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He kissed me, now he's distant? (Practically ignoring me)?
I met this guy a few weeks ago, we work for the same organisation. I was just out to make friends and in fact liked someone else at the time, but after a few days of talking to him I started to develop feelings for him.
Furthermore it was obvious he liked me back. He would hug me all the time for no good reason, put his arm around my shoulders, and when I got tired he would let me rest my head on his chest. We had a ton of in-jokes, and we would laugh all the time. He dropped subtle compliments about my laugh and how I looked and gave me his coat in the rain.
Other friends at the place we work started to notice and teased a little, giving us directions to the church etc. but it was all lighthearted and neither of us cared, if anything we enjoyed it.
We went out for a drink with friends the other night, and us two had been a bit closer than usual that day, hugging a little more intimately and getting our faces close together (just in a jokey way but nonetheless). And I knew things were going to happen. And they did.
A couple of glasses of wine later we were kissing. I would stop to talk, saying we should probably pay some attention to our other friends who were there, but he would grab my face with both hands and just carry on kissing me (not that this was a bad thing, but it just shows how eager he was to kiss me)
We drove all our friends away (lol) and it was us two left making out, and we got a little handsy as well…haha.
When I had to leave he went with me to the station, and carried on kissing me through the streets and on the escalator. At one point we even sat together on the floor just before the barriers where I’d have to leave him, and just made out for another half an hour.
Eventually I had to leave him
When i got home I was ecstatic.
I thought that would be it, that we were together and that that was what we both wanted.
But the next day he was a little distant from me. He’d talk to me, but not how he usually would, like he was holding me at arms length.
I got the courage up and just said that he didn’t need to feel weird about last night, and he told me he was just thinking and that it was mainly him and his issues with a possible relationship.
Again the next day, we had a little chat (I had drunkenly texted him the night before saying that I liked him and he needed to be straight with me…) I apologised for the drunken text, and he told me that he wasn’t really ready for a relationship, but that he wouldn’t stop being friends with me and we had a (annoyingly platonic) hug..
But I don’t understand what happened between the time I left him at the train station and when I saw him again the next morning. I know I was drunk but I meant everything I did, he seems like quite a shy guy anyway, most definitely not a player, he’s only ever had a couple of girlfriends.
But if he likes me (which i know he does) and knows I like him, what is preventing him from forming a relationship with me? He has no girlfriend, lives nearby, I can see him on a regular basis… I just want to know what freaked him out and how he went from flirting with me and wanting me.. to wanting to be friends.
I feel like I’ve been strung along, but he didn’t mean to do it…he wanted me but doesn’t want a relationship. I’m tired of bugging him, hence I am looking for an outsider’s opinion on what he may be thinking, what changed after that night?? It is so mind boggling.
Thanks in advance.
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