Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Is there even any evidence of this "credible threat" for the anniversary of 9/11?

Asked by Blackberry (34356points) September 9th, 2011

My opinion is that it’s fear induced, but I understand why some people are evacuating NYC.

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23 Answers

dreamwolf's avatar

Honestly, it’s hard not to be in denial about this kind of stuff. I’m from California, and watched a plane go into the second tower live. That’s some major stuff right there. Any small skirmish, ie, mini small bombs going off all at the same time in different locations could be so easy to pull off. I would take the threat serious, but be very vigilant and look at anyone who is doing anything out of the ordinary, which could be anything. But sketchy people, are sketchy people and always show signs. I haven’t read any evidence because its all confidential. But the 10 year, is huge. I say we all rise as a nation and not be afraid. If anything happens, I feel we will probably just nuke Afghanistan.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Aparently so since it’s making headline news.

Jaxk's avatar

It appears they have some fairly specific information. From what I’ve heard they intercepted a communication from a known Al Qaeda Terrorist to three specific individuals. One may be a US citizen. The thrust seems to be looking for truck bomb in either NY or Washington.

The problem is a lot of times these preliminary reports are a bit off base. So we really don’t have anything substantial. We know Bin Laden was obsessed with the 10th anniversary but He’s dead.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Jaxk We know Bin Laden was obsessed with the 10th anniversary but He’s dead.

We also know that he had a notebook filled with possible attack dates…one of which was set for Sunday.

marinelife's avatar

If they say there is a credible threat that means they have picked up enough intelligence that if they didn’t warn the public and something happened, they would be chastised.

I live in the DC area, and you could not get me to go downtown this weekend.

mrrich724's avatar

For some reason I have this voice in the back of my head that just keeps saying, “There is no threat, public opinion in the war is finally getting loud enough, and what better tool to use to restore support for the illegal war than the 10th Anniversary of 9/11”

To paraphrase Ron Paul, we should focus more on answering WHY people would be willing to die to hurt us, and less on this crap.

dreamwolf's avatar

@mrrich724 I like your answer. However, it is hard to deny that 9/11 did happen. I think to celebrate the public workers who helped rescue those is what the anniversary is all about. Not the unjustified tactics of going into Iraq. Here is why terrorism exists. Terrorist want to prove their dominancy over others. It’s simple, just as Americans want to prove their dominance over others. I used to be in denial and hate the U.S. Government, as a teen who grew through the whole 8 dreadful years of the Bush Admin. But the truth is, there are others in the world that want to stop the U.S. Imperialism and halt globalization. Quite frankly, if anyone is going to deny my kids, grandkids in the future from having free speech, period. And at the same time, terrorizing and killing others, I will be forced to believe we need to have such militaristic presence across the world. I won’t stand on my head and pretend the rest of the world isn’t progressing and does’n’t have an opportunity to become part of a harmonious society.

mrrich724's avatar

@dreamwolf I agree with you on the purpose of the anniversary. I’m just saying that some have decided to use it for their own cause.

I wasn’t trying to say that they “created” the anniversary for their cause. There are places all over holding events to commemorate all the people who died, and their survivors, and those who sacrificed, and I still think tis’ a legitimate celebration.

Just some people are scummy and use good things for less than good motives.


Unfortunately, one can never be too wary when dealing with nuts, and the “credible threat” on the anniversary of 9/11 is applicable to any day of the year. It’s a constant thing, sadly.

Those damn terrorists are like a bunch of dirty cockroaches. They hide and like to cause destruction when you least expect it. If only there was a big can of “terrorist exterminator spray” that we can just exterminate them once and for all. But no, they populate like little pests and go into hiding all the time.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Seems like really stupid timing… it seems like such a significant time to be on high alert, so why plan an attack for a time where everyone will most likely have their guard up?

dreamwolf's avatar

@ANef_is_Enuf I think its obvious that they would want to send fear, to keep their message alive.

CaptainHarley's avatar

This ticks me off byond belief.

Blackberry's avatar

@CaptainHarley Just inquiring, you know how the media works people up…...

filmfann's avatar

I bet they would like to. It’s just a matter of whether or not they can.

CaptainHarley's avatar


No, no! Not the fact that you asked the question… the mere fact of them wanting to do something again, whether on the anniversary of 9/11 or not.


@woodcutter Those are real GI Joes. ;)

I always like black.

mrrich724's avatar

They don’t even have to do anything! The point of terrorism is to keep people in terror, so it seems like, at least on this occasion, they’ve alread won!

CaptainHarley's avatar

The terrorists won as soon as we passed The Patriot Act and started molesting people boarding airplanes.

woodcutter's avatar

@CaptainHarley You got that right. I never fly so in a sense, I feel extremely defeated. As well as I have no presumption of privacy anymore. Sounds we have them right where we want em now. :)

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yes, there is a credible threat, but not from where you might think.

If I were a terrorist and I wanted to destroy the American way of life, I wouldn’t use planes and bombs to kill folks, that’s too risky, you might get caught, or killed, or both. Real terrorists get results. And then they lay the blame where it can’t be found.

Here’s what I would do: I’d foreclose on millions of homes and kick people out of their houses and destroy their primary retirement nest egg in one fell swoop. I’d allow corporations to raid pension funds. I’d devalue the dollar so the price of everything would go up. I would outsource their jobs so they couldn’t find work. I would move manufacturing to foreign countries. I would make education unaffordable. I would make health care next to impossible to obtain and let the insurance companies ride roughshod over the populace. I would make it much harder to vote. I would facilitate in every possibly way to create as many felons as possible to fill my privately-owned prisons and ensure fewer voters in the classes that most resist me, and I would use the profits to lobby for more stringent laws demanding long mandatory sentences. I would listen to their telephone calls, monitor their emails and use that information to really stick it to them. I’d give myself a huge tax cut, sit back in the lap of luxury and watch them fight over the crumbs. Then, I would empty the American treasury into the coffers of my true masters on Wall Street and beyond—the people who pay for my political campaigns.

But you know what? Thank God we live in the United States of America, because in these United States the people who represent us would never, ever let terrorists get away with that.

mrrich724's avatar

Or if you don’t want to read @espiritus_corvus

long answer, here’s the video version.

woodcutter's avatar

The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.
James Madison

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