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john65pennington's avatar

Have you ever tried driving your car with one eye shut?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) September 9th, 2011

When I had cataract surgery, I was without the use of my left eye for several days because of an eye patch. I attempted to drive my car in this condition. Big mistake! My visual perception was way off track. It was then that I decided that my wife should do all the driving, until the eye patch came off. Question: how do people with only one eye, drive an automobile safely? In my police career, I have answered many traffic accidents, but not one that involved a person driving with only one eye.

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6 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

It takes practice and a lot of judgment. My father was “essentially blind” in one eye for all of my lifetime, but he was one of the best drivers I’ve ever been with. And it’s not that he drove everywhere at 30 mph, either. He had just developed the habit of looking at everything – twice – and being aware of all around him.

If you think driving with one eye is bad, you should try driving while looking through binoculars! Better have someone in the passenger seat who is willing and capable of taking the wheel from you. I wonder how many jellies we’ll lose this weekend as a result of that suggestion?)

Cruiser's avatar

I think you develop an artificial sense of depth of field. My brother can only see out of one eye at a time and has never had an accident in over 30 years of driving though he really sucked at playing catch.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I am left eye dominant. I also shoot left handed. Periodically, about 1 every 2 weeks or so,. I wear a pair of safety glasses with Scotch magic tape over the left “lens”. This forces me to use my right eye to focus and stay sharp. Yes, I even do it while driving. If there is heavy traffic I will take off the glasses. After a few hours, the right eye is back to being the same as the left.
I have never seen this method recommended anywhere but it sure works for me.

HungryGuy's avatar

My vision is effed-up. I can see fine, but I don’t have depth perception and can’t see 3D. Still, if I close one eye, I can tell that my field of view is severely restricted. I wouldn’t feel safe driving with one eye.

HungryGuy's avatar

@worriedguy – I hope I’m never a pedestrian on a narrow shoulderless road whilst you’re doing this :-p

woodcutter's avatar

I do when I’ve driving a long distance sometimes. My left eye for some reason I think it helps me to keep going as if holding that one eyelid up is taxing me in some way. Only on the highway though. Since I don’t get to see vehicles next to me while passing I’m not sure what they would think if they look over and see this.

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