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dreamwolf's avatar

Have you hatched your Bonzai seeds?

Asked by dreamwolf (3163points) September 11th, 2011

I bought some seeds from Urban Outfitters and so far my seeds are a bust. Followed the Bonzai instructions perfectly, no hatching yet however. Help?

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5 Answers

syz's avatar

What do you mean by bonsai seeds? Bonsai is a Japanese art form that uses manipulation to create the appearance of miniature trees, and is used on many types of plants. Whatever seeds you have will not grow up to be bonsai. As a matter of fact, if you are interested in creating bonsai, seedling plants are not the way to go.

dreamwolf's avatar

@syz I understand what Bonzai is. There are two seeds that I will Bonsai upon their hatching, but it hasn’t yet. I bought a Bonsai Tree kit it came with two seeds. Had them in the fridge for about 30 days, and put it in the sun afterwards, no germination :/

YoBob's avatar

There is no such thing as a bonzi seed. A bonzi tree is grown from the same seeds as the full sized counterpart. The difference is how it is treated during it’s early growth. The roots are trimmed in a special way and at yearly intervals to stunt the tree growth and the tree itself is tied down with wires to train it to grow into artful shapes.

It literally takes years to produce a. bonzi


It’s usually hard to grow bonsai from bonsai seeds. Depending on the kind of tree seed, you may have to chill the seeds first, before planting them in order to get them to sprout.

And once they sprout, it will be many years before they reach a size where you can train them into bonsai tree forms.

It’s much better to go to Home Depot or Wal-Mart, or any garden center, and buy a small shrub or tree (they’re usually pretty cheap), about one or two feet in height, clip its branches and excess leaves to get the desired bonsai “form”, or use copper wiring to bend branches in place. A book on bonsai can show you the different forms or styles and give you instructions on how to prune your small tree.

The best trees for bonsai are larch, maple, pine, elm, birch, and oak. My personal favorite is larch because it’s a tough tree that looks beautiful with the changing seasons. And it doesn’t take long to make a larch tree into an acceptable looking bonsai——this tree is probably only 2 to 3 years old.

dreamwolf's avatar

Okay guys. I know what Bonsai is. The art of growing miniature trees. I bought a kit, within the kit it had two seeds. I don’t know the name of the actual tree they are to become, but they are two random ones, says the instructions, from Japan. Something about acacia. So I chilled the seeds for thirty days. And put them near a window for sun. Should I chill it again? I currently have them on top of my modem because it’s fairly warm (not hot). If not I should probably just do what @MRSHINYSHOES says, and Bonsai a small plant.

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