Social Question

woodcutter's avatar

Do foreign customer support reps feel our frustration when we can't understand anything they say?

Asked by woodcutter (16387points) September 12th, 2011

Trying to get help for just about anything where customer service has been off shored is the same deal no matter what. I swear it’s the same person that works for every company.

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4 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

I often get people from the south (Americans) on the phone and I have to ask them to repeat things all the time. I actually understand the people in India and the Phillipines better.

Maybe only those with non-regional dialect should answer phones.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Just an issue with my Verizon Wireless ( not foreign rep, just a southerner ).
Was Frustrated first day I called Customer service and got her, Nav system died twice in one week, on the Interstates.
She was surprised when she called a couple of day after sending an update request to my phone, I knew what the update was by name.

marinelife's avatar

They don’t show it.

woodcutter's avatar

Verizon huh. I’ll take southerners any day.

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