Social Question

Jude's avatar

How do you deal with catty women (and men)?

Asked by Jude (32207points) September 12th, 2011

Just curious. (don’t jump all over me).

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23 Answers

syz's avatar

Avoid ‘em.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was thinking firearms, but that might be frowned upon. I walk away. Catty drives me nuts.

marinelife's avatar

I walk away too, and then avoid them in future.

Blackberry's avatar

I just don’t associate with them, if I’m in a situation where I have to listen to it, I tune it out. This is probably easier for a man, though, because women don’t come to them for lady talk.

geeky_mama's avatar

Lots of blank stares. I’m typically a really talkative person..but when I encounter someone who’s intentionally snobby, catty or mean to others I more or less won’t respond to them nor will I validate their nasty comments.

Oh no.. on reflecting on this I realize perhaps I’ve become passive aggressive..

Haleth's avatar

Think about something to calm me down and then try hard to be patient with them. Cattiness comes from frustration and if you’re patient enough, you can get to the root of the frustration a lot of the time.

King_Pariah's avatar

Meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow MEOW!

(Acting like a nut normally gets anyone to back off and never approach again)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

It depends on what’s in it for me. I fight fire with fire, in cases like that.

Londongirl's avatar

Can you explain what cattie persons do???

I like cats…

King_Pariah's avatar

I think this is bad, someone writes Lol! and I see Loli… maybe my glasses are dirty

Blackberry's avatar

A catty person is someone who is spiteful, “bitchy”, passive aggressive, sneaky and conniving etc. They like to use veiled insults as well.

rebbel's avatar

Spiteful? Bitchy? Passive agressive? Sneaky? Conniving? Veiled insults? ;-)

Thanks, @Blackberry !

Londongirl's avatar

@Blackberry Thanks for interruption of catty. Well, in that case, I do not like catty person. But I must say my cat or most cats are not that spiteful nor bitchy or passive aggressive. My cat will bite me if I does something she doesn’t like, and never does passive aggressive thing ok.

Scooby's avatar

I tolerate them to a certain extent, men are worse than women me thinks… maybe because I’ve only really worked alongside other men. Some are pure poison & I have met women like that, my ex wife being one of them.

bkcunningham's avatar

I met a woman about six months ago who swims with me at night. She is pretty catty when she talks about some of the other women in the pool. I’ve laughed and called her on it few times and she says something like, “Oh, it’s just between friends. It feels good to get it out every once in awhile.” I would never partake…BUT…the other night, I caught myself being catty about a blond bimbo who is full of herself and really not too bright. I told my catty friend she had to listen to me be catty for a few minutes. It did feel good to laugh with her for a minute. Hey, we are only human.

mazingerz88's avatar

I stop calling it mother.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I have no friends like that that I don’t also absolutely adore. Saying that, if it’s someone who’s gunning for me with their cattiness then I play dumb to where they know what I’m doing but it won’t look bad in front of other people. I can’t afford to stick my foot up anyone’s ass on the job, you know.

Sunny2's avatar

If I hear it and don’t know the speaker, I’m outta there. If it’s people I know, I tuck it into the back of my mind and avoid them. I can’t remember anyone I know being catty. That’s not the kind of friend I choose.

SpatzieLover's avatar

Ignore.(And possibly glare). If that doesn’t work, I am bluntly honest. I refuse to allow gossip to harm any of my friends or family.

boxer3's avatar

It depends what they’re being catty/petty about.

Most times I will attempt to not associate with them.
Sometimes I’ll ignore them .
Sometimes I’ll give them the “realllllyy” look.
Sometimes I will confront them

Sometimes. I am them….
And then I apologize for being an ass.

martianspringtime's avatar

If by ‘catty’, we mean ‘says snarky things about other people,’ I think it depends on the person and the situation.
Sometimes people have catty tendencies (I hate using this word, but I can’t think of a fitting substitute), but it doesn’t dominate their personalities, or they honestly mean it in jest.
I was talking to a guy the other day who made a comment about how this girl ‘always has to dress so slutty’ and I just completely ignored it and changed the subject (though now I’m wishing I came to her defense). I’ve also had friends who made veiled insults about other people and I just brushed it off. They had enough positive attributes to make up for it.

Besides, everyone has their moments. What’s one person’s sly joke is another person’s nasty comment. Sometimes I say things that sound a lot nastier than I intend them to.

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