Cryonics. There just isn’t enough cryonics in the US. If we froze all the bad students, the ones that are left would pull up the average scores. [Rolls eyes].
This is a more bogus question than normal for this author, with false choices, unsupported assertions, and opinions masquerading as facts and knowledge. As usual, I don’t even know where to begin to try to debunk the question.
If you want to seriously ask about education policy, you should start with what is actually known, not what you think in that pretty little head of yours. Is class size correlated with performance? Let’s look it up. From what I remember, it is.
But the most important thing, if I remember correctly, is the education level of the father. No, not the mother; the father. That is correlated most highly with educational success—however you measure that.
Anyway, just to further critique the question—do you have a clue as to what is being measured when you assert that Japanese students do better than Americans? Like do you even know one measure? Do you even know whether measures of educational success have any relationship to success in the rest of someone’s life?
Oh wait—do you even know what success is?
Hmmm. Who has the largest economy in the world? Where is the video game industry—an industry larger than the movie industry and maybe larger than TV, as well, headquartered? Where is most of the creative work performed in the world? Where is the second biggest creative center? Have you ever seen a product from the second biggest? Where is the most capital concentrated? Who has the greatest number of new business start-ups every year?
Where is the sex industry concentrated (I don’t know the answer to this one, so I’d be curious if it is Southern California, or Japan or Thailand or what)?
Should we not judge an education system by it’s real world results, not its test scores? Just curious. What do you actually think? Are you a test score porn junkie, like George Bush II and all his ignoramus flunkies were?
Anyway, there are the @Hypocrisy_Central normal bogus questions, and then there are questions like this one which are so nonsensical, they’d even look weird if they were in Alice’s Wonderland!