Do you want to listen to this tape or let the sights and sounds of that day remain in the past? I don’t and won’t.

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