Social Question

Jellie's avatar

Life is too short to _________?

Asked by Jellie (6492points) September 10th, 2011

Life is too short to waste time hating people.

Your turn.

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62 Answers

smilingheart1's avatar

look back longingly. (Today would have been 37th wedding anniversary).

marinelife's avatar

spend on regrets.

jessyamr's avatar

spend it watching TV

jessyamr's avatar

rethink each decision

Your_Majesty's avatar

Not care about beauty.

jca's avatar

Hold onto negative feelings.

Fight with people on the internet.

Spend it in a cubicle.

jca's avatar

and what @marinelife said.

Coloma's avatar

spend time around negative people
to not appreciate every day
to not really notice and be aware of all the beauty
to waste any energy on self pity
to not eat ice cream ;-)

Jellie's avatar

Oooo @Coloma you reminded me I have some strawberry Ice cream in the freezer. YAY!

CatieDalleLydon's avatar

To try to get someone to love you even though you know they never will.
To dwell on what will never be.
To end it all before you give yourself a chance.
To think that love is the whole world.
To think that only one person can make you happy.
To be upset about things that will or have already passed.
To continue reading this post because it is way too lengthy

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Eat scraps.

CaptainHarley's avatar

To do other than look forward with anticipation, and with joy at the struggle.

jonsblond's avatar

to worry about what other people think about how you spend your own time. If it makes you happy, do it.

bkcunningham's avatar

Life is too short to not eat your dessert first! Don’t ever forget that. Seriously.

Blackberry's avatar

Spend it chasing money.

rebbel's avatar

…... measure it.

KatawaGrey's avatar

To be celibate while you’re single.

Jellie's avatar

@KatawaGrey wish I could give you more love.

mazingerz88's avatar

to stare at boobs. ( maybe not )

Coloma's avatar


I agree! Wine and cheesecake makes a fine dinner!

Coloma's avatar

Thanks everyone..just called my daughter and her boyfriend and invited them to dinner for mexican food at a new place we have yet to try, then, happy brownie and hot tub, comin’ up. lol

Life is good! :-D

jca's avatar

Now I want some ice cream (@Coloma‘s fault).

tom_g's avatar

Life is too short to forget that life is happening now.

Coloma's avatar


I like to make my own Coffee ice cream with walnuts..OMG!

Cars running, Coloma’s off for Chile Rellano..yay!

beccagolling's avatar

Life is too short to spend being suicidal.

tranquilsea's avatar

Hold grudges

lloydbird's avatar

….be the answer to a five digit crossword question.

athenasgriffin's avatar

. . .do homework. (Grr. . .College sucks.)

Jellie's avatar

not tell that boy how cute he is!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Jellie: Don’t worry, there are a few people on tap who can give me that extra love. ;)

Hibernate's avatar

…. to wait for all the answers.

CaptainHarley's avatar



philosopher's avatar

Waste time arguing over rhetoric bull.

Cruiser's avatar

To waste it making excuses for things you have or have not done. It’s your only life…own it!

marmoy's avatar

Life is too short to NOT ASK HER OUT!!

Cruiser's avatar

@marmoy Amen to that!

woodcutter's avatar

To worry about stuff you can do nothing about anyway.


Life is too short to fight and bicker about petty things with the ones you love.

Berserker's avatar

Life is too short to wonder how we’re gonna get out of this…they’re so slow…we could walk right by them…just shoot! Damn zombies. XD

boxer3's avatar

deal with scum bags. haha.

dylzaree's avatar

life is too short to think about what you hate about yourself.

Coloma's avatar


Welcome wise one. :-D

woodcutter's avatar

Life is too short to elect to forgo Air conditioning in the car to save a few pennies worth of gas.

ratboy's avatar

Life is too short to waste it providing inane answers to frivolous questions on Fluther.

woodcutter's avatar

what are you doing here then?

AshLeigh's avatar

to not finally make my own website, where Henna and I act like freaks, and post nothing of actual importance. ;)

Coloma's avatar


Amen! I don’t know how our ancestors survived without AC.
93 and muggy here today…screw the gas, I want it 60 degrees in my car. haha

woodcutter's avatar

@Coloma Exactly :D green my arse. Even my dog knows a/c is king. Sweating is stupid at least when driving;)

Blackberry's avatar

@marmoy What if she has a boyfriend?

jonsblond's avatar

Life is too short to not give @ratboy a GA. :D

augustlan's avatar

Life is too short to spend even one day being unnecessarily unhappy. Seriously folks, if you’re depressed, don’t waste time. Get thee to a doctor and get well. Life is so much better on the other side.

Earthgirl's avatar

Mr Shiny Shoes Life is too short to fight and bicker about petty things with the ones you love anyone, lol

Life is too short to waste time bemoaning what’s wrong, instead of appreciating what’s right. If it’s wrong or bad, try to change it but don’t let it get in the way of finding your joy.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Life is too short to eat bad food! Heh!

Mariah's avatar

Life is too short to withhold kind thoughts.

I used to be embarrassed to tell people how I feel about them, even if the sentiment was very positive and I knew that the people would very much appreciate hearing what I had to say. I had a near death experience when I was 17 and realized that it would be horrible if I had died and those things had gone unsaid. I then wrote notes to several of my friends and acquaintances telling them exactly how wonderful I thought they were. Now, whenever I feel shy, I remind myself that life is too short to withhold kind thoughts.


@Earthgirl But especially the ones you love, because they are the ones who matter most. ;)

tlm's avatar

to bother doing anything that does not help you progress on your goal in life.

Mariah's avatar

@tlm You think? My goal is to be a robotics engineer but my life would be a lot less meaningful if I didn’t make art, too.

woodcutter's avatar

@Mariah Right, sometimes doing things for the enjoyment of it means more than the “big” things or at least try to balance the two somewhat.

Arewethereyet's avatar

Be sad. You’re a long time dead, so smile while you can!

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