(NSFW-Swearing/ranting) Alright, wtf is going on?
Asked by
September 9th, 2011
We are getting a shitload of spam, but whatever, that comes with being a popular site, but now we seem to be getting the downwash and fucking idiotic questions from Yah-bullshit answers, dumb-ass questions that are absolutely f*cking pointless. What the hell man? Where is all this crap coming from?
This is what made fluther so much better, none of this bullsh*t came through here, bbut now its like someone put a link of some flower child/AOL user pages and said “Hey! Ask pointless sh*t here”
Can’t we get some sort of quality controll or something? We need some sort of damn screening process.
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45 Answers
This seems like a pointless question. I’m just sayin’.
Seriously, this just seems like the same kind of sour grapes we heard from the “old timers” at the time back in December of aught-nine, during the Great AnswerBust Migration. You’ll get over it. The new users will get the hang of the place – or leave – and the collective will assimilate what it can and spit out the rest.
Peace, grasshopper.
@CWOTUS Not really, we seriously need to get some wuality controll, or find out where this stuff is coming from, the quality of questions is degrading, and honestly if I was someone just checking out the site, it’s starting to look like yahoo answers.
Eh, it’s just one troll creating multiple accounts after each previous one gets swatted by the mods. This too shall pass…
@HungryGuy I hope so, we seriously need to get an IP Ban going, or find where they live and forme a posse.
Can we not use the word retarded in that way?
@XOIIO – An IP ban won’t work. ISPs have a pool of IPs that they assign to their users dynamically. Most people get assigned a new IP each time they cycle their router. So, eventually, you’ll end up banning every IP used by that ISP. Then nobody who uses that ISP will be able to use Fluther. Meanwhile, the troll will just sign up with a different ISP.
Man this sucks, like, do they get paid to do this or something?
It’s probably the same phenomenon that has people dicking up porn sites…because they can. Remember that q where you answered this same question?
With all of your swearing and typos, I’d say that you’re contributing to what you apparently have a problem with.
What’s going on? Did I miss something? ’‘rubs eyes’’
Seriously though, what the fuck?
@Vunessuh I’ve tried to tell steve jobs that his keyboards suck, but he doesnt listen.
@woodcutter True, but I mean, all the spam too, they must get paid… or something, they must be.
@Symbeline umm, yes?
@XOIIO I was last here at four in the afternoon, and last night. I didn’t notice anything weird. Probably got all deleted, I assume.
@Symbeline There was a question with 30 answers or so moderated as spam, and question asking how to be a moonchild, and apparently loads of pms offering sails.
We are under seige.
Sails? Where? Do they have new Laser™ sails?
Since we are doing this I will add that posting pseudo-questions to promote your liberal/republican agenda is complete bullshit. If you just want to spread the word of your pet cause GET A FUCKING BLOG.
If you are looking to learn post all you want.
On your own blog or Reddit.
Fluther got along fine when it actually helped solve problems. There is more page-views when you have fights so if they want to allow political drama that is fine. But it is the reason why a lot of people have either bailed or left entirely.
Fluther is mild compared to anything I’ve seen. It like anything else will draw a cross section of society. If all is asked for is information there is Ask Jeeves or something like that.
I must miss those or they miss my inbox.
Me too. Maybe I have spoken too soon but I haven’t noticed anything unusual yet.
Ask Jeeves? Does that stud still exist?
It seems to me to be at roughly the same level as it always has been – @XOIIO, is there a chance you’re spending more time on Fluther than usual, therefore noticing it more?
I DID notice a few threads with a large number of moderated answers in my last hour of Fluthering. But nothing all that hardcore that might present itself as the ultimate god to previous and similar Fluther experiences. But yeah, a bit unusual.
@FutureMemory No, this is absolutely a spike, I Fluther whenever I get the chance, I refresh the page in my browser every 10 minutes or so between videos, or homework or stuff like that, and this is way above the norm.
I wish there was something along the lines of a Junior Mod, someone that had the power to kill spam only. I’m too naughty to ever be a real mod, but I spend so much time on the site it’s a shame Fluther can’t benefit from it.
@FutureMemory lol
I know what you mean, I’m on here all the time and somehow I see a lot of spam, i feel like i could do more.
Hey, guys. I just got here. I’ve got hundreds of emails to sort through (big spam day today!), but I just wanted to pop in and let you know we’ve been under a spam attack all day. We’re doing our best to keep up with it. I’ll address the rest of the concerns in a bit.
I can’t help with any o dat, but you know, if zombies show up, just say my name! :D
@Brian1946 Yeah but that’s internet bullshit crap. I mean real zombies! :D
It could happen!
And some day….lotsa people will wish they hadn’t knocked ice cream out of my hand.
Ok, so. The mods and I have banned literally hundreds of spam accounts today. We’ve been under attack by a bot, and it’s been all we could do to keep up with it. As a result, some Qs and As that should have been moderated fell through the cracks. I think I’ve now seen and addressed all flags that were non-spam related, but I’m sure there is other stuff out there that hasn’t been flagged that we’ve missed in the course of all of this.
Anyone who can, please flag what we’ve missed. It would be a huge help. Thanks!
I’ll flag shit if I see it. :)
You know things are bad when even the questions about things being bad are poorly thought-out and worded.
I just got called a piece of shit. That was awesome. :D
Awsome! A piece of shit? Is that better than the whole turd?. Gross I wouldn’t care for that.
I think a turd is a piece from a whole log…so that would be a piece of shit. Or a big part of a broken log or…eeeeew.
Log? damn that sounds painful ;(
Well, a stool then, whichever lol.
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