General Question

talljasperman's avatar

How can I access

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 10th, 2011

I’m using a core-duo 3 gig Windows Vista… and It will not let me access Google on Chrome or Firefox or Internet Explorer 9. Is Google down, or is it just something on my end?

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17 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m not a huge computer whiz and I can’t fix your problem, but Google is working on my end.

talljasperman's avatar

@XOIIO yes… It stoped working 7 hours ago… as well as some other sites… I had to go onto Internet Explorer 9 from Chrome just to ask this question.

talljasperman's avatar

I just deleted Google Chrome from my computer. Still wondering how I can get IE9 to access Google.

XOIIO's avatar

@talljasperman Get rid of IE9 first of all, its only for tablet computers.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m going to take a wild guess and say that there’s something wrong with your computer.

With IE9, simply type in “Google” in the Bing search bar or in the space where you type in web addresses. The Google site should pop up. If it does, then you should be able to download Google Chrome again onto your computer.

Don’t get rid on IE9. Keep it for emergencies like this one.

XOIIO's avatar

Uhg bing, don’t get me started.

@jake I meant upgrade down to IE8

talljasperman's avatar

@All I just downloaded safari and I can’t access Google from it. I will downgrade to IE8 next morning when I hope Google will be working…The news stated that the power grid failed in California, and I assume Google HQ is in the dark.

XOIIO's avatar

@talljasperman That downgrade is really an upgrade.

XOIIO's avatar

Also, try to see if a google powered site works.

jrpowell's avatar

It is on your end. Turn off all the computers on your LAN and unplug the router and modem. Leave everything without power for over 30 seconds.

Plug in the modem and wait for a minute. Plug in the router and wait for a minute. Start the computers and pray that things are better.

edit :: Keep in mind all that is trying to narrow down the problem. It might help but if that is done and fails it will make it easier to troubleshoot.

koanhead's avatar

What do you mean by “it will not let me access”? What specific error message or other behavior are you seeing?

Also, it’s important that you make sure that Windows and your browser are both up-to-date. There has been a recent issue with SSL certificates and Google, among some other security issues that have occurred recently, so it’s especially important to make sure your system gets its updates. It’s unlikely but possible that this will also solve your problem.

talljasperman's avatar

@koanhead Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

CWOTUS's avatar


The error is that your internet access is down. Try following @johnpowell‘s excellent advice, exactly as he gave it.

HungryGuy's avatar

If you can get to other sites (like Fluther), it’s probably a problem with your ISP. That happens sometimes when I can get to some sites but not others. That just means that some trunk connection between ISPs is broken somewhere. If you can’t get to any sites, can’t use email, or IM, or anything, then it’s your router or you ISP. If you can send and receive email, but can’t get to any web site with a particular browser (but can with other browsers), than that particular browser is installed incorrectly.

koanhead's avatar

By “specific error message” I meant the whole thing, even the small print, not just “Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage”. To troubleshoot problems we need more information.

I suspect the problem might lie with your ISP’s DNS server. I’d tell you how to make your computer use a different one, but that would only work until the next time you restart your computer. You probably need to call your ISP’s technical support. Do this after doing the things @johnpowell advised. (That’s valuable information that the support folks can use.)

talljasperman's avatar

Google is working now… and I reloaded Chrome… I missed my bookmarks.

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