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How do you deal with self-centered relatives?
My own brother…
He lives in another city…
He never answers any of my emails unless it is of benefit to him… Often he just ignores them until it is something he is interested in..
I find this to be really rude.
The questions I often ask him about are important topics okay not forwarded emails. They are often in relation to things he has promised to to do for me or just general questions about how he is doing.
When I ask him why he is like that .. he says he is not an email person. However he is the same when I talk to him by phone.
Also he promises to get back to me on things and he never does.. for not just months but years.
I find this to be really hurtful and rude. How can you be so busy that you don’t have time for your own family ?
However if he contacts me , he expects an answer right away.
How do people get to be like that.
By the way, he lives in Los Angeles. Is that the culture over there or something ?
Why is he like that?
It hurts even more because he is my brother and well I can’t give him up like say I could an ordinary person.
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