Social Question

woodcutter's avatar

What other reason would the letter "i" be used alone if not to be referring to yourself in the first person?

Asked by woodcutter (16387points) September 10th, 2011

If there is no other reason then why won’t spell check figure this out and just read my mind already?

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11 Answers

harple's avatar

Ha ha, I know the feeling! In Word you can set up automatic changes for words you regularly misspell, which feels like it’s reading your mind, if that helps at all?!

woodcutter's avatar

I’m not very tech smart so what is Word? I have Microsoft Windows XP.

harple's avatar

Ah, Word is a word processing programme, usually available on Windows but it probably doesn’t come as standard – which programme are you using where you use spell check?

janbb's avatar

Firefox, Chrome and Safari have spell-check as part of the operating systems. You might want to switch to one of them.

woodcutter's avatar

I am using Firefox and spell check works sterling except the “i” word. I have to go back and upper case it manually.

janbb's avatar

On the Apple products, it auto-corrects.

Aethelflaed's avatar

I don’t think Firefox checks for capitalization, only misspellings.

downtide's avatar

@Aethelflaed is correct. Spell-checkers only check spelling, not capitalisation. However in Word and Open Office (and presumably most other word-proessors) you can use Auto-correct to fix this error.

woodcutter's avatar

Firefox will correct caps on some words, like germany. It gives the red wavy underline and will capitalize the G for me-Germany. That’s why It seems to me that “i” by itself would beg to be corrected in the same way. Somebody get Bill Gates in here NOW!

the100thmonkey's avatar

Points in a list, similar to Roman numerals except they’re lower case.

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