Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

What is the fastest way to go back to sleep after waking up at 2 am short of conking oneself in the head?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29284points) September 10th, 2011

: 0

Oh, I’m so awake! But can’t fall sleep and need to wake up at 6 to work-! Grrrr! Heh.

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12 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Start reading something. Keep away from PC, it only keeps you awake even more!

mazingerz88's avatar

Ok, I’m gone! I have a book here…shit, it’s the Exorcist!

Prosb's avatar

Laying down and closing my eyes, then imagining a part of my day, or making up a story eventually causes me to drift to sleep. The nice thing is, if you’re lucky (Or unlucky in some cases), the dream will center around whatever you were thinking of during that time.

My original suggestion was going to be the same as @ZEPHYRA‘s though, reading something.

marinelife's avatar

Focus on your breathing, in and out. Don’t let thoughts of the day just past or the day to come enter your mind.

Hibernate's avatar

Well glad to see you went back to sleep.

When someone/something wakes me in the middle of the night I fall asleep fast with no trouble.

mazingerz88's avatar

@Hibernate If you meant me, then thanks. I drifted off past 4 and realized that I slept only after getting out of bed at 6 and remembering that I dreamt. Also, after reading your post, can’t help noticing your name and well, it makes sense, right? Lol.

mattbrowne's avatar

Stop searching for the fastest way. It only adds pressure. Not relaxation.

HungryGuy's avatar

It’s not healthy to do it very often, but NyQuil knocks me right out. If I suspect I’ll have trouble falling asleep, I’d take it right when I go to bed. But if I wait to take it at 2:00 AM, I’d be unable to wake up for work. So that might not work for you. And don’t get in the habit of using NyQuil as a sleep aid every night. That’s not safe or healthy!

Ayesha's avatar

Lie down, and try to relax every square inch of your body. Or a warm glass of milk maybe? :)

gailcalled's avatar

I use a book-on-CD and ear buds. It keeps the white noise away and also shuts down my brain’s random thoughts. The ones read by Brits are more sleep-inducing.

Dutchess_III's avatar


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