Which dog breed makes the best guard dogs?
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26 Answers
I love dogs in general, but my preference would be for golden retrievers, just because I was adopted by two of them. They wouldn’t make good guard dogs, they’d probably help the thief out. They will bark at strangers quite a bit.
The best and most protective dog I ever owned was a huge Coonhound cross of Plott/Walker hound.
He was 90+ lbs. of decibel breaking, slavering insanity when aroused and his favorite tactic ( in true hound style of “treeing” his prey ) was to run, full bore at his “target”, skid to a stop, and proceed to let loose with ear shattering baying in your face. lol
He was a very formidible looking dog as well, brindle from his Plott hound side, with white chest and paws, and he was often mistaken for some giant, mutant version of a Pit Bull or Mastiff with long ears. haha
My ” Ruckus” put the fear of God into more than a few strangers.
After all, if going to battle with a bear or mountain lion didn’t phase him, a human was nothing more than a squirrel to him. lol
@Coloma I love the sound of Coonhounds giving chase.
Any noisy mutt will gladly take the job.
Poodles, those guys are so freaky, I’d run a mile away if one went at me.
A GERMAN shepherd.
Because it’s German.
Hound or herder. It’s all we ever used on the family farm for protection. Either breed is not fond of “strangers” and will readily be on alert when someone steps onto “their” property.
Herders are easy to train and are docile with other pets, family members and children.
Rottweiler. Tough and intimidating looking.
@CaptainHarley Have you checked with your home owner’s insurance? Some breeds are no longer covered by insurance companies. For our apartments, our tenants cannot have Cane Corsos, Pits, Rotties, or German Shephards…there are a few others on the list
We own our land in fee simple, which means “this is MY property and no one else’s so git tha f***k off!” : D
There are so few laws here where I live, you could almost call us “the frontier!” : D
@CaptainHarley Do you allow anyone to step onto your property? If so, and something happens, your insurance may not cover the bite/attack…meaning any lawsuit would come out of your own pocket.
I had to wonder, at one point, when my goose Marwyn “attacked” a little old lady Jehovahs witness in my yard and almost knocked her down with his goosing and wing punches, if I could be sued for a goose attack. lol
Nobody complained and they have never returned to the land of the killer goose. haha
@Coloma You can be sued over the acts of your animals. If you don’t have a mortgage on your property, they can attempt to claim any awards by taking your property.
lol, yep, he’s just a dog with feathers.
I found that out years ago when showing my house and giving serious instructions about the realtors NOT coming by to show it without an appointment because of my aggressive dog.
Fortunetely I was home when they randomly popped by and I was coming downstairs as they entered through the front door.
My dog was skidding out of the kitchen in defensive mode when I shouted from the top of the stairs, ” Shut the door…NOW!” lol
Foolish fools, they got a first hand explanation for my request!
I don;t agree with the law however.
If someone is “trespassing” and ignores warnings, it’s their own damn fault IMO, but, the law doesn’t see it that way.
Like burglars sueing because they injured themselves trying to break into your house.
Afghan Hounds and Belgium shepherds are the ones I know of.
Australian Blue Heelers make good guard dogs. I had a client that had two of them. When I stopped at his place the dogs would let me out of the car and take me to him. If he wasn’t home, they’d grab my shoe in their mouth when I tried to get out of the car. They didn’t bite, just held it although I never pushed the issue.
Akitas too.
I forgot about a neighbors Akita some years ago.
He was nice after he recognized you, but with a real stranger, what a monster!
He was really tall for an Akita, extra long legs, and his jaw was level with my breasts! haha
He would come rushing the gate to their house all bristled up and looked like a freaking lion!
I knew him for about 8 years and, deep down, i never really trusted him. lol
My dog is half labrador retriever and she would make a lousy guard dog. yes she barks if anyone comes near the house but if anyone broke in she would be all “Play with meeee!!!” Bull terriers and Staffys are similar, everyone thinks they’re tough and scary but the vast majority are soft as grease with people (unless they’ve been trained to viciousness).
A good guard dog needs to be smart and easy to train, which is why most security agencies use German Shepherds. That would be my vote.
Personally though, I think the best guard dog is a goose. Seriously.
I’m with @downtide German Shepherds are the best guard dogs imho.
I make a differentiation between a guard dog (one that is trained to be aggressive) and a watch dog (one that will bark like crazy to alert you).
I was just thinking about buying my wife a pup to raise into a guardian and companion for her. Unless medical science comes up with a cure ( a distinct posibility ), I’m unlikely to live beyond a few more years. I would like to die in peace knowing that she was going to be protected. I want a dog that will raise hell, but will only attack on command; but upon being commanded to “guard!” would EAT an intruder! : ))
That’s why I was thinking Cane Corsi. The damned dogs are intimidating as hell! Heh!
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